
Friday, July 24, 2009

Riccardi for Clerk - Out and about on the campaign trail

Congressman Hinchey's fundraiser

Gilda and her sons getting ready to go to the Latin festival

Eleano Roosevelt Legacy campaign seminar


  1. Anonymous5:16 PM

    so she only goes where the dems are ???

    bad way to campaign, broomhilda,,

  2. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Point your loyal follows to the location at the Latin Fest where that picture was taken. I doubt there is that type of scenery at the Strand with "barn poll" fencing too.

  3. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Hey she can't help it if Democrats outnumber the pugs by overwhelming margins. The way you talk she should be visiting playgrounds where little kids like you hang out.

  4. Anonymous7:54 PM

    you dumb dems really think all ya gotta do is nominate a minority & they will all rush out & support your unqualified candidate ?

    uhhh, sorry, nope !

    being a "wise Latina" in no way equals Nina's 29 years of dedicated experience.

    Cute, tho, how you still try & consider her a qualified individual.

    No one else does.

  5. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Nina is an idiot - ask Nansi Nelson who's suing her for incompetence. Nina has worked in the same office breathing in the same stale air for almost 30 years. She's shamelessly promoting herself by having her picture and name plastered all over literature and the DMV mobile. She's using summer interns to do her lit drop all over the county. That's not how I want my hard-earned tax dollars spent. She learned how to do her job from Al Spada - not exactly a paragon of virtue...

    Gilda, on the other hand, is bright, educated, experienced, competent, with a sunny personality. People will love seeing her and meeting her when they go the County Office Building starting January 1, 2010. We are tired of the same people being in control - the repubs. have had that office for 42 years.

    It's time for Nina to find a new job - on her own, without her godfather.

  6. Anonymous9:40 AM

    7:54PM. What a racist statement! Have you looked at Gilda's resume? She was not nominated because of race or gender but because of her experience. She didn't have a "sugar daddy", who gave her the money and job when he retired.

  7. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Do you really think Hinchey uis supporting her?

  8. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Gilda will be a breath of fresh air in Ulster County Politics if she wins. She is well-educated, a lawyer, and active in the community. Go Gilda!

  9. Anonymous11:33 PM

    I think its time to can the mobile DMV. It is a waste of money with the ability to do a lot of things online.

  10. Anonymous7:07 AM

    The mobile DMV is Al Spada's legacy. That is his major accomplishment is 76 years of public service! Nina would be stripped of her membership in the GOBC if she did away with that waste of money. Forget it!

  11. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Who is Nansi Nelson?

  12. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Is Italian a minority?

  13. Anonymous9:08 AM

    11:33 - typical dumb dem statement.

    Many elderly folks that use the DMV Van do NOT use computers.

    You folks are ageists & ignorant about the real world.

    MANY folks, financially challenged too do not have a computer.

    From the party of "inclusion" that statement is pretty discriminatory.

  14. Anonymous1:06 PM

    So many jealous people in the world!
    That DMV van sees more people throughout the county than most of you would ever imagine. I witnessed first hand for many years. Ellenville, New paltz and Marlboro people would be in deep if they had to drive to Kingston.
    Nina does a good job and it doesnt matter who put her there. Most of your families were problably helped by Big Al over the years at some point and none of you bitched then.
    Get a clue, this woman has no chance against the machine

  15. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Life is tough. There is a couty wide bus service for those who can't drive to the DMV.

    That is not exclusionary...that is visionary. Government doesn't have to provide all of the solutions.

    What's next...a mobile supermarket that drives to people's houses because it is too hard to get to the store on your own.

    What is that bus and employees cost per year. Let's look at the facts. If it is over $500,000 then cut it.

    Tough choices aren't always popular choices.

  16. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Nansi Nelson was married to the actor Barry Nelson. When Barry got sick, they closed up their house in Stone Ridge and were out of town (state?) for his health care. Apparently, they became delinquent in their taxes, and Nina and Lew sent the notices to the wrong address. Despite the fact that the mail was returned to Nina, she ignored it, and proceeded with foreclosure. Barry died, and Nansi lost movie memorabilia and antiques due to Nina's incompetence. (Lew Kirschner is named in the suit too.) If you want, I'll embed the link and you can read the lawsuit.

  17. Anonymous2:19 PM

    A woman steals nearly half a million dollars from her boss and only gets 1 year in jail and 5 years probation.

    Guess crime does pay in Ulster County. Thanks Holley.

  18. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Mo will jilt gilda at the alter.

  19. Anonymous5:07 PM

    8:38 that's because Mo is in cahoots with Spada. He doesn't have the balls to tell Spada that it's not personal - it's politics and he's supporting the Democratic candidate. And he should support Gilda - she's head and shoulders above Nina in intelligence and integrity.

  20. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Come on people, it is TIME for a new start in Ulster County. Aren't you sick of Al Spada and his goons??

    I know I am. The jig is up and Nina is going down.

    It started with NO cross endorsement from the Democratic Party, and will end with her loooooooooosing.

  21. Anonymous9:50 AM

    How many of Nina's family now work for the County?

  22. Anonymous10:53 PM

    9:50 a.m. - of the 5 kids in her family, 4 of them work for the county. Her sister is her deputy. Her 2 brothers work for the county as well.

  23. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I think you forgot her kids?


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