Monday, September 12, 2011

Vote for Democrat Shayne Gallo this Tuesday!!

Because there is too much at stake for politics as usual! Polls open from Noon until 9pm.


Anonymous said...

And he is not politics as usual for what reason?

Anonymous said...

I like Gallo's approach on crime prevention. Too often strategies to fight crime are focused after the fact. It's just too late for the victims to wait until prosecutable acts are committed. The FBI has transformed itself to prevention and I think Mr. Gallo gets it. On the King's Inn issue, mixed use development is the newest thing in places where the neighborhood is in the most need. Nyc is good long term experiment in both mixed use and subsidized housing. Both concepts have seen success. The subsidized housing is still way too expensive there for the impoverished to have a negative impact. The details make all the difference and I think Mr. Gallo is the right choice for Kingston to carefully usher in a new era of intelligent development.

Anonymous said...

He is an attorney, never run for public office before. A guy that is running from the outside in and owes no favors to political party bosses like Clement. Shayne Gallo is the most experienced and ready on day one. There is no time for on the job training, nor can the city afford the consultants that Clement will have to hire to do the job he is seeking.

Anonymous said...

Clement is going to surround himself with consultants, Tom Hoffay, Bill Reynolds etc.. This is not going to move Kingston in the right direction.