
Sunday, November 25, 2007

Blaber News' Second Annual Person of the Year VOTE NOW

I again, am in search for our second annual Blaber News Person of the year and am asking for your help. Blaber News person of the year must be an active member of the community and posses significant contributions to Ulster County. The criteria contained has been established to provide visibility in points and ensure objective selection. The person of the year picked by Jeremy Blaber with the help of the public will receive a plaque, full page write up on and will be the first guest of 2008 on Blaber's widely popular show Late Night w/ Jeremy Blaber(yes, I'll be back on by then)

2006's winner was town of Ulster Supervisor Nick Woerner

Nominees for 2007: VOTE NOW!!

Jonathan Sennett- Mr. Sennett is an advocate in the legal community of Ulster County. Mr. Sennett stands up for the rights of citizens regardless of your economic means, race or gender. Jon believes in realistic approaches to fighting crime in Ulster County and making sure every citizen is safe and that above all justice is served. Sennett was the 2007 Democratic candidate for Ulster County District Attorney.

Nick Woerner - Mr. Woerner is currently the Supervisor of the town of Ulster, Woerner was elected in 2005 and was the youngest Supervisor ever to be elected in NYS. Since taking office Woerner has achieved many accomplishments including the establishment of a legal police commission, keeping taxes in check and promoting economic development for the town of Ulster. Woerner was voted Blaber News' person of the year in 2006.

Kevin Cahill- Mr. Cahill serves in the 101st district of the NYS Assembly which includes most of Ulster County and parts of Dutchess county, since taking office Cahill has faught tirelessly for his constituents on a number of local issues. Cahill has been a pioneer for property tax reform in our state. Assemblyman Cahill is the chair of the State Committee on Ethics.

Mike Hein - Mr. Hein became County Administrator in 2005 when the Democrats took control of the Ulster County legislature. Hein inherited a messy budget left over from the previous administrations. With the guidance of the legislature, Hein has transformed the county budget into a budget that is open and accountable to the tax-payers of Ulster County. Mr. Hein is currently a candidate for County Executive.

Diane Reeder - Mrs. Reeder is the executive director of the Queen's Galley in Kingston, which is a soup kitchen that feeds and educates the public. Mrs. Reeder teaches people the value of nutrition and how to shop healthy on a fixed budget and most importantly no one is ever turned away. Mrs. Reeder serves thousands of meals each month to the residents of Kingston.


  1. Anonymous10:51 PM

    I vote for Clint Brown.

  2. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Just like last year please write in a vote for my brotha Tookie!!

  3. Where's Clark! On your poll?

  4. Anonymous1:37 AM

    December 13 should be a national holiday for Tookie Williams!!!!


  5. Anonymous1:54 AM

    I vote for my boy OBAMA!

    -Yung Dro

    AUDUBON, Iowa (CNN) — Earlier this week in New Hampshire Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama spoke candidly about his past experimentation with drugs and alcohol in high school, and on Saturday—after a question on medicinal marijuana—Obama was prodded a bit further and asked whether or not he had ever inhaled.

    "I did," the senator from Illinois said to light applause. "It's not something I'm proud of. It was a mistake as a young man."

    The question was a reference to a line made famous by former President Bill Clinton who, while admitting to trying marijuana, said he did not inhale.

    "I never understood that line," Obama continued. "The point was to inhale. That was the point."

    On the campaign trail on Saturday, GOP White House hopeful Mitt Romney said Obama's earlier comments set a bad example for young people.

    "I agree with the sentiment that nobody's perfect and most of us, if not all of us, in our youthful years have engaged in various indiscretions we wouldn't want to have paraded in the front of a newspaper," the former Massachusetts governor said in New Hampshire. "On the other hand if we're running for president, I think it's important for us not to go into details about the weaknesses and our own failings as young people for the concern that we open kids thinking that it's ok for them."

    On the issue of medicinal marijuana, Obama said that if the "best way to relieve pain and suffering is through medicinal marijuana," then it's something he's open to.

    He added it would concern him much more if people were allowed to grow their own to use whenever they were simply "feeling really tense" and "needed a joint."

  6. Keep up the great work. maybe someday we'll work together!

    Ucp. Gn

  7. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Rumor Has It... Blaber's News and Commentary and Ulster County Politics are merging.

  8. Anonymous4:08 AM

    don't forget hector!!!!

  9. Anonymous4:11 AM

    My vote is for Ira Fusfeld.

  10. Anonymous7:03 AM

    I want to vote for Old Man Cahill
    When he picked his nose on live TV
    Now.......Thats Class!

  11. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Vote for Diane.. She's the only one who's not a politician.

  12. Anonymous9:40 AM

    What about people on the School Board? Where is the love Jeremy?

  13. Anonymous10:47 AM

    How about giving the voters the ability to write in a candidate's name, like maybe Lisa Cutten?

  14. Anonymous12:11 PM

    What about Noonan????????????????

  15. Anonymous1:07 PM

    All Kevin has to do is to put the word out to CNN (Cahill News Network made up of his family members in politics) and he will stuff the ballot box on this vote.

  16. Sennett!
    You got my vote!!

  17. Anonymous3:36 PM

    How about someone who made it big time on the real news this past year. Jim Sottile put Kingston on the national map, of course he had the help of a certain candidate's wife. My vote for Co-persons of the Year Jim Sottile and Mariann Sennett. Together they are fighting for Ulster County!!!

  18. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I am voting for Sennett again. Another vote down the drain.

  19. I'm sorry..evveryone knows my heart is with the Kingston School Board.

  20. yes, you can write in someones name

  21. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Understanding=CB Love#1= CB Love2
    Rich Shultis=Healing=Rich Cahill

    We are a COMMUNITY



  22. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Jeremy, where on the computer screen should someone write the name of who they want to vote for? Also how will you be able to get an accurate count of all of these write in votes? Maybe I'm being paranoid but I get the feeling the winner of this contest may have already been decided.

  23. you would write it in the comment area right here.... I will count them. I disagree that it's already been decided there is 10 days left to vote!

  24. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Diane Reeder

  25. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Mayor Sottile is the clear choice; the fact he ws omitted from this pole is a gross oversight.

  26. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Diane Reeder

  27. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Jeremy Blaber He is beating the Freeman at their own game.

  28. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Pete Healey

  29. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Diane has sexy hair........I am not kidding

  30. Anonymous9:41 PM

    I can't vote for some reason, count my vote for Jonathan Sennett.

  31. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Yankee Jim for Person of the Year!

    He stands up for America!!!

  32. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Does Diane Reeder volunteer or is this a paid position? She should get loads of credit (and votes) if she's donating her time, but if she's on the payroll, then Jon Sennett should win. Jon closed his practice and sacrificed his time and money and got screwed by his own party. Woerner, Cahill and Hein are well-compensated elected officials. Jeremy, next year your person of the year poll should be made up of volunteers who work to make their community a better place for no personal financial gain.


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