So it's official Mario Catalano is stepping down as chair of the Ulster County Republican committee, it's a loss for the Republicans Mario is a good chairman and put a little bit of life back into a once dead party. Rumors for his replacement include: Robin Yess, Roger Rascoe, and David O'Halleran. If the Republicans are smart they will elect David O'Halleran to replace Mario. I obviously have no horse in this race and I hope I don't hurt Dave's chances but I guess as a partisan Democrat, it would be good if they did not elect O'Halleran.
Speaking of Republicans in Ulster County they are up to their old tricks, doing whatever they can to undermine County Executive Mike Hein. First with his appointment of Mrs. Caffo and now with the 2011 budget. Give me a break, Mike Hein could say the sky is blue and Kevin Roberts, Paul Hansit and the gang would say no it's yellow. The Republican party needs to get their act together and stop attacking Hein on every single issue. Hein's a good executive and they know it and so does the public. The Republican majority attacking Mike in the press will not change that, what it will do is ensure they lose their slim majority in 2011.
I was the first to break the story about Sottile not seeking reelection, we now hear he may not even finish his current term. If this is true (and I do not know it is), James Noble would elevate to become Mayor and the common council would vote to appoint an Alderman at Large to replace Noble, smart money on Majority Leader Bill Reynolds, who represents Kingston's 7th Ward. Again do not know if this is true but I have it on reliable sources.
The Ulster County Legislature wants to shift funds from the county comptroller’s budget for accounting and auditing over to its own budget to cover the annual county audit. UMM? Is that like the fox watching the hen house?
The charter is very clear that the audit should be an independent one, the legislature proved it is incompetent in handling these we forget the jail? Comptroller Auerbach is fighting back as he should, it is his job to be the people's watch dog. This is a matter of principal, it does not matter who is the comptroller is or what party has the majority in the legislature, the legislature is dead wrong on this. They need to back off and let the elected Comptroller do his job.
GoodBye! Mario. It's a WIN for the Republicans!
David O'Halloran has NO SHOT of being the UC GOP Chair or it's Court Jester !
With his over $ 500 contribution to Mike Hein's campaign &
his $ 2500 to Elliott Auerbach's campaign O'Halloran has lost all credibility with his former supporters.
An anonymous letter was sent to many of the leading GOP'rs with his contributions, killing any & all chance he had at running for the Chairman's position.
Where is Sottile going?
Jeremy, I heard from a couple of Democrats that your friend Susan Zimit sat in executive session with the Republicans and ignored her Democratic cauucs. What say about that????????
what the rank and file people of Ulster County are completely sick of is the constant bickering between the legislature and the executive. If you don't think that all the complaining is not going to hurt both sides, including Hein, you are sadly mistaken. Both sides better find a way to do their jobs and deal with real problems without this fighting over petty issues like whether or not someone is qualified to be appointed a high paid clerk for the youth bureau. They all look like asses at the end of that game. They are like second graders seeing who gets the last word in.
So O'halloraran is out , Rascoe is an idiot controlled by Bernardo, Robyn is Mario light who is or was a Dem till wooed by Mario. Savago and Noonan are probably laughing and saying miss me yet At least they were real Republicannc.Hey MOJO Roberti throw your name in or are you all talk, you don't have to show like when you were a legislator
eotsca8;26. you must be joking or delirious. Who in hell would miss Noonan or Savago? You were correct however in your assessment of the other candidates. Word on the street is that there may be a surprise candidate.
Didn't Hein first create the Consumer Affairs Directorship which added to payroll? Then how does shifting this crony to an open position by firing an existing person save money? Doesn't it just wash but give his crony a job?
That's right: Susan Zimet no longer caucuses with the Democrats in the County Legislature. I think she has thrown in with the Republicans (short term) for purley personal political purposes: to undermine the County Exec. Zimet wants to run for County Exec so she can pull down all that fine salary. She hopes her behavior will be unnoticed by her New Paltz constituents, and Democrats across the county.
jim noble would be a terrible disappointment as a mayor. Hopefully, sottile finishes his term and then some others make a move towards the position, but anyone would do, other than incompetent noble.
Wow...I agree with all your assessments...amazing. Hein and Auerbach are professionals. Know nothing about Republican or Kingston politics. I was a big supporter of Susan more. She's lost all her core Democratic values, in the service of her ego.
Nobe for Mayor? Are you kidding me? He would hire the rest of his family members to no show jobs. No one really knows where or what the environmental educators are during the day.
Zimet is out, she is f*cking NUTS!
The Democrat who has a chance of beating Hein is someone who has appeal county wide. They have to be able to raise the money, they should have experience and be a lifelong Democrat. When the time comes, let's see who starts making some noise.
There are not many people that fit that bill.
David O'Halloran would make a fine Chairman! You can't fault a Business man for making business contributions. He's a well respected, organized,” in-touch" kind of a guy who can, and will lead the Republican Party in Ulster County to a higher level. I hope he considers throwing his hat into the ring.
If Savago left him with $91,000 (public knowledge), and he has $8,000 now with a nothing office with no one answering the phones and no candidates got any money, where is Andrew Cuomo, Bradley or Carnwright?
I have heard the same about Zimet. I also hear that she is working for Bonicic now? Can anyone confirm that?
O'Halloran would be the best person for the republican Party chair. His business experience could clean up the party and get people interested again. Robin No would just continue the mess we have and remember she was a conservative, democrat and now a republican its all about whats in it for HER
11:24, don't know if Zimet is working for Bonacic - I do know that she spoke on his behalf and clearly supported him at the Family of Woodstock's 40th Anniversary dinner.
Hey Jeremy, I saw Roberti Jr(MOJO) is a committeeman again. Did anyone hear of the HATCH ACT. He can't be a committeeman unless he gives up his job. Drop a call to the state. then he can blog all day
NOT!! to posting of 10:50am. Word is that he gave more to the democratic candidates then to his own republican candidates. All things being equal.......
Are there any Republicans left in ulster County? Them seem to all support Democrats as it is in there best interest. Look at Spada, O'Halloran and many others. Lining up behind the Dems to line their own pockets.
OHalleran did a great job of getting the Republicans in order in Rochester. He's the man for the job.
Money is scarce for the candidates running this cycle. Mike Hein should have his fundraiser AFTER the election cycle is over. He should contribute as we all do to the other candidates now. He did contribute generously to Andrew Cuomo's campaign.
Zimet will be the Republican candidate for county executive. She will play bernardo(bonacic). Think when did the Republicans run a true Republican since Savago left. Mario(Robyn) will continue the Republican Party in Ulster County is done.
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