A special Congratulations to Alderman Ringwood and her husband on the arrival of their new baby girl, Abigail.
A Fair and Balanced look at Ulster County Politics. Got a tip? E-mail the Blaber Tip Line : jeremyblaber@yahoo.com
I must say I love YouTube! There are some great videos...here is another bittersweet video back when Sue Zimet ran for State Senate. The senate missed out on a good leader in Albany. It's a good promo nonetheless.
Jon talks about his candidacy.
Jon's second TV Ad appearing throughout Ulster County.
Did anyone else get into this Rosie Hasselbeck feud? I've never really watched this show, but I got to say this is pretty entertaining. I'm sad to see Rosie go.
This commercial is playing throughout Ulster County!
Jon Sennett talks about the Rockefeller Drug Laws
This is just a classic ad that I came across from last years AG's race. Cuomo sure is making NY proud.
Sennett, a former Bronx County prosecutor and practicing private attorney and part time Ulster County public defender, has launched an interactive website located at www.sennettforda.com
Starting today Sennett has also launched a radio, print and cable TV ad campaign to tell the public of his hands-on prosecutorial experience and strong desire to make Ulster County a safer place to live. “I have solid experience prosecuting homicide to handgun possession cases in the Bronx. As an assistant district attorney in Bronx County, I led a team of assistant district attorneys and caseload about the same size of the current Ulster County District Attorneys’ Office,” said Sennett.
In 2000, Sennett moved his family to New Paltz where he later opened up a private law practice. Since then, Mr. Sennett has appeared in every court in the county as well as courts in Dutchess, Greene, Orange and Sullivan counties.
“For the past seven years, my family has enjoyed the quality of life Ulster County has to offer. My pledge is to create a cohesive team to make homes, schools and communities in this county safer,” said Sennett.
“We just spent $95 million on a new jail and taxpayers and the electorate need a proven leader to make cost-effective choices about prosecuting crime and administering justice. Key elements in this strategy include alternatives to incarceration and proven prevention programs.” said Sennett.
Mr. Sennet’s campaign platform calls for effective and efficient prosecution of crime, protection of special victims, developing customized school safety plans and fostering greater communication and collaboration in the law enforcement community. “We will do whatever it takes to bring out the facts in this campaign. Advertising and a new website are just the start,” said Sennett.