I think it's a mistake to leave this guy unchallenged, it will give him more time to stump and throw money at Len Bernardo, his chosen Independence candidate. Then again, he may not be that popular in Ulster County after an embarrassing loss two years ago to Susan Zimet in this county.
It's not too late for a formidable candidate to step forward.... Aileen Gunther, Vin Martello, Nick Woerner, Rich Parete...any of them can send Bonacic back to Mount Hope.
We can raise the money to help send him back to mount hope. This is the best shot of doing it is absolutely right.
Highly doubtful that anyone could beat this guy even this year, certainly not the names you bring forward. You are living in a dream world. The guy has more money than any of them could raise in this short period of time. And Zimet barely winning Ulster, her home county, when she got hammered everywhere else is hardly a sign that he is at all vulnerable.
moron,,,,,, Bonacic does so much for every citizen regardless of party,, no one has a problem with him except Parete,,,& you,,,
wake up & give credit where credit is due,,
ask a volunteer firefighter or a rescue squad member,, ask the VFW guys & gals,,
He would smoke Martello, Gunther, or any other fool dumb enough to take him on,, even Zimet isnt that stupid twice,,
He would not smoke Gunther. She would get some serious Albany money, and that is where this race would be won or lost. Not locally. He would smoke the others though.
Maybe Zimet can talk Berardi into announcing a run against Bonacic.
Zimet wasted lots of serious Albany money last time... seemed like a golden opportunity to send Bonacic packing. Now, if some party leader simply stroked Zimets gigantic ego enough ("Susan, the Democrats really need you...") she would be exactly that stupid to run a second time around. Just don't expect to see many Zimet-Spitzer bumper stickers, this time.
The fact that nobody has announced against Bonacic in this election cycle shows Bonacic is a strong incumbent, but it also reflects a failure of Democratic party leadership. Why haven't Hinchey or Cahill or Parete put their energy into recruiting and fielding a candidate for this race like they did for county DA? Instead, they spent the spring trying to figure out a way to ruin the county exec race for Mike Hein.
Gunther would smoke him. I guess he owns enough Dems in Albany to get a free ride. This is the year they need one seat. His District is Democratic, tell me who he sleeps with in Albany. Republicans take note an Independent now a free ride???????
Jeremy, Nick Woerner against Bonacic? Are you serious? You are really showing your age. Way back when you were 9 years old, a man by the name of John Guerin ran against Bonacic. He was a long time NYS Assemblyman. It was a tough campaign and Bonacic won. Woerner is nowhere near the caliber of Guerin. Bonacic has had 10 years to gain strength, and you think that Nicky Woerner is going to run against him? Bring it on. Also, we'd love to see Gunther give up her Assembly seat to lose against Bonacic, we'll gladly take that seat too. Game ON
To: 5:13 - You are showing your age. "John Guerin... A longtime NYS Assemblyman" Get your facts straight, John Guerin was an assemblyman for three years when he decided to take on John Bonacic who had just finished his eight year in the Assembly. John Guerin lost because of his arrogance. Very similar to that which you display! You are right Woerner is no Guerin. Woerner has shown an ability to work with all people to move a progressive agenda forward in the Town of Ulster. Including, working with Senator Bonacic to secure over $ 500,000 for the Town of Ulster over the last two and a half years. Guerin never delivered that kind of money. But I am sure you have some excuse for that. By the way in 1998 when Senator Bonacic was elected your boy John Guerin ran as a third party candidate. The results for that election were Bonacic - 46,836, Chirico – 35,389 and Guerin – 10,293. So much for a “tough campaign!!!” So here is what I have to say to you… get a life! Stop wasting our time with people like John Guerin. Remember it was Guerin who back both Maxwell and Wise. I don’t think he is as important as you, he or King Mario thinks he is. So go help the implosive campaigns of Bernardo and Quigley, that way you have something else to sulk about on election night. GAME OVER!
Bonacic's got $658,000 in his campaign kitty as of the January Board of Elections filing. Since January he's had multiple fundraisers. He's probably sitting on around $800,000. With a race, he would raise more.
If all of a sudden he came in with an opponent probably $700,000 of Republican money would be coming into Ulster County. Right now, Bonacic and all unopposed Senators are going to be forced to send money to other Senators around the State since Democrats are trying to knock out the Republican controlled Senate.
Your analysis on this is simply wrong Blaber. The last thing we need is $700,000 or more of Republican money that will go elsewhere in this State to stay here and have Bonacic, Bernardo, and Quigly running as a team along with the lady who is running against Kevin Cahill.
Hein and Quigley are favored this year and that wouldn't be the worst outcome in the world.
Guerin was a one-term Republican Assemblyman who lost the Repub nomination to Bonacic.
Guerin won 2 races--Cahill and Provenzano.
Does no one know local history? John Guerin was a two-term assemblyman when he challenged Bonacic in the 1998 GOP primary. He lost, of course, but he also had the Conservative party nomination. He endorsed Bonacic after the primary, and did not campaign as a Conservative. He did pull 11%, however, in the General Election, which shows how popular he is. I know, I voted for him the GOP primary and in the General Election in '98.
9:10 has the story right: John Guerin ran against Bonacic (the GOP machine candidate) in the GOP primary and lost, and then remained in the race as a potential spoiler. Unfortunately, Guy Chirico was a qualified but not especially likable Democratic candidate who went down to defeat. That was the same year that a frightening ultra-right-wing christian anti-abortion rights conservative by the name of Randall Terry (of "operation rescue" fame) ran against Congressman Hinchey. Hinchey had been targeted by the GOP as one of the most vulnerable Democratic incumbents that year.
Until and unless campaign finance rules are changed so that an incumbant does not have a seemingly insurmountable advantage going in, there will be no legitimate challengers stepping forward for these positions.
Rules that limit campaigning while on payroll time would also go a long way. Granted, such limits would be virtually unenforceable, but it would be a nice idea. Just look at our candidate for county executive. Isn't the county paying him full time wages to do his present job? What is he supposed to be doing while he is appearing at press conferences with Schumer?
Terms limits would also be a step in the right direction.
Incumbant and entrenched Senators and Assemby-people will only lose if they shoot themselves in the foot far enough in advance of re-election time to put potential challengers on notice that the incumbant is ripe for the taking.
Incumbants have the access to pork spending to buy favor and votes in their districts, they have war chests built up from years of running unopposed or marginally opposed, they have all the time in the world to campaign while on payroll. Potential opponents are generally working for a living and cannot get out on a daily basis and meet and greet.
Career politicians benefit from the status quo and have little if any incentive to push for genuine change. They therefore pass bills that make for good sound bites and have minimal real impact.
Meanwhile, the real change that is needed to ensure of children's future is never addressed.
The prognosis . . . no one can effectively challenge Bonacic or Larkin. Certainly not any of the lightweights that you mention. They have too much money, they have bought off too many voters, they are owed too many favors and they will be in the Senate as long as they want.
Guerin is a loser and so is bonachoke if gunther gets in the race. what bonachoke does for every citizen is raise taxes to distribute to organizations that will support his reelection. bonachoke is easy pickings for gunther.
Bonasick should start sending out his resume to Karl Rove now, as he'll be looking for a new grift come January, and you can take that to the bank, Senator.
Vernon Trent
Politics 101: you cant beat somebody with nobody. Anybody have a candidate?
bonachoke thinks gunther is a nobody and u can tell that by the way his supporters post here.
2:51 PM - Your funny. You are right there is no better candidate than Woerner in the Town. He has actually shown results. Check you spelling, Aaron is spelled wrong. Also Aaron is a supporter of Senator Bonacic. Why don't you get a brain! Maybe you should you run for Supervisor next year, because you sound about as smart as Don Wise.
Don Wise, now there's an oxymoron if I've ever read one!!! Heavy emphasis on the MORON!!!
Everyone loves Nicky!!!!!!!!!!
He will take over for Mo when he finally gives up the ghost!!!
Some facts to consider. Steve Aaron never received a zoning variance. Second, A Payment In Lieu of Taxes is as of right for an age or income restricted housing project. When are you people going to get over the fact that Steve Aaron is the only person building housing for the people who need it the most; Seniors and Working Families!
To 7:19 AM - I thought I told you before to get you facts right! Let’s try this one more time… We all should thank Wadnola for his stellar record of mismanagement in the Town. It was his fiscal ignorance that led to a 42% tax increase in 2004. Yes Wadnola did start East Kingston but, it took him 26 years as a representative of the people of the Town of Ulster to do so. It took Supervisor Woerner just 6 MONTHS to get construction underway and it was complete less than one year into his term. It was Supervisor Woerner however, who was able to secure the most important part of the project, the lateral assistance money for the residents, so they did not have to reach into their pockets to connect. Woerner also fixed Wadnola’s East Kingston screw up - Wadnola – who obviously did not understand fiscal management never applied the interest earned on the Bond Anticipation Note against the Tax Levy for 2006 effectively making the residents pay twice the amount in taxes then they should, to the tune of an additional $ 700.00 per homeowner. Woerner came and fixed the rate in 2007 lowering the average tax bill by $ 1000.00 and for 2008 has returned it to the proper amount of approximately $ 650.00. Yes Wadnola did start the Washington Avenue Project, but again it was Woerner who came in and brought the project in complete under budget. You can thank Wadnola for the $ 300,000 gift the Town had to give to the City for the “Connection Fee.” I know Woerner would never have agreed to that. Quick Chek was not in front of the Town until Supervisor Woerner took office. So do some more research on that! Lastly, Aaron’s project… If you mean Chambers Phase I, It was Woerner who while working for Aaron was involved in every detail of the construction of the project. I think that Aaron’s trust in Woerner to be a top guy in the construction of that project at 20 years old was probably the same reason the educated and informed voters of our Town elected and re-elected him as our Town Supervisor. As far as your ridiculous comment about the Town Police it was morons like Fred Wadnola who over the years suggested that we eliminate the Town Police Department. I don’t know where you come up with your rhetoric by I am extremely thankful that I can pick up the phone in a situation and know that highest trained, most professional and respectful group of officers are there to assist. By the way the Town of Ulster Police Officers continues to be some of the lowest paid in the County. You know, as always, this can all be proven. So here is what I have to say to you now… Shut Your Stupid Mouth! The hits just keep on coming!
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