This weeks Blaber News Person of the week is Alderman Bob Senor. Alderman Senor represents the eighth ward on the Kingston Common Council. Alderman Senor has set a fine example of how the council can work together in a bipartisan manner and is a true republican leader on the council. His LEADERSHIP on the council furthermore proves that public service does not have to be a blood sport. Working with the Majority Alderman Senor has accomplished several things that have benefited the city and Ward 8.
Why? Why has Alderman Senor been able to get along so well with the other side? As Minority Leader Cahill makes it seem the democrats are big, mean, and scary and can't be trusted. How could Alderman Senor possibly get anything done. Obviously Mr.Cahill's hypothesis is ridiculous, and that very thought process and his politicking is the reason to why Mr.Cahill is in the minority within the Minority caucus. (Mr. Cahill's words not mine.) Alderman Senor on the other hand has taken a diplomatic approach. He has done something that Alderman Cahill can't seem to do, he has kept politics out of city business and focused more on public service. Doing what is best for the people that elected him, and yes that includes working with ''those big mean democrats." I applaud Alderman Senor for his service to this city. Certain Republicans could learn from this community leader.
WHAT A SHOCK. The only Republican on the Council you praise is a sell out to the Democrats. Your bias and constant bashing of Alderman Cahill is really getting old. You have some nerve calling yourself objective or non-bias.
The only Aldermen that are any good on that Council are Cahill and Walker -- because they are willing to be independent and stand up to Sottile.
I am objective. While I am a registered democrat, I believe in doing what is best for the people. I do not think like a democrat nor do I think like a republican; but that of a Kingstonian.
I also disagree with your analysis on the Alderman. Their are many alderman on the council doing a good job...Alderman Reynolds, Alderman DiBella, Alderman Teetsil... just to name a few. The idea of being an Alderman is not to stand up to the Mayor but to serve the people. The Sooner Alderman Cahill and Alderman Walker learn this concept(politics 101) they will be better off.
-Jeremy Blaber
It's not a normal day until you have something bad to say about Cahill.
It's not a normal day until you have something bad to say about Cahill.
Cahill and Walker are the by far the best Alderman on the Council -- and the idea that YOU could teach them anything about politics is laughable at best.
I never said they should learn a lesson from me. However they could. The point I was making was that they should follow the example of fellow Alderman Robert Senor.
As far as Cahill and Walker being the best alderman on the council....talk about laughable.
They are the best. What has Senor done? You just priase him because he sold out to Sottile.
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