As we have all heard Ulster County Legislator Peter Kraft was stopped for a dwi on Sunday Morning. Legislator Kraft was coming home from a Christmas party at the time and was stopped by the Ulster County sheriffs office. Legislator Kraft has taken responsibility for his actions and admitted that he used poor judgment and that he feels bad for what has happened. That is acceptable to me. Legislator Kraft is an exceptional legislator and an asset to Ulster County. We all make mistakes and Legislator Kraft is human like everyone else. For the betterment of Ulster County I think it is best we move on and focus on the pertinent issues facing this county.
If he was a Republican, you'd be calling for his execution.
Untrue, Sir, while Pete is a personal friend of mine and arguably one of the smartest people that I know. I am fair and independent. I am a registered democrat but I am a resident of Ulster County first and feel everyone should be treated the same. Regardless of there party affiliation. If the situation were reversed and this were legislator Noonan my thoughts would be the same.
B.S. You are an extremely partisan democrat. Just admit it.
Anonymous ;
You are an extremely "anonymous" Republican , Why not just admit it ?
- Daniel Dooling , Libertarian ...
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