
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Queens Galley Event a Success

I went to an event featuring Orleans last night in Woodstock to benefit the Queens Galley, a local soup kitchen in Kingston. The event went very well and was well attended. A great group of people and I'm glad they had a successful event.


  1. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Now why would a Kingston soup kitchen have a fund raiser in Woodstock?

  2. Anonymous4:44 PM

    ...why would a Kingston soup kitchen have a fund raiser in Woodstock?

    Because hunger isn't only a Kingston problem - hunger and poverty knows no boundaries.

  3. Anonymous8:40 PM

    The Queens galley is a REGIONAL food insecurity resource center. The soup kitchen serves primarily Kingston but the culinary nutrition education programs of Operation frontline by the Queens Galley serves people in the entire Hudson valley, workshops are held in Rockland, Orange, Ulster, Dutchess and Greene counties.

    The Queens Galley Operation frontline programs are a partnership with Share Our Strength ( and those programs help children nationwide to eat healthier while on a small budget.

    The Kingston base of operations allows us to reach many people in many places. We connect people to food, food resources and then help people to make the best of the resources to which they have access.
    We had this fundraiser in Woodstock because Bearsville theater offered us the best and most affordable package (by the way UPAC had indeed offered to help but due to other schedules and performances the venue was not viable as an option).

    The Queens Galley recieves NO government funding...not a single tax dollar is in our coffers. Every penny in our budget comes from private and corporate donors, foundation grants and fundraisers such as this concert and the upcoming Hudson valley Mayfaire in New Paltz (again a suitable venue in Kingston could not be found).
    Our funding comes from many places...and we help anyone from anywhere that asks for help. Just as we do not ask for proof of poverty to give someone who hungers a meal we also do not ask for proof of residence...we're happy and eager to help everyone that we can.

    Please feel free to come into the Queens Galley 254 Washington ave and see for yourself first hand that we really mean what we say...we are trying to make sure that no one goes hungry... by feeding the Hudson meal at a time.

    Diane Reeder, director The Queens Galley food insecurity resource center

  4. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Thats great that they had a successful fundraising event! If only I had known, I'd love to support such a good cause...

  5. Anonymous9:05 PM

    ...why would a Kingston soup kitchen have a fund raiser in Woodstock?

    Because hunger isn't only a Kingston problem - hunger and poverty knows no boundaries.

    ... just as long as Kingston taxpayers keeping footing the bill for the homeless and their shelters, halfway houses, group homes, county social service centers, bus stations that bring in the drug trade, increases in police and fire services to care for them. Let the rich and privileged in Woodstock enjoy their shows, it not like Kingston has a theater on Broadway, or wait maybe they just don't want to see the people they're trying to assist, they'll just keep sending their shunned down to us to care for and whine about the loss of trees when Kingston actually tries to develop land for industry.

  6. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Did Phil Cosme attend? He should be the largest contributor seeing how is usually the first one in line for any free meal that is offered.

  7. Anonymous11:47 PM

    To the 9:05 post please read my earlier comment... we went to the theater on broadway as our first choice but UPAC was unavailable. BSP on Wall street was second choice but not affordable with combined expenses.
    By the way Woodstock has a very busy soup kitchen.

    To post 10:55 yes Phil Cosme was a valuable volunteer. Phil may be opinionated and stubborn and his politics may be a far cry from what I hold dear but give credit where credit is due... the man shows up when he is needed. He has unloaded trucks of food in the pouring rain, hauled veggies from the farmers market to the soup kitchen and washed literally hundreds of dishes. Does he eat at the galley? Yes and I hope he continues to show up as often as he wants. having a person around that is not afraid to tell us when we screw up is a GOOD thing.
    The galley is fortunate that we have support from all sides of the political arena. We have enjoyed the support of republicans and democrats and hope that all of the aldermen (and women) will take the opportunity to stop in and see what we do for themselves.

    As far as tox dollars going into services... there are systems that need to be changed. I agree with you that there are some areas that need to be addressed and I hope that you take the time to write to those who CAN do something about that and to make your opinion heard on election day by casting your vote.

  8. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Now why would you jump at at question " Woodstock"? It's a simple and unloaded question. So defensive.

    Glad to hear you had asked about UPAC, and other Kingston venues. Maybe in the summer, you can have an outdoor venue in Washington Park.

  9. Anonymous1:03 PM

    To the last poster...

    No I must disagree with you in terms of support from one of the
    Republican Members of the Current
    Common Council.

    While almost all of Kingston would help and support this project a
    living a home Thespian who for now
    sits on the Council wants to pull
    the City from picking up its trash.
    Here we have people like Kingston's
    own angel Diane Reeder who have a will spend hours of her own time trying to help people in Kingston..
    On a limited budget, trying to have fundraisers and you have
    'Aldercreep' trying to give them a hard time and thus if this flake
    get's his way Queens Galley will have to pay for trash pick up..

    What about St. Joe's School? They
    are on a limited budget and Aldercreep wants them to pay for trash pickup. Many of the parents are working two jobs to send there children to a Catholic School and
    St. Joes will pass the cost to the parents.

    True taxes are though the roof. But to bust the balls of Soup
    Kitchens and Churches who help the

    Leave it to the Aldercreep. What the hell he sleeps all day

  10. Anonymous5:12 AM

    To the last poster,
    The Queen's Galley does pay for trash pickup now. We have contracted with a company out of Highland for most of our pickup, both recyclables and trash. Before you post things, don't be afraid to ask one of the board of director's members for info.

    Jay Reeder, Advisory Board member.


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