Elliott Auerbach won the Democratic nod for Ulster County Comptroller tonight beating out challenger David Donaldson 12600-10400 in a weighted vote. (55%-45%) I am very happy that the Democratic party recognized and voted for the most qualified candidate for County Comptroller. I hope that David Donaldson will do the right thing and support Elliott, so we can move forward as a united party.
And, of course congratulations to Mike Hein who was chosen unanimously to be the Democratic candidate for County Executive. I am proud to have Mike as our candidate and the new leader of our party.
Jeremy Blaber wrote:
"I am very happy that the Democratic party recognized and voted for the most qualified candidate for County Comptroller. I hope that David Donaldson will do the right thing and support Elliott, so we can move forward as a united party."
BeenThereDoneThat responds:
You are missing a valid point. As a city committeeman you should realize that political party nominations bestowed at a convention are unofficial.There has been local Democratic Party primaries in the past [early 1990's] on a county, state assembly, and congressional level.
Primaries allow the direct participation of enrolled party members to select the candidate seeking public office. Primaries do not detract from the party but rather enhances the selection process. It is a fair system of procuring a nomination.
i doubt that there were over 26,000 people @ the Dumocratic convention, bro,,
try, just try & get the facts right , please ....
He may be the most qualified on paper, but is he electable. Auerbach has many skeletons in his Elenville closet, and the low life Quigly will drag them out, one by one. Donaldson has lived his life in the public eye, and has earned the reputation as advocate for the people, and a goverment reformer with a trained eye for details. We dont need just a CPA bean counter, but a junk yard watch dog.
bored on the burbs
Weighted voting... The number of votes are determined by the number of enrolled Dems in your district. So if you represent a heavy Dem district, you get more votes. That seems fair doesn't it? Proportional representation.
See, we are not so dumocratic, but much more Democratic!
I am an Auerbach supporter, but if Donaldson wants to primary him I say good for him. there is nothing wrong with a primary. If Auerbach is the right candidate then he will win that as well. A primary will certainly prepare either candidate for the general election and help to clarify their stances on issues that the people care about. Why should Donaldson listen to a couple hundred committee people most of whom have agendas anyway. Let the democratic voters decide.
Don't think Quigley does not skeletons in his closet
Looks like it's a bad year coming up for local democrats with an Obama nomination imminent. The gopers are going to luck out with so many voting against Obama. Hein and Auerbach better start educating voters on the benefits of not voting party line. It looks like a sizable percentage of die-hard Democrats will be abstaining or pulling for McCain. 9 million nationwide so far. The divider has done well for his master McCain.
9:37, on "weighted voting"
I believe the weighted votes are not based upon Democratic party enrollment, but rather on the number of votes cast for the Democratic nominee in the last election for Governor.
Repeat: It's not based on enrollment, it's based on actual turnout and actual votes cast for the Democratic candidate seeking the highest office in New York.
Not sure if this information changes anything much for you, but it's as reasonable an approach to establish a representative vote on party business for constituents within voting districts as any I have heard of.
How is it Quigley is now a low life????
The guy is smart and has worked his butt off to succeed in life and now wants to give back and help UC.
I think the UC Republican ticket is much stronger than anyone realizes.
This is going to be a fun 5 months!
re: bad year coming up for local democrats
Are you kidding?
Democrats voting for (Bush's 3rd term) McCain???
Many of my republican friends are considering pulling the lever for Obama
As for: the UC Republican ticket is much stronger than anyone realizes
If money and hidden mastersto whom favors are owed means power, then yeah!
I say........let's get it on!
weighted voting. how is that fair? Did the comittee members poll their constients they represent? You think Jeremy cares what his people cares? Or did he vote for who HE supported?
On the national scene, delegates DO actualy represent the voters in their district.
I'll say it again, history has a tendency to repeat itself. I also hear of dems backing McCain. Through this presidential debacle, the local GOPers will benefit, and may return stronger and wiser.
Considering the countywide power offices: the GOPers will make a strong run for Exec and Comptroller...
and soon after, they will have the Sheriff in their sights.
Congratulations to Elliott Auerbach. I'm very glad to see this Blab, I hope for another Hein/Auerbach win this November!!
Quigley worked and financed the opposition to the charter. Now he cares enough about u c to run for a position he did not endorse. Get real.
Nice Pic Jereme & Elliot!
Nice Pic Jeremy & Eliot!
Since I am all about the fair Democratic Process, I could not agree more with BeenThere...
A. Wilber
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