Mr. Sennett who ran for Ulster County District Attorney last year, announced his candidacy for the top Dem spot about two weeks ago. Julian Schreibman announced soon after and John Parete, the current Chairman is expected to run.
About 756 people where polled, 614 of whcih voted for Jonathan Sennett or 81%, giving the New Paltz Democrat a clear mandate. John Parete trailed in second with 13% and Julian Schreibman polled about 5%..which is right around the margin of error.
Margin of error? I want Jon to get his due but I think you're taking your own poll a little too seriously. I think the best poll was last year when the vast majority of UC Democrats voted for him.
Good. Sennett has my support.
It is interesting that those who favor Parete keep parroting the idea that Sennett stopped Bradley from entering the primary. What nonsense!! It was the vast majority of the UC Democratic Committee that denied the waiver, despite Parete's efforts to block that vote by packing the Executive Board. Sennett was the Democractic nominee, garnered the most Democratic votes and certainly was not obligated to spend thousands of dollars winning a primary from someone who wasn't legally a Democrat.
It is time for change at the top. Sennett has the intelligence, backing and "cajones" to do the job. You can be sure that he will be totally supportive of our Democratic candidates.
Hey Blaber....check out
At :48 seconds, John McCain shakes hands with Len Bernardo and pats him on the arm...
I'm sure the footage of Bernardo asking his question will "surface" soon
The people participating in the Blaber poll are overwhelmingly people who think like Blaber. The outcome is unquestioned even before the first vote.
John Parete brought the Democrats to power in Ulster County. Neither Sennett nor Schreibman have ever done anything for the party in this county.
By the way, you don't gain "mandates" through surveys, you gain them through official votes. Mandate my foot.
I hope you understand this poll is entirely unscientific. Not only can't you take it the bank, you can't take it to the piggybank.
You can't take it to the blood bank or the Left bank either. Maybe the river bank to throw it in!
Sennett is my guy and I supported Bradley. It's time for a change.
Let me understand!!!!Bradley was not given the opportunity to primary because he was only a Democrat for about8 or 9 months. Sennett was a Democrat a few months longer--that makes him eligible to head the Democratic party????? Also, I read on this blog Mary Ann Sennett has just recently enrolled as a Democrat. Its amazing how many jump on the band wagon (Democrats on top) realized by the hard work of John Parete and now feel they had something to do with it. Its all a bunch of crap and sour grapes.
We all know these polls are a mere snap-shot of something, somewhere, and not necessarily a predictor of voters behavior. Democrats are a volitile group, of course, but I think this is the largest number of participants I have seen to respond one of Blaber's polls. The question is, "is this representative of the sentiments of the majority of Democrats?"
However, this says something undeniable about Sennett's popularity, relative to the powers-that-be, the powers-that-wannabe, and the powers-that-once-were.
If this accurately reflects how most Democrats feel about party leadership, Mr. Parete should stand down. Ahhh -never mind all that - he has been around long enough. He should stand down anyway to allow new leaders on fresh horses to lead the Dems.
If Schreibman's 5% was within the "margin of error", maybe no one voted for him.
Actually, 5:56, there are more "votes" in the "poll" about County Executive, with Bernardo ahead significantly at 2 hours before poll closing (as of the time this comment is being typed).
If Bernardo comes out on top, will Blaber declare a "mandate" for him? Or will he spin it as a "vast right wing conspiracy" to rig the poll? Or maybe he'll just stay silent and act like the poll never happened. Or will he try to rig the votes at the last minute himself?
So many choices, so little time.
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