
Monday, April 30, 2012

Bernardo Attacks Out of Line

The recent attacks on Chairwoman Bernardo are so ridiculous that you have to wonder what peoples real motives are. First things first, I had to laugh when I read comments from Legislator Bob Aileo, this guy may be a senior legislator but he does not put in nearly the hours that Terry Bernardo puts in or his opponent Walter Frey used to put in when he was a legislator, Aileo proves elections sometimes can be popularity contests. And  no offense, Bob Ailio does not have the credibility to attack anyone let alone Chairwoman Bernardo; there are members of the public that have been to more legislative meetings than sitting Legislator Bob Ailio.

Putting all that aside, the firing of a legislative clerk and the hiring of a payroll director, all can be justified and fingers can be pointed about how previous administrations have done the same thing but it's bigger than that. Terry Bernardo is a real business person and unlike many politicos, she has a real set of core values and principals that she believes in. I say that with all sincerity, I know her well and I'm speaking from my heart, she is one the nicest, most competent and dedicated person I have ever met in local politics.

 Dave Donaldson is also a friend and fellow Democrat but he is another one whose comments I took acceptation with, here is an excerpt from the Freeman:

During his tenures Chairman Donaldson said, he fired only one county employee, Fawn Tantillo, a former county lawmaker who had resigned from the Legislature and was almost immediately appointed by then-Chairman Richard Gerentine, a Republican, to a position in county government. Tantillo is now Bernardo’s confidential secretary.

Donaldson said hiring and firing in the legislative offices was then a function of either the full Legislature or the Legislature’s clerk. 

That may be technically true but lets not kid ourselves that's not what happened, Dave Donaldson was calling the shots when he was the Chairman and so were all the previous Chairs before him (Don't forget when Donaldson was Chair, he was the CE0 of Ulster County, this was before the Executive form of government took place. ) Donaldson's comments are unfair and not an example of leadership.

When in your in a leadership position, especially the Chair of the legislature, you can never please everyone, there are 22 other members from all over the county, each that have different issues and constituent needs that need to be addressed. Disagreements come with the territory; You earn political capital, in order to spend it, to achieve big things. 

 Terry has every right to run her office in the best way she sees possible for the people of Ulster County, because at the end of the day, she is the one that is accountable if she does not achieve the ambitious legislative agenda that she has set forth. Terry accepts that responsibility, she deserves a chance to do her job. Not to be taken out for a walk every single week by her colleagues in the newspaper to score cheap political points.

My advise to Chairwoman Bernardo:  fight back.  You're Chair of the freaking legislature, take advantage of it, use your position as a bully pulpit, embarrass these legislators into doing the right thing, point out their not let them take advantage of you.   Also work with the County Executive Mike Hein, he too is top notch and believes in doing the best thing for the people of this county.


  1. one who knows,,,10:34 AM

    GOOD FOR YOU, Jeremy,

    She is being overun by a-holes with agendae,,

    She will go forward & get it right.
    Get R Done, Terry,,, hahaha

    DOnaldson is sooo stupid he creaks when he walks,, he is no one to listen to the Qualude king !!!

    Terry is smarter than most folks but has little real people skills so she seems inept but do NOT underestimate her,,
    She will triumph,,

  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    You are completely off base here. She and her husband are both using her position to actively and overtly payback political cronies at the taxpayers expense. It is not going unnoticed in her own party and people not even involved in politics. There are numerous examples of her bizarre behavior (and appearance) to go on. We can start with the hiring of a law firm from outside Ulster County when there were numerous lawyers in Ulster County that could of done just as a good a job. Then to make it worse, the guy is an Independence Party operative. Let me tell you that did not go unnoticed in the legal community. Then to top it all off she proposes they work on a strange agreement just under the dollar level of review. This woman has pissed off every legislature regardless of party and the only reason she is there is because her husband threatened to withdraw Independence Party support if they didn't vote for her. And where are you getting her business woman material? She owns a roller rink! A rink that btw made promises to the County when it was loaned money and it appears it kept none of them. What ever attacks and criticism are coming her way are well deserved. She will find herself on the outside looking in before very long.

  3. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Wow bro, you are way off of the reservation on this one. WTF?

  4. Anonymous9:44 PM

    you gotta be kidding me. I thought you were a DEM.

  5. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Well I guess you won't be getting many comments you can post if Bernardos still edit your postings. She is evil self serving and a nasty person. I know she and the midget have done you some favors but That is just to be able to control what is posted on your blog when it was a good read not anymore so watch they will turn on you

  6. Anonymous8:50 AM

    A fair and balanced look as approved from Len Bernardo

  7. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Donaldson is a bully, always was and will be. Robin is a hateful liar and works with every lowlife she can find. The Tea party should throw her out. I was a member and found this out for myself. Those people Manula and Jon Dogar are just creepy when they started to come to our meetings I knew our effort was over.

    I never worked with Bernardo, but I say keep up the good work, you must be doing something right for all this to be going on.

  8. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Donaldson is a bully, always was and will be. Robin is a hateful liar and works with every lowlife she can find. The Tea party should throw her out. I was a member and found this out for myself. Those people Manula and Jon Dogar are just creepy when they started to come to our meetings I knew our effort was over.

    I never worked with Bernardo, but I say keep up the good work, you must be doing something right for all this to be going on.

  9. Anonymous11:04 AM


  10. 1107: Her business credentials, she was a manager at several huge hotels and casinos, she has a Master's degree from Drexel University. Yes, she does own a roller rink where she employees several people, in addition to that she owns a Pilates studio, which for the last two years has been named best in the Hudson Valley. Sometimes it's better to be silent and to have people think you are ignorant, than to open your mouth anonymously on a blog and remove all doubt.

  11. Robin Yess's whereabouts: On April 17th in the afternoon, I visited the County Executive's office where I picked up a copy of the 2012 County Budget. I went to the County Exec's office because that's where you get a copy of the budget. I also visited the 2nd floor and went to the County Clerk's office where I pulled copies of some deeds for a client and then I headed over to S Manor Ave where I visited Information Services to pick up a large map showing all of the Legislative and Town Election Districts. From now on, I'll post my whereabouts to Facebook with comments on the information I've been busy gathering so everyone will have the full and true picture of what I am doing. In case you're interested, I've also recently FOILed for information from UCDC and the NYS Senate.

  12. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Saw this on Facebook tonight, very very interesting: Janai McDonough
    Word to the wise if you're going to drive like a deranged A hole, not use turn signals, cut off other drivers and then stick your head out the window to yell at them be sure you don't have a face everyone knows and a license plate that reads UL 33.. maybe David Donaldson should take an anger management course, does the county offer those?

  13. Anonymous1:27 AM

    If it's a member of Bob Aiello's family getting a job it's a great idea!!!!

    Bernardo should have hired one of Aiello's family, then it would be OK!

    Budget cut gets personal

    KINGSTON - A lengthy budget meeting of the county Legislature was cut short Wednesday night after two legislators engaged in a screaming match that disrupted the session and drew a gawking crowd into the hallway outside the Legislature chamber.

    Robert Aiello, R-Saugerties, and Minority Leader David Donaldson, D-Kingston, got into an acrimonious exchange after Donaldson suggested a Personnel Department position held by Aiello's daughter, Kara, be among those eliminated in an effort to trim the budget.

    Aiello chairs the Legislature's Personnel Committee, which has oversight over the department. His daughter works as a recruiting specialist in the department.

    "That was totally ridiculous," said a clearly annoyed Legislature Chairman Richard Gerentine after he adjourned the special session, just as the last committee chair was to make a budget report.

    Donaldson made the comment as Aiello neared the end of his presentation on potential budget cuts for the Personnel Department. Aiello became enraged, saying Donaldson had repeatedly disparaged him and his family.

    Because Donaldson uses a vocal prosthesis and cannot produce a loud voice without amplification, the comments he made in return were inaudible to all but those in the front of the room. They appeared to further enrage Aiello.

    Gerentine, R-Marlboro, gaveled repeatedly and called for order in a gradual crescendo as the two men went on and on. Eventually, he stood and shouted, "We are done gentlemen," in full voice, when they refused to stop.

    At one point, Aiello seemed to threaten Donaldson.

    "If I hear it one more time, you're going to go outside with me and guess what? I'm going home, and I don't know where you're going to be," he said.

    When Aiello left the room, Gerentine told Donaldson to go, too.

    "I ain't going nowhere," Donaldson said.

    "Then act civilized," Gerentine responded.

    Aiello returned, and then both men headed out into the hallway outside Legislature chamber, followed by several lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, the public, and reporters. The two men didn't come to blows, but rather separated as legislators grouped around each, trying to diffuse the situation.

    While some have suggested a conflict of interest in Aiello supervising a department that employs his daughter, Aiello said after the meeting he'd gotten an ethics ruling that found no conflict.

    Lawmakers had gathered in special session to review proposed budget cuts and new revenue sources suggested by county department heads through their respective oversight committees, which were requested to help the county deal with a potential two-year cash flow shortfall in the county that could be in excess of $20 million through the end of next year.

  14. Anonymous1:28 AM


    At one point, Aiello seemed to threaten Donaldson.

    "If I hear it one more time, you're going to go outside with me and guess what? I'm going home, and I don't know where you're going to be," he said.

    When Aiello left the room, Gerentine told Donaldson to go, too.

    "I ain't going nowhere," Donaldson said.

    "Then act civilized," Gerentine responded.

  15. Anonymous1:42 AM

    I found this letter online and found it to be ABSURD as well.

    Dear Editor,
    I find it absurd that legislator Robert Aiello of Saugerties feels that he has no conflict in his position as the chairman of the Ulster County personnel and social services committee even though his daughter works for personnel and his wife works for social services.

    I recently found that under Aiello's chairmanship, the position of recruitment specialist was created. The position was awarded by the director of personnel to Aiello's daughter. This is the same director that must report to legislator Aiello as chairman of the committee that oversees personnel. First, I am at a loss as to why Ulster County needs a recruitment specialist when many people would give their right arm for a county job with county benefits. Secondly, why don't the surrounding counties have such a position? No conflict here, it is just Aiello's answer to job development for Ulster County.
    The director of personnel must report and is answerable to legislator Aiello as the chairman of the respective committee and his daughter works for the director, but he sees no conflict. The commissioner of social services must also report to and is answerable to Aiello as the chairman of the respective committee and his wife works for the commissioner but he sees no conflict. It must be nice to have a dad or spouse as the boss over your boss. You certainly need not worry about taking a long lunch!
    Legislator Aiello claimed that the county ethics committee cleared him of any conflict in regard to the above. When I read that, I immediately thought, "What boneheads are on this committee?" I called to find out and lo and behold, legislator Aiello is chairman of the ethics committee. You just can't make this stuff up!

    I am at a loss as to why Rich Gerentine, the chairman of the legislature, would appoint legislator Aiello to chair the above-mentioned committees in the first place when such blatant conflicts exist. I further have to wonder why only legislator Donaldson has called attention to this. Are the rest of them afraid legislator Aiello will threaten harm to them as he did to Donaldson? If he threatens legislators in front of the press, what would he resort to if no one else is around?

    I certainly hope the voters of Saugerties stand up against this kind of abuse of power come this November.

    Vin Perry
    Lake Katrine, NY

  16. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Jeremy, good to see the wicked witch "Yess" reads your blog. Good to see her called out. I guess she thinks everyone is as dumb as the moronic members of the liberty coalition, those fearles 5 who are taxpayer advocates, only when they can also criticize Terry bernardo. This Aiello situation is a prime example. She posts some drivel about "Go get them Bob", but as usual, doesnt do a lick of homework, doesnt check out any history, and continues to shoot from the hip. As far as her picking up a budget from the executive??????? Wow, what BS. Its May, the budgets have been out for 5 months, she has been quoting chapter and verse from the budget forever, and we are supposed to believe she was picking up a copy. Nice try Robin. I too will call her on this. Let's have it Robin, the truth for a change. Or is telling the truth not part of your character assination playbook.

  17. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Good point the budget has been out 5 nmonths has any legislator read it yet or are they waiting till they finish the charter there are some big words there so it could be a while.


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