It was a warm but fun day at Hasbrouck Park yesterday. The City of Kingston Democratic Committee hosted a family fun day. Special thanks to Mark Halwick who organized the event. attending the event were...
City of Kingston Democratic Chairman Bob Golnick
Alderman Tom Hoffay
Alderman Charles Landi
Alderwoman Shirley Whitlock
Alderwoman Jen Fuentes
Alderman Hayes Clement
U.C. Legislator Mike Madsen provided musical entertainment.
City of Kingston Judge Larry Ball
Ulster County Sheriff Paul VanBlarcum
Ulster County Comptroller Elliott Auerbach
Ulster County Executive Mike Hein
Also in attendance were two former City of Kingston Democratic Committee members...
Former Alderman Clint Brown and Former City Committee Vice-Chair/Former Town of Ulster Supervisor Nick Woerner
Hopefully they didn't have to use next year's funds to purchase this year's picnic supplies.
I would stongly suggest you send at least the Kingston crew for a basic Math course or a Home Economics seminar. Emphasizing a "You cannot spend what you do not have." Theme
Ben T Logic.
OMG!!! That's the legendary Clint Brown!!
Looks like Bob Gillon recovered from his beating he took from Ron Polacco.
Live in Ward 6 and I could not bring myself to vote for Gillon or Polacco. In KHS Gillon had hair down to his waist and though he was some reincarnation of John Lennon he is way to Liberal and is
to the left of George McGovern. Polacco on the other hand has BS his way all his life, talks in circles and is a all around clown
who is 40 something and still lives home. Called Ron at his house and his father said he 'does
not take calls here'? Has not done
anything for the Ward that why Lisa
Ball almost beat him. If she runs again I will vote for her again.
So where was the Assembly and State Senate candidates?do they expect the Kingston Committee to give all they've got when Kevin and Harley can't bother to show up?
10:57, Um.....wasn't that was 3 years ago?
Only 2 burgers on the grill. Did anyone else attend or was it like the Mayors boat ride? No state reps either. Shame on the Dems.
The head Dem lumpy wasnt there?
Where was the Mayor and Alderman At Large?
Maybe more people would have shown had it not been in the middle of vacation season. Lot's of people go away during July and August, politicians included.
Fundraisers in the middle of the summer are crap shoots, especially for politicians.
You are right. We have not had a good Alderman in this ward since Rich Cahill.
I know most people on this blog hate him, but he was a good Alderman. Anytime I called him, he got back to me and helped me.
4:52 Budget cuts causes the downsizing of burgers.
At least we know what happen to the hotdog rolls at the last GOP fundraiser.
And the Wiener is...
I have received a few comments regarding why former Supervisor Nick Woerner attended the picnic. Let's be clear on a few things, Nick's grandfather Larry served the Democratic Party for nearly 50 years, 20 of which were as City Democratic Chairman. Nick himself was a member of the city committee from the day he turned 18 and was active in city of Kingston politics long before that and as noted was also the vice and interim chair of the committee in 2003 and 2004. I would have published the comments but they included factually inaccurate information about his service as Supervisor of the Town of Ulster.
Jeremy Blaber
3:47 ihave lived in that ward all my life and that ward has never had a good alderman i spoke to cahill a couple time went to neighbor hood meeting and nothing ever was done in the ward and the alderman now is just as bad u see him around election time and thats it just try and call him sometime i know one thing he will never get my vote again
It would be interesting to know what City of Kingston committee people attended their own fundraiser...
Where are you man?
Hope you get to the Carnegie Library ground-breaking - you helped bring this to fruitation when you made it part of you school board campaign.
A big improvement to a blight on Kingston's face.
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