
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What Dems Have to Look Forward To

North Carolina is already attacking Obama and he is not even the candidate yet. While this ad is awful, politics is a blood sport and this is what Dems have to look forward to in a general election if Barack is the candidate


  1. Anonymous3:03 AM

    I could be very wrong but I feel, think, and believe that the American electorate has far too much common sense, integrity, and smarts to buy into this swill in the fall.
    The GOP will propagate these ads if the Keebler Elf runs, so put on your boots and get ready for the swamp.
    No amount of this stuff will distract the public from the real issues of health, economic security, national defence, and the personal and common good of the people...smitty

  2. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Smitty you are very wrong. These militant blacks that pull the strings in the Obama campaign are going to doom his bid and all consideration of real issues will be put aside to vote against the common enemy of our nation. This "Black Panther" syndicate out of Chicago cannot be allowed to get control of the White House. Already polls show that even our state will vote for McCain over this brigade of bigotry that infests the Democratic party. It's no longer even close between who is a stronger candidate. Any further support given to Obama will now be considered a direct attack on our party and our children's future. I pity those of you foolish enough to have contributed to this movement. I'm sorry to tell you that there's no way to get your money back or to remove your names from their list of contributors. You should have done your homework.

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    You're not wrong Smitty.

  4. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Harsh or not...Obama is very close to this guy and has not fully explained why. It is certainly even more relevant given the most recent comments made by the Rev. You have to ask yourself why anyone would listen to someone who spews such hatred.

  5. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Keep the reverends and churches out of the political sphere and you won't have these problems come up in relation to either party!

  6. Anonymous6:22 AM

    9:27- Is right. Religion is nothing more than institutionalized bigotry and has no place in politics. Obama could not have gotten here without using this racist group to aquire power and that should have been a red flag to everyone.

  7. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Hillary now leads in two national polls.

  8. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Hillary is now leading in NC as well as Ind. Obama's lost 27 points in NC! I heard his Rezko indictment is pending and his campaign is already planning to pull out next week.

  9. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Now three national polls are showing Hillary leading.

  10. Anonymous11:37 AM

    what did Rev Wright say that was so bad? what you dish out comes back to you? some points about social justice? the fact that he served in the military whilst Cheney did not?

    what has Obama said that was so bad? or his wife, for that matter?

    they all sound pretty good to me, and i'm WHITE.

    because the issues facing America are not about skin color, they are about truth, integrity and fairness.

    you say "politics is a blood sport..."

    why so?

    why can it not be a matter of civilized intellectual (based on facts) debate?

    are some facts uncomfortable? have we made mistakes? should we own up to our mistakes?


  11. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Obama smoked his pastor. the issue is over. The DNC head under Bill Clinton switched from Hillary and endorsed Obama. Her closest associates are jumping ship. There has not been one superdelegate that has switched from Obama to Clinton.

    She will not win North Carolina, Indiana is tied and she will be globbered in Oregon. The vast majority of superdelegates in Congress are on board for Obama and will announce shortly.

  12. Anonymous6:00 PM

    2:22- Keep dreaming! Michelle's racist rant of a thesis from Princeton was just leaked. Hillary's ahead in both Ind. and NC and Obama's getting closer to being indicted. It's over.

  13. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Indiana is giving 5 to 10 in favor of Hillary and NC has her up two. The only polls showing Obama still leading are from last week. Check the dates of polling,not the dates of release. There's been a sea change since the weekend and Obama's goose is cooked. Half a dozen times the Obama campaign has lied about a mass gain in sd's and every time it was just lies. I wouldn't hold my breath on this latest one. Just words.

  14. Anonymous8:50 PM

    If I lived in some southern, red-neck, hick town where everybody quits school in the 5th grade and joins the cone heads in white sheets, I might be able to understand the fear, hatred and bigotry found on this thread. I am sickened by the chicken-shit assholes who sign anonymous to their bullshit comments. Is anonymous like a white sheet? Not sure why I decided to check out Blaber's blog tonight. Depressing.

  15. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Thank you Ralph. Someone finally said it.
    Tough enough to read the brainless, but a real test of tolerance to read and not react to the brainless and spineless.

    Seems the book "CHRISTIAN FASCISTS" states it best," Tolerance is a virtue but the tolerance of intolerance is a vice "

    There is far too much of this fear baiting coming from all angles at the moment and our silence in the face of this stupidity encourages it.

    Thank you again...Smitty

  16. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Mr. Childers,

    I was the 11:37am poster, and although I still feel the need to post anonymously, I want to offer MY apologies, in the broadest sense of the word, for the attacks on Obama, Rev. Wright, and (generally alluded to) the African American community.

    I also come on here and advocate the "separation of church and state" a lot, but someone even managed to twist that (a basic constitutional principal) to fit their own designs.

    I appreciate these blogs. We NEED them. For there are few mechanisms of uncontrolled (relatively speaking, at least) media recourse left - and in a lot of cases the victims of crime (s) [whatever the specifics] find it necessary to remain anonymous, as well.

    I believe elitism and classism are the real issues behind all of this... and that the socioeconomic vampirism that is occurring --- victimizing so many (of all races) is the predominant "unifying" vs. "divisive" (so to speak)issue.

    I am hoping - perhaps against hope - that people will begin to "see the forest through the trees" - and perhaps re-read (if they haven't read it already) the "Declaration of HUMAN Rights."

    BTW, Jeremy, THAT would be a GREAT POST. Check out Amnesty International.

  17. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Ralph Childers you are quite a bigot aren't you? If you fail to see your own bigotry, then it comes right back at you. Obama has brought this upon himself and our nation and it will only get worse if people continue to support him. We need to dump this divisive figure immediately. Six more months of highlighting Obama's bigotry will certainly elect McCain. That would be "chickenshit" Ralph.

  18. Anonymous11:58 AM

    As of today 56% of Americans think Obama agrees with Rev. Wright's bigotry. Obama is toast.

  19. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Hey Obama doesn't support this gas tax holiday even though he was a strong proponent of it eight years ago. Flip-flopper anyone?

  20. Anonymous9:43 PM

    The "tax holiday" is nothing more than a scene from "Jaws." Get the people out over the summer to "feed the beast" --- and then what? Raise thier fuel and gas bills two or three times what they were, prior to the summer of fun, glory and HUGE PROFITS FOR OTHER SECTORS OF CORPORATE AMERICA --- come the Fall? [Elderly folks freezing, loosing thier homes, etc., does not appear to be a priority concern here.]

  21. Anonymous9:53 PM

    That's McCain's (Obama's prior) plan indeed. Hill's plan requires a windfall profit tax. Much different theory. Not likely to survive veto though. Big push to make hers look like his. Obfuscation by sleazy Obamans. Windfall profit tax redirects profits into increasing refinery output, thus lowering seasonal gas hikes. Real change Obama and McCain oppose.

  22. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Hillary's gas plan is bogus. She knows as does 9:53PM that the windfall profit tax will never pass during the Bush administration. The gas pumper will never gain a cent. As the price goes down without the tax, demand will rise, gas will go up in price, and the oil companies will have an even greater profit. In the meantime, money for Ulster County roads and bridges will have to come from our pockets. When's the last time the oil companies increased refinery production? They know the laws of supply and demand.

    Obama has the courage to tell the voter the truth rather than pander for their votes.

  23. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Obama is lying about that scenario and so are you. If the windfall profit tax dies, so does the gat holiday. By stating otherwise, you're intentionally misrepresenting the issue to the public. Obama put out ads today that he knew were false and misleading. He will be caught and exposed for this. Obama is a corporate schill. 8:55 you are a dishonest person. Obama passed a gat holiday that gave money to the oil industry three times without getting any compensation for it. He should know better than to criticize a working plan that doesn't rob the states of roadwork funding. Instead he makes phony claims about how it will fail like his did three times. Very sleazy.


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