
Friday, April 11, 2008

Photo Blog of the Kirkland Grand Opening

The ribbon is cut, Mr. Sottile is in center cutting the ribbon on the historic building he worked at for many years. Also in picture from left Ward Todd, Senator Larkin, Kevin O'Connor, Congressman Hinchey and Mayor Sottile
Kingston Majority Leader Bill Reynolds, his wife Anita and son Sean
Blaber with 4th Ward Alderwoman Shirley Whitlock .... (the picture was taken looking up at us)
Senator Bill Larkin, County Legislator Sue Zimet and Jonathan Sennett, esq.
Kingston Alderman select Tom Hoffay, Council President Jim Noble and Dan Ahouse
Blaber with Stefanie (Jon's legal assistant)
Mayor Jim Sottile addressing the crowd
Dan Ahouse, Judge Gilpatric and County Majority Leader Brian Cahill

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