I attended the first of what will probably be may debates tonight between Democrat Mike Hein, Republican Len Bernardo, and Independent candidate Allan Wikeman.
First I realize that I am a Hein supporter and my opinion is some what tainted but Hein blew away Bernardo...it was not even close.
Hein was the only candidate that provided a vision for the future of Ulster County in regards to Tourism, which was the them of the debate. He was confident knew facts and figures and proved that Hein Sight is 20/20.
Len Bernardo, seemed very nervous and uncomfortable, to be honest I was disappointed in his performance tonight. I was expecting much better...he rambled at times and really did not answer questions directly as asked. Bernardo did get better as the debate went on...Hein does have a 6 month jump on him so I'll give him a pass on today's debate...if Bernardo does not catch up fast and I mean fast...Hein is going to destroy Bernardo 2:1 in November.
As for Allan Wikeman...his heart is in the right place...he may have actually done better than Bernardo.
One thing is for sure, Hein is the only candidate ready for prime time....the others have SERIOUS work to do.
Clinton and Obama (and McCain) rarely directly answer questions, but I don't find you being critical of them.
It's refreshing that Hein answers questions directly.
A politician who has spent the last two years proposing higher property taxes, along with a new mortgage tax and a new tourism tax - that is the Mike Hein Record.
The Hein record, however, did not match his rhetoric. He claims he will dedicate the hotel bed tax to tourism. As County administrator however, he has proposed two budgets each of which did not do that.
Hein says one thing but has a record of doing something else. Just another politician. I can almost hear him saying "I actually proposed dedicating all the hotel tax revenue to tourism promotion, after two years of proposing something completely different." THAT is the Hein record.
You were ready to proclaim Hein the winner before you even arrived at the debate.
The lodging and tourism industry should concern themselves more with the escalating rise in gasoline prices that will affect leisurely traveling into Ulster County rather then just repealing the hotel tax and what they expect county government to do for them to compensate for their lack of patrons.
10:19 you didnt say bernardo did so great just slap at hein. bonachoke picked a loser and you dont wanna admit it so attack hein.
Hein has home field advantage. He already knows inside government. Of course he'll out-debate Bernardo in the first one. But there's a long time between now and November.
The bottom line is we are in trouble no matter which of these individuals gets elected. Neither one has the experience or fortitude necessary to set this office up correctly and then make the decisions that have to be made to cut spending. We are spending way too much money and you only need to look at the expenses of our neighboring counties to know that. The county payroll is full of dead wood and I am not confident either of these people are going to do what is necessary to get rid of some of it. This job should of been a hire by the legislature after a search...at least we would of gotten someone with some experience who is not aligned with anyone in the county.
Hein's record is predicting a $23 million deficit when the county ended up with a $12 million surplus.
#1, Democratic majority had been left with a Co. Government in dire financial need. This left by 30 yr. rule by Republican majority. It took two years for the Democratic majority to straighten out this financial mess. DON'T FORGET THE MISMANGEMENT OF THE JAIL FIASO. Democrats made some very difficult decisions in those two yrs. That is what real leadership is about. Mike Hein with the help of the Democratic majority got our financial house in order. He is a very bright, young breath of fresh air in Co. Government. Ulster County needs Mike Hein. Bernardo seems like a nice guy but he is in way over his head. This race is more than Democrats against Republican. Its what Ulster County taxpayers need in Ulster County Government, a leader that is smart, tough and creative enough to bring spending under control and help provide a better life for those in our area.
9:13- Have the Legislature, Majority party, hire someone after a search. Are you crazy?? They would hire someone answerable only to them. We had that, it stinks. We need someone elected by the masses. We can put them in and take them out.
i agree with 10:31 i think hein is the best choice for uc. bonachoke for some odd reason wants bernardo to win. y???????
Bonacic wants to take over the Independence party statewide. What better way then to promote an IDNY candidate and get them elected in a Democratic county.
You can tell where Bonacic has been, there is a trail of slime.
You summed up the debate fairly well. I'm a strong Bernardo supporter and agree his debating skills needs work. However, I'm confident, the Bernardo we know & listen to in Rochester, will eventually shine in Ulster County.
Taxpayers don't have a year to wait while Len goes through his on-the-job training.
Let him continue his work as the executive of the snack bar at the roller rink.
After being at the debate, I'm voting for Wikiman.
Tessie McCracken
So Blaber, for those of us who were not there, why don't you share with us what Hein's vision for Tourism is?
Excellent point, 3:27. And since the Freeman didn't cover it, it's up to you?
How does Hein feel about Real Development to attract Tourists compared to Bernardo? Golf and Ski Resorts and other Attractions, you know, the stuff people pay MONEY for, not just for granola.
How many people showed up? You and 2 others?
executive at the snack bar lol. maybe he can create jobs for king mario and that bonachoke. heavy on the butter mario
excuse me, but Mat is the executive a the snack bar, not Len
Anybody that wants the SAME OLD SAME OLD tax and spend is welcome to vote for the installed regime..They have to stand on their record..We watched Hydro Aluminum disappear and we watch for sale signs up all over the county because there are NO JOBS and the TAXES and cost of living are BRUTAL.. How about Len Bernardo standing in his own business and doing well and HIRING some people who NOW have jobs and ALL his business experience put to use revamping the UNAFFORDABLE MESS Ulster County is..And READ the county SPENDING resolutions this month..They are on the web..this is DAVE BELL
I nominate dave bell as the most unhappy resident in new york. I recommend he seek residence elsewhere since he hates it so much here.
David Bell is plenty happy. He just calls them like he sees them. And he's usually right and better informed than every single one of our elected and appointed politicians....
Blaber.....Bernardo met with John McCain two days after the County Executive debate. You said "if Bernardo does not catch up fast and I mean fast...Hein is going to destroy Bernardo 2:1 in November" Bernardo sat in Front Row at McCain's Town Hall Meeting in NYC and on camera asked McCain and how he could help small counties like Ulster with taxes? I think that's some pretty SERIOUS work (as you put it) on behalf of the Ulster County tax payers. Did Bernardo "catch up" fast enough for you. I haven't seen any pictures of Hein and Barack Hussein Obama floating around.
Debate does not run a county. Words do not create jobs. Hein's only experience is in a broken county government. The only thing that experience has taught him is how things are done WRONG.
Bernardo has created more jobs than you can count in his career. He understands how to run an organization, keep to a budget and make things work RIGHT.
Supporting Hein is nothing but a partisan knee jerk position. He doesn't even come close to having Bernardo's background, skills or proven track record.
By the way, Hein has no business even talking about "tourism" after advocating a motel tax. Suddenly he's an expert in an industry he wanted to destroy? You can't solve the county's money problems through new sources of revenue. They can only be solved by SEVERE budget cuts. How about the county cut back on its spending instead of us cutting back on food for our kids?
This county overspends by almost 2-to-1 and if Hein doesn't get that, he has no business even running, much less serving.
8:55 AM Asking John McCain how to lower taxes in Ulster County is catching up? Give me a break. Bernardo needs to find out how to do it on his own..that's the real problem, he does not know the answer...if he really wanted to find out he did not have to travel all the way to NYC and ask McCain, he could of saved a lot of time by just going to the 6th floor of the County building and ask someone if he could speak to Mike Hein.
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