
Sunday, May 06, 2012

I think the first two pics, explain it all....


  1. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Your single stream recycling plan should serve well as a study to reduce or remove non recyclable containers from the consumer market. As in Mass. Where they encourage all waste to be divided into plastic, paper, or metals, the materials that fall into these categories that cannot be currently recycled need to be identified by source, quantified by percentage and recorded carefully. This information is key to implementing legislation requiring its retirement from use. Food waste will soon have regenerative value and the sooner these other contaminants are culled the better.

  2. I know things,,,10:05 AM

    Who are the morally-challenged idiots that actuall vote for Hoffay ???

    He is a hideous "person" & deserves nothing from City or County taxpayers but the back of our hand or the toe of our boot !

    DISGUSTING that he is an elected official,,, GRRRR,,,

  3. Anonymous11:14 AM

    The situation that is going on right now is exactly why Hoffay was a terrible choice for majority leader. He plays stupid games for no other reason than he seems to enjoy watching it play out. If you didn't see this behavior coming a mile away, you have not been watching this joker for the last two decades. He is not interested in the betterment of the City or its citizens in the least. He is only interested in obstructing the current administration in all ways possible, rather than working with them to get a properly drafted ethics law passed. He will play his little political games as long as he can in order to further his own interests of slowing the process to a stand still. I hope the people of his Ward are watching him. I know I am. Also, this poor guy Dunn has hitched his wagon to the wrong pony. I hope he wakes up soon or his reputation and his career in the Council could be short lived.

  4. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Uh, what exactly are you trying to say here Jeremy? You seem to to share it with the rest of us?

  5. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Sounds like 11:14 knows exactly how Hoffay operates. I cannot think of a single person I know in Kingston who thinks he is good for the city.

    I wish he would just go away. He is like cancer on our city--sucking the life and positive energy out of Kingston.

    He is the single biggest reason Hayes did not get elected. I'm glad Clement chose Hoffay as a campaign manager. Gallo is doing a great job!

  6. Anonymous12:39 AM

    New blog please post

  7. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Nevermind nuisance hoffay,dolan just ruined you.


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