
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hillary Leads McCain By 9 Points

Senator Hillary Clinton now leads John McCain by 9 points according to a new poll issued by the AP. This really helps Hillary's case to the super delegates that she is the most electable candidate to beat John McCain. Republicans in North Carolina are already running nasty tv ads against Obama. (see above video) Giving us a glimpse of what they will use against Barack Obama in a general election.

Democrats can't afford to lose another election. Do I think Obama can win? Yes, and I would support him of he is the nominee. However, the most qualified and most electable candidate is clearly Hillary Clinton.


  1. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Barack is over. This country simply will not elect a militant black like him to our highest office.

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Racism rears its ugly head.

  3. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Have you even thought about the ramifications of giving her this nominations when she has not won it. We all know that these superdelegates are either going to split down the middle or he will get a small percentage more than Hillary. He will then have won the primaries under the rules set out by the party. End of story. Any other ending will be mass chaos and a complete rejection of her canidacy by a large portion of democrats. It is then more likely she will lose in a general election than obama.

  4. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Wright just put Obama in the most racist group since the KKK. That kind of bigotry will make everyone wake up and realize that he's indeed unelectable. He came out and denounced it today, but twenty years of servitude to this hate group undercuts any damage control he might try. He's got about as much chance now as David Duke did.

  5. Anonymous6:31 PM

    "Do I think Obama can win? Yes, and I would support him of he is the nominee. However, the most qualified and most electable candidate is clearly Hillary Clinton."

    Jeremy, what you seem to forget is that Obama has more delegates and as such more people do believe that he is electable. Stop trying to snatch the nomination from Obama.

  6. Anonymous6:47 PM

    What the fuck is "militant" about Barack Obama, other than his (middle) name?

  7. Anonymous9:24 PM

    6:47-For starters, supporters like you. 5:29- The superdelegates are a group of people that must decide who is the best candidate to nominate. If they decide to nominate Hillary which the current trajectory indicates, she will have won. You are not the judge of who has won or lost. This system was set up to avoid a McGovern fiasco. McGovern's nomination closely resembles Obama's only he was able to carry Mass. at least.

  8. Anonymous6:27 AM

    6:31-More delegates but fewer voters. Hillary carries the majority of Democrats and carries states that have way more electoral votes. Obama just scammed easy delegates to look viable when he has absolutely no chance of getting 270 ev's. Apparently you've swallowed the "shiny rhetoric" hook, line, and sinker.

  9. Anonymous9:54 PM

    My mother, a staunch republican for an entire lifetime (over 70 years) sees the Clintons as "Republicans in disguise."

    Might she be right?

    I'm geared to support either of the Democratic candidates - but I still hope Obama takes it.

    Young is good. A dose of idealism is good. Gender, skin color and religious affiliations should not even factor in.

    It is time for a change - A BIG CHANGE - because what we have had - over the last decade plus - amounts to human tragedy in motion.


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