A second GOP challenger stepped forward for Maurice Hinchey's seat today. Congressman Hinchey who is a veteran Congressman of the 22nd congressional district will fend of these challenges in a walk but some say he may not run and I think they could be right. Maurice has served in that position for many years and may be ready to call it quits. Some say he is retiring because he is promised a job in Hillary's cabinet which is nonsense. Hinchey may get a job under the Clinton administration but a Congressman does not give up his seat unless it's a sure thing....Clinton has not even secured the nomination yet. If Hinchey is looking for a job with Hillary he would run for another term and than resign after he was appointed to the post....in which case a special election would take place.
Let's just say for a moment that Maurice does retire and there is an open seat in the November election...can you imagine the fire storm for the Democratic nomination for that race? With the 22nd solidly blue, if you win the primary you are almost assured to be the next congressman. The names that immediately come to mind are Assemblyman Kevin Cahill, Dan Ahouse, Susan Zimet, James Sottile and every other Democratic legislator and town supervisor in Ulster County.
However the 22nd district is very big and we could have a candidate surface from all the way out in Ithaca...it's unlikely but certainly possible. The 2008 election could really be interesting if Congressman Hinchey decided to call it quits.
In my 25+ years as a registered voter in Ulster County (most of them as a Democrat) I never voted for a Republican or a Conservative candidate for Congress. I guess Hinchey doesn't object to Democrats voting for a Conservative- after all, he voted for Conservative/Independence candidate Bradley Junior for DA and then bragged about doing it on the radio. Until I heard it myself, I couldn't believe Maurice would ever do something to backstab a Democratic candidate like that - but since he did, I will never again pull a lever for Maurice Hinchey. "He is dead to me." Hinchey is another reason Democrats and Progressives in Ulster County need new leadership.
None of the candidates you mention, Blaber, are suitable.
Cahill has an undistinguished record in the Assembly, and who wants a parochial party boss in Washington? Ahouse has the congressional district-wide contacts, and is generally a good guy, but does not have the electoral experience under his belt. Zimet is simply a self-absorbed horrorshow. Sottile has executive experience, but seesm to lack the temperament for an important legislative post.
These are sorry times for Ulster County Democrats.
to 8:18: God is not available, we are going to have to settle for something a little less.
Joe Stoeckeler would be fine. He doesn't want to leave home though. I know Jon Sennett would take the position and would be willing to uproot his family for our sake. I hope the DCCC acts soon before Maurice hands the seat to a republican. I've made it known to them and everyone else who cares about keeping our seat blue should email them as well. If we don't pull the lever for a traitor that seat is gone. Sennett is a proven campaigner with support from Clinton,Schumer,and Spitzer. An easy shoe-in after this last debacle. We'd all re-double our efforts to right this wrong.
Hinchey stabbed the Hillary campaign squarely in the back,no job there.
Hinchey's got a lot of white hair up there.
With redistricting this seat will be gone in a few years.
Cahill and Ahouse would be the only people from Ulster County qualified or good enough for this job. Since people outside of New Paltz would be voting that means Sue Zimet could never win.
Ahouse orchestrated the Bradley mutiny. He has little loyalty to Democrats.
Word is that Clint Brown is eyeing the seat
Don't assume the seat is firmly blue. The enrollment is very close. Hinchey has been very popular and has won despite the close enrollment. Remember, when Hinchey won his first 2 terms, it was by the skin of his teeth.
Second, don't insult us by suggesting that buffoon, Jim Sottile. He has two chances of being a Congressman -- slim and none, and slim has left the building.
Finally, you are assuming that the next congressman will be from Ulster County. It's a big district.
Hinchey is not going anywhere. Must have been a slow news day huh Jeremy. You have never heard that come from his mouth or anyone even close to him. With a Democratic President he will be able to get a lot done in Congress. Why would he leave?
To 8:18:
You must not have voted for Van Blarcum then...didn't he have the conservative endorsement?...you are a hypocrit.
Hinchey, long a friend of Bradley Sr., will step down and support Bradley Jr. for congress. Jr. as a democrat and with the additional support of independant and conservative voters, Jr. will be a sure victor. But don't tell anybody this, because its supposed to be a secret.
Bradley, Jr. for Senate!
9:58 Voters in Ulster County did want Bradley in the DA's office...what makes you think we want him in Washington.
Another bozo in the Beltway? We already have enough of them.
Bradley still has more money to take? He's so stupid that he'd let himself be drained dry. Anybody that thinks he has a chance is delusional. He's just a pidgeon.
Voting for Van Blarcum, the Democratic candidate for Sheriff who was also endorsed by the Conservative Party is entirely different from voting for Bradley Junior, a Conservative/Independence Party candidate who was running against the Democratic/Working Families candidate for District Attorney. This is not the least bit hypocritical. Most Democrats are willing to overlook a cross-endorsement of their candidate by the Republicans, or any other competing political organization, no matter how objectionable. What Democrats should object to is when a candidate who seeks their nomination but does not get the party endorsement stays in the race on a competing ballot line to split the vote as a mere spoiler, with the result of electing the Republican rather than the Democratic candidate.
the current GOP choices are quite lacking. but like the national scene both on the Dem and GOP lines there are alot of "lackeys".
Hinchey is tired and wants to spend time at home with his pin-up model wife-lobbyst Alison.
If Dems want to hold the seat the county chairs better come to a decision and get a horse that can keep the chair blue.
Oh and Mo will need to run his own campaign this year. Hillary and Bill are fighting their own battles.
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