
Sunday, April 13, 2008

State GOP Starts Early with their Gutter Politics

The state GOP is so predictable. A few days ago I put on the blog a report that Mike Stock might be running against Kevin Cahill for NYS Assembly. Well, just a week before that announcement a push poll was conducted completely distorting Cahill's record and largely inflating Mr.Stock's. Then, a few days after Stock's announcement a letter appears in a local paper challenging Assemblyman Cahill on a variety of issues that again are factually inaccurate.

The state GOP has to get down in the gutter and start this character assassination on Cahill and other good Democrats because they simply can't compete with them on the issues. And, there are too many important issues going on to even respond to such nonsense.

Luckily, voters of the 101st district know Assemblyman Cahill's record and will not be influenced by the GOP's nasty bitter attack-dog politics.


  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Go back a few post. I predicted this.

    Anonymous said...

    With Quigley and Catalano running the show, get ready for 1980's, Al D'Amato style gutter politics. That is the way they roll. Dirty politics with no boundaries. Look at the campaigns they have been involved in as evidence.

    They spend heavily on negative, low life campaigning because they really do not have anything to offer. Just make the other guy look bad enough and anyone looks good.... even Quigley.

    11:27 AM

  2. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I'm sure Hein will be next he has left a lot out there for the Republicans to feed off of

  3. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Do tell Jeremy...where does your boy Cahill stand on::

    The Belleayre Resort
    -not a dime of government money requested.

    The Hudson Landings Project
    -again not a dime of government money requested.

    Complete silence from him on both. I would seem to me that by his silence he panders to critics of both projects who do not even live in his district.

  4. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Voters don't know Cahil's record.

  5. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Hillary just pulled ahead in the national polls. It's only one point,but maybe it's time for fresh thread so the Obamabots can vent their anger. They're flaming all over the web. Such sore losers. I wonder which city they'll torch in protest? Just a hint of failure and they go nuts. Not the kind of people that should head up a government.

  6. Anonymous9:00 PM

    We all know that Democrats NEVER play dirty politics, right Jeremy?

    The truth is that both parties do it and neither has clean hands.

  7. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Catalano and the Republicans have nothing to offer the voters. The only way they can even stir interest is through dirty politics. They tried with Geurin and were successful so they think it will work every time. The only problem is Mario Cuomo isn't running this year. Kevin will win easily no matter what kind of trash they through out there.

  8. Anonymous9:12 PM

    7:58, Sounds like Gore and Carter are throwing Clinton to the wolves. Obamobots, ACTIVATE!

  9. Anonymous10:03 AM

    The Gallup Poll shows as of April 13th that Obama leads Clinton 50% to 41%. He leads McCain by 3%.

  10. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Now it's the 14th and Obama only leads by 4. Mccain leads Obama by 7.Hillary leads Obama in Pa. by 20. Obama's meltdown is just beginning. He's no longer viable. Maybe those militant black churchies weren't worth the backlash. What a bonehead!

  11. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Gallup now show Obama up 50%-40% over Clinton. He leads McCain by 2%points.

    12:21pm, what are you smoking? The Pennyslvania vote is an average of 10 polls shows Clinton up about 6% in Pennsylvania. You cherry-picked one poll that showed a 20% lead. Please get real.

  12. Anonymous3:59 PM

    7:58 PM Anonymous said...
    "Hillary just pulled ahead in the national polls. It's only one point,but maybe it's time for fresh thread so the Obamabots can vent their anger. They're flaming all over the web. Such sore losers. I wonder which city they'll torch in protest? Just a hint of failure and they go nuts. Not the kind of people that should head up a government."

    Holy Crap! You're still around? I thought this lying, venom-spewing dolt left here a long time ago when Sen. Obama cleaned Hilary's clock. Everyone agrees she doesn't have a prayer of catching the intelligent, sincere, thoughtful and inclusive Senator from Illinois. She's just hoping to twist enough good-old-boy arms (read super-delegates) to try to eke out a win. As it is, she would need about 250 of the remaining 300 after the state races are done.

    Can you say "buy me an election" boys and girls?

    Still up to your lame-ass divisiveness I see. Sorry...won't work ...crawl back into your hole ...with Hilary (Annie Oakley) the closet repugnican.

  13. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Speak for yourself on that cherry-picking,Gallup? Please.

  14. Since when is letter writing dirty campaigning? We should be holding elected officials accountable, especially when we disagree, and always in a public forum.

  15. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Only a moron would be still supporting Obama. 3:59-Lying and venom spewing seems to fit your posts perfectly. It must about med time at the asylum.

  16. Anonymous7:59 PM

    "Speak for yourself on that cherry-picking,Gallup? Please." mean you WANT people to quote the least representative, least reliable, narrowest sources, as opposed to a broader base of public opinion?

    OK...keep your head up your rear-end if you want, but remember the old saying, "if you always do what you always did, you'll always have what you've always had."

  17. Anonymous8:02 PM

    I see they still allow internet access in the pysch-ward.3:59-AKA the retarded troll,is alive and well(not really).

  18. Anonymous7:36 AM

    As opposed to averaging old polling data,I'd rather use the most recent. I pointed out the one Rasmussen to prove my point about the nasty venom spitting Obamabots' knee-jerk reaction. Thanks for obliging. With that kind of support, Barack needs no enemies. You can always count on an Obamabot to stab Barack in the back.

  19. Anonymous1:30 PM

    7:36 AM Anonymous said...

    "As opposed to averaging old polling data,I'd rather use the most recent. I pointed out the one Rasmussen to prove my point about the nasty venom spitting Obamabots' knee-jerk reaction. Thanks for obliging. With that kind of support, Barack needs no enemies. You can always count on an Obamabot to stab Barack in the back."

    Did you even read the Rasmussen page?

    - They have Billary leading Obama by 9 percentage points in PA, not 20 as you stated.
    - Billary has the highest negative of the 3 candidates still in the race.
    - Obama leads Billary by 9 % nationwide.
    - Obama has been consistently ahead of Billary for the past month with little to no fluctuation.
    - When Billary is "at the top of her range," the poll is even. When Obama is "at the top of his range," he holds a "commanding lead."

    Thanks for the great resource, but no thanks for the skewed interpretation.

    As a final note, most voters in PA think Obama was "dead on" in his remarks regarding voter apathy and anger, but only felt that his choice of words could have been better. It's only the pundits, talking heads, and McBillary supporters who are trying to make hay of it. And the general population thinks the wonks and partisans are overblown in their analysis on this particular "issue."

  20. Anonymous3:20 PM


    Vote Republican

  21. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Hey 3:20- Your repugnican failure has dumped these disgusting Obamabots on our doorstep. Thanks but no thanks.

  22. Anonymous7:48 AM

    1:30- If your demeanor is so bad when you're winning, you deserve to lose.


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