Kingston Chief of police Jerry Keller has started a television program on KPA. The show will talk about what is going on in Kingston and what the KPD is doing to combat crime. It will be nice to have a voice of reason on KPA for a change, and to bring fourth some truth, as well as set straight a lot of the misconceptions that are put out there by political opportunists. The show will air Wednesday nights at 9pm.
One of the first questions I will
ask the Chief is how many calls
were placed due to problems at
Why was there people ouside drinking at a political event?
Yes Matt If you are going to drink outside at least have the class to put it in a brown paper bag..
Great so we can get some more spin from his drunk boss Sottile on how all is fine and good and crime is way down, give me a break and how long will this show air until the elections are over I'll bet. Come on Jeremy stop playing political games with the people we have eyes and ears we see the crime and we hear the police sirens you can not fool the people anymore and Sottile's puppet stepping out to speak up in an election year on a cable show makes the police chief himself look foolish.I know this much the men who work under Keller are not happy with him or Sottile and I would be surprised if their union backs the Mayor this year.
Ya Jeremy,
Dont you know only the right wing
crew can speak their mind on 23?
Like 'Denny' Ryan
The Police Union does not normally endorse city candidates. They usually remain neutral. The Firemen will endorse Jimmy I'm sure.
Episode 1: Chief Keller will bust Clint Brown with 2 kilos in his whip.
Episode 2: The Chief will pick a drunken Mayor Sottile up off his bar stool and wisk him home, but not before he spits a foul beer-laiden lugey in his face.
Episode 3: Jeremy Blaber will try to crash the show in violation of his suspension and the chief will give Jeremy an old fashioned beat down in a fashion resembling the 1968 Democratic Convention.
Episode 4: Paul Watzka, who still thinks HE shudda been da Chief, will battle the Chief in an ECW-style scaffold wrestling match. The winner will be the new County police chief and have jurisdiction over everyone, even the Sheriff.
Episode 5: Cliffy Miller will be the special guest and tell viewers how to score the hottest hookers on Broadway and will offer insight on how to detect undercover vice.
Episode 6: Chief Keller will rate the best Cop Bars of all time. Teepee Tavern? Blue Jay Way? A special YOU TUBE debate with guests Mayor Sottile and Clint Brown.
By the end of the 6th episode, I'm sure Lisa Alt and her KPA junta will have suspended the Chief. Too Bad. THis show has alot of promise!!!!!!
My first question for the Polie Chief is how many crooks were booked in the now closed Midtown preceint before it was closed down? bet the answer is none concidering it was only opened for three to four weeks, and why haven't they reopened it? I understand the police want their potty stop back.
Wouldn;t be so sure on that fireman endorsement either.
who's denny ryan?
Word is that Pete Kerney will have
a Big Job in the Cahill Administration.
When will Clint Brown have his own show?
Is Chief Keller planning on running for Mayor someday?
Why does he need a TV show?
Better yet lets have a debate between Keller and Ryan then let the sparks fly!!
It is 9:20pm on Wed. night. The Community Calendar is running on Channel 23. Where is Cheif Keller? It is 8/1 and I changed my plans to listen to the"voice of reason." Is it that Jeremy gets many of his "facts" wrong? Or is it something else?
TO 8:45pm, I was glad to learn the Cheif has a Master's. But saddened and disgusted with your demeaning and degrading comments about Mr. Ryan. From reading this blog, I am beginning to see a pattern - a lack of tolerance, a lack of respect, a lack of intelligence that results in petty, childish, mean-spirited rubbish. What a waste. What a pity.
Jeremy loved Police Chief Kellers show seemed a little blank though again your a big liar is there anything you won;t lie about?then again what should we expect from a twenty year old kid who acts as the mouth peice for our Mayor!
mop the floor with the fag nice Jeremy maybe we should say something like your as fat as a whale same difference name calling is creul and discusting and you should be ashamed of yourself and to think I almost voted for you for the school board. what a disaster that would have been.
Chief Keller great show what happened did you have to go pull Sottile out of some bar?
I take no responsibility for comments (like yours) posted on this website. I guarantee that you'll never here me talk like that or write anything of that nature.
As for Chief Keller's show it is Wednesday's at 9pm, I didn't watch but apparently it must start next week. Stay tuned.
Jeremy, would you post a comment using the "N" word? I think not and rightfully so. You probably wouldn't use the degrading term referred to above. You are, however, promoting hatred by posting it. No different than other forms of passive bigotry. Like laughing at a degrogatory racial joke, or failing to stand up when faced with others' prejudice and small-mindness. Failure to address hatred based on bigotry and ignorance encourages such behavior.
You have admitted to removing comments for off the wall language. It now appears you pick and choose based on your political agenda. You have sunk to a new low, personally, politically and as a Democrat.
Amy Murphy
Amy, gimme a break, you love drama don't you? I get a lot of comments each day and I just do not have the time to read each one word for word. I do not condone or encourage that kind of talk. I also would never use hate to advance my political agenda under any circumstances. Matt Ryan is a good father and a good family man and that's important. I have a lot of respect for him. My problem with Mr. Ryan is political not personal.
I would certainly love to hear what the Chief has to say about "white collar" criminals in the area - and about ways that the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are being violated on the local front... That "would" be refreshing.
Jeremy, give me a break. Talk about drama. You delibrately misspell Mr. Bradley's name. You write that Matt was booted off the GOP. Promise to follow up, which you didn't do. You are a drama queen in spades.
I stated my opinion. No drama, just the way I see it.
Amy Murphy
If that is the way you see things you must not be that bright. BTW- I thought my misspelling of Bradley's names was quite clever. ;)
Amy Murphy is the most annoying person you will ever meet. She loves to stir the pot and cause trouble. Have you ever heard her speak? The previous poster had it right: nails on a chalkboard, and we won't even get into the content of her usual rant.
I agree, Bratley was clever.
Perhaps you're right, Jeremy. Perhaps I'm not that bright. You certainly are clever. And you have a right to your opinion. As do I.
To 7:54am - Thank you, no one has ever labeled me "the most annoying person" before, though there are some who found me damned annoying. And you have a right to your opinion. Annoying or not, I will defend that right for you and the rest, regardless of whether you agree with me or not. I do not trust, you will do the same.
Amy Murphy
Amy Murphy
Vincent Sadley.... that's clever. Because he a sad excuse for a wannabe public servant.
did you see the Freeman today;"COPS SEEK SUSPECT AFTER STABBING in Kingston stabbing and robbery that took place on Cedar street" right next to that headline is "MAN CHARGED AFTER SHOOTING" AFTER FIRING AT LEAST NINE ROUNDS FROM A SEMI AUTOMATIC WEAPON on Pine street and crime is down???? come on Police Chief and Mayor the gig is up you can't keep cookin the books just because it's an election year. We who live here know the score and no mayors puppet is going to tell us otherwise!
DAILY FREEMAN FRONT PAGE STABBING IN KINGSTON WHEN WILL IT STOP?? and the Mayor and his sidekick Keller do a little side step around the whole ISSUE this after a shooting of a semi automatic gun and a robbery and a stabbing only in Kingston ladies and gents.staty tuned to see how the police chief and the mayor spin this one.
So, the bullets are flying on our streets, still. Beatings and stabbing are making it into the Freeman. The Wilbur area has been hit with a rash of burglaries. Crime is down, our Mayor tells us.
It is time for the residents of Kingston to ask themselves, how the stats tell us crime is dropping while violence is almost an everyday occurence on our streets? Word on the street is that the incidents are being recorded at the lowest level possible and that many incidents are not being refcorded at all.
The powers that be can play with the economic stats- and they do, to win an election. They can not be allowed to "cook the books" on crime for their own political gain. It is your safety and that of your families that is being gambled with. It is the safety of our police officers as well.
Call in all suspicious activity and then call back to make sure it has been recorded. Make a difference, take a stand. Your house could be the next target. Someone one know could be the next victim. The criminals know how many police are on duty and often know where those police are patroling at any given time. Do you?
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