
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Walker Challenges Sottile to Boxing Match.....Was November Not Enough of a T.K.O??

former Alderman Lenny Walker has challenged Kingston Mayor James Sottile to a boxing match on April 19th at the Mid Town Center for charity. There is already an armature boxing card scheduled for that night. While the concept is certainly amusing, did Lenny not learn his lesson when the Sottile/Noble team cleaned his clock in the November election. Why add insult to injury?

Lenny lets be fair, you can't just challenge the toughest dog in the yard to a fight, you have to earn your right to face them. I want to see Lenny, Cahill, and Langon fight for a number one contender spot. The winner will have the opportunity to face Sottile next year.

This will also give the winner a year to train and get ready for the money is on Sottile.


  1. Anonymous7:45 AM

    It only goes to prove that politics in this county is either a circus or a cesspool depending upon one's point-of-view. There are no real winners in this game.

  2. Anonymous9:20 AM

    i'll take your money any day.

  3. Anonymous11:50 AM

    The Mayor better start going to the gym to get fit and ready for this. Look how heavy he is.

  4. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Cahill was the Mayoral candidate, so he should box Jimmy.

    NOw, who wins? Well, Cahill is younger and faster. Sottile is older, but bigger and stronger. Sottile would need to knock Cahill out within the first minute or he would be through.

    My prediction?? Cahill wins by a 3rd round KO.

  5. Anonymous5:18 PM

    This may be the most ridiculous thing you've ever posted on this blog.

  6. I don't make these things up...

  7. Anonymous10:15 PM

    this is very amusing..... Might have to buy myself a ticket

  8. Anonymous8:09 AM

    You may not make them up, but you give them more attention than they deserve.

  9. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Sorry, folks. Sottile dec,ined claiming it would be personally demeaning for him to engage in violence.

    I always thought boxing was "the manly form of self defense." Ah well ....

  10. Anonymous10:17 PM

    "I remain just one thing, and one thing only -- and that is a clown. It places me on a far higher plane than any politician."

    Quote by Charlie Chaplin

  11. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Cahill could not fight his way out of a wet paper bad

  12. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Demeaning? Violence? I guess Sottile thinks there is a difference between fighting for charity at an organized event has less class than fighting in a bar.

  13. Anonymous5:05 PM

    9;47, what is wet paper bad.

  14. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Your comment is actually funny. I haven't seen Rich in quite a few years. He used to attend Karate and Judo class with me. He was by no means a black belt but he was good. I would not underestimate him. He used to joke around and say that when someone was his height, he had to know how to fight.


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