Thursday, November 18, 2010

Legislator Roberts Looking for Some Payback!

The Ulster County budget does not contain a tax increase..that's right none...ZERO! The consultants hired by the legislature to go over Hein's budget called it Conservative and fiscally sound. Even Chairman Wadnola said that overall he felt the budget was a good one.

Enter Kevin Roberts (some may know Kevin Roberts, he's the creeper on those tv commercials with the long hair and the teenage girls throwing money at him while he tries to convince people he is the guy you want in your home, working on your roof..) Robert's also brought us the mosque resolution and chairs the committee that oversees the scandal ridden Resource Recovery Agency.

As many know Comptroller Auerbach shined a light on the Resource Recovery Agency and pointed out this agency has major issues that need to be addressed. Elliott Auerbach was correct, the agency had to fire its director, records were destroyed and sexual harassment charges by employees are stacking up.

Kevin Roberts poo pooed Auerbachs's report at the time calling it election year “posturing” and a waste of Auerbach’s annual salary. HERE IS THE QUOTE I LIKE: Roberts described the Resource Recovery Agency as one of the “best-run departments in the county” and disputed contentions that it is supposed to be self-sufficient.

Anyway it should come as no surprise that Roberts who looks like a complete fool now wants some payback. Roberts is taking his frustrations out on Auerbach by leading the effort to cut the Deputy Comptroller's position from the budget. As well as reduce the amount of legal research the office has from 72k to 22k. Let me get this straight, the guy that thinks the RRA is one of the best run depts in Ulster county wants to cut legal research on preventing fraud and it.
At the end of the day this is all about Roberts' political payback against Auerbach. In a budget the size of Ulster County cutting the deputy comptroller which is what 60 something thousand, is not going to do anything. The comptroller's office is run on a shoe string as it is, Auerbach has 8 staff cuts were proposed from the clerks office or any other department that have a lot more staff.

I urge legislators both Democrat and Republican to fight against this. Shame on Kevin Roberts for using his position as a legislator to try and get his revenge on Elliott. Kinda pathetic Kevin and a waste of your annual salary as a legislator!


Anonymous said...

It should cut a position in Heins office for a bigger savings. Elliot is bare bones but the exec has spares to give. Right idea Kevin wrong office

Anonymous said...

Hmm, maybe Roberts doesn't like audits.