Friday, September 10, 2010

County Exec Hein Takes Wadnola To Task On RRA

Fred Wadnola is doing a disservice to his constituents and the entire legislature by willfully misrepresenting the facts.

- County Executive Mike Hein

Ulster Legislative Chairman Fred Wadnola was taking to task by County Executive Mike Hein today after Wadnola falsely misrepresenting the facts of Auerbach's latest audit that was critical of the county legislature's handling of the RRA. Here is a link to the Freeman Article: Freeman

Here is some of the exchange between Comptroller Auerbach, Executive Hein and Leg. Chairman Wadnola:

Wadnola contended that Auerbach issued the report after taking “marching orders” from County Executive Michael Hein, who, like Auerbach, is a Democrat.

Auerbach responded that the report was intended to “look out for the interest of the taxpayers in Ulster County.

“So that’s who I take my ‘marching orders’ from, and there must be a disconnect because the (county) charter specifically talks to the role of the comptroller in the new county form of government and addressing its efficiency and effectiveness — that is really our charge.”

Hein said it was “very sad” that Wadnola, a former Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency board member, has “decided to play politics when there are so many incredibly important issues” that have not by addressed by the Legislature.

“This is an attempt by Wadnola to deflect from his involvement in the RRA as well as cover up the fact that under his leadership in the Legislature, they have accomplished virtually nothing,” Hein said.

“Fred Wadnola is doing a disservice to his constituents and the entire Legislature by willfully misrepresenting the facts,” Hein said. “That’s unfortunate because he knows well as a former board member of the RRA that the direct (comptroller’s) report is to the Legislature.”


Anonymous said...

Where was Hein when all of this was happening. He prepares the budget doesn't he? Shouldn't he have known both when he was Administrator and now as Executive just how much county money was being used to subsidize the RRA?

The fact that Auerbach's Report ONLY blames the Legislature for failing in this instance, proves that this was a political hack job. Auerbach gets another feel good report during election year and Hein gets another stab in at the Legislature. Sounds like Hein is at least working well with Auerbach, because he doesn't seem to be working well with anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Hein is such a baby. Everything is "political" to him.

Why is it that when Republicans criticize Democrats, it's political, and when Democrats criticize Republicans, they are undisputedly right- and don't even thing of arguing- you are wrong and they are right.

Even those piercing eyes of Hein's don't make up for his incompetence.

Anonymous said...

Hein is such a lightweight. He put that amount of money in his budget, and the county "lapdog" doesnt say one word about that. And Hein has such a thin skin, he just lashes out, instead of admitting the truth? Incredible.What a bozo. Anyway, what I would like to know is who apys for Heins photography. Why doesnt schmucko the comptroller find out if the taxpayers are paying for all these publicity photos. Go get em Elliot.

Anonymous said...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. observingulster.blogspot Your blog sucks. It reads like it is coming from an insider who is trying to write what they are afraid to say publicly.

1 update every two weeks with captain obvious posts.....YAWN !!!