Charlie is a good friend even if he's misguided in his support for Bradley, who is his nephew. I ran into Charlie tonight and he was discussing how great Vince would make as a public Servant. Maybe so, I have nothing against Bradley Jr., I think he could have a good career as a public servant..maybe as a state legislator or maybe follow in his father's footsteps as a Judge.......just not D.A., Sennett is the better and more quilified candidate.
A Fair and Balanced look at Ulster County Politics. Got a tip? E-mail the Blaber Tip Line :
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Blaber withdraws support for Eric Kitchen
Charlie is a good friend even if he's misguided in his support for Bradley, who is his nephew. I ran into Charlie tonight and he was discussing how great Vince would make as a public Servant. Maybe so, I have nothing against Bradley Jr., I think he could have a good career as a public servant..maybe as a state legislator or maybe follow in his father's footsteps as a Judge.......just not D.A., Sennett is the better and more quilified candidate.
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As always, you hit it on the head! Sennett is the most quilified candidate, that does not make Bradley a bad person and I hope that he drops out and runs for another office in the future.
Larkin is almost done, if Bradley can get past GOP Insurance guy Dan Mills he would be in good shape. Or he could run for County Judge in a few years. Also, Who knows how long before Kevin moves up...the opportunities are endless if Bradley can just shape up and support Sennett. Hey, I did, I originally supported Vince but I realized Sennett was the better candidate after he spoke to our committee.
You can't blame Charlie for supporting Vince it happens to be his nephew, I'm confident in the end though Vince will do the right thing.
Charlie Thomas is a straight shooter and it would be great to have him on the town board. He has the knowledge to keep the town of Ulster moving forward.
How many Democratic candidates are going to be damaged politically in this and possibly in future campaign seasons because of Conservative candidate Vincent Bradley Junior created divided loyalties in the Democratic party?
Kevin Cahill didn't fill Maurice's shoes in Albany - why would anyone think he is slated to "move up?"
I expect Democrats would prefer to elect an actual Democrat rather than non-Democrat Bradley Junior to succeed State Senator Larkin. Other than a famous name, what experience does Bradley Junior have to promote his candidacy for high legislative office? He never served on a town board, city council, county legislature.
So... Jeremy.. What did Kitchen do or say that made you pull away? Maybe it was peer pressure from fellow Dems for you supporting a Republican and you crumbled
By praising Charlie Thomas, you have absolutely lost any and all credibility. The man is a buffoon. He has no skills for public service. He would be nothing more then a guaranteed yes vote for Woerner. How do you expect people to take you seriously when you do things like this?
A little more detail in your reasoning behind your decision to drop your support for Eric would be nice. I hate to think, seeing your post was published at 12:30 AM on a Saturday night, you are PWAI (posting while ability impaired). You probably saw Eric out last night, heard something or got into a disagreement, and you came home to rant.
Clint Brown for President!
What's your beef with Kitchen?
Charlie Thomas lost his pistol permit by using very poor judgment. I would not want him to use that same judgment with our tax dollars. He is as dumb as a rock.
If Clint Brown lived in Town of Ulster all problems would go away
Dear GW,
I sure hope "moving Ulster forward" doesn't mean paving over every remaining square inch. That's certainly how it looks to this non-Ulster resident. Ugh.
Thomas has NOT been active in town activities for 3 years,let alone 30 years. Get your facts straight. Never heard of him before Woerner made him deputy supervisor. This is the difference between blogs and newspapers. Blogs can publish utter nonsense with no fact checking. Here is a perfect example.
To quote anonymous at 10:21
Charlie Thomas lost his pistol permit by using very poor judgment. I would not want him to use that same judgment with our tax dollars. He is as dumb as a rock.
I know someone else who used VERY poor judgement regarding a pistol. Our 'beloved' Maurice Hinchey. Boy, does he love forgetting his 'little' airline incident. Likewise, he shouldn't be trusted.
JB, looks like I'm not the only one who would like an explaination. :-)
hey "joey"...
Maurice forgot he had it in his bag at the airport (pre 9/11 by the way)...
Charlie pointed his at a bunch of kids...
A bit of a distinction
you sap...
Charlie Thomas may have lived in the Town of Ulster for all of his life, but he has NOT been ACTIVE in the Town of Ulster . . . at least not until Nicky Woerner ran for Supervisor. Also, Charlie Thomas has NOT been active in the DEMOCRATIC party until NW ran for Supervisor.
I withdrew my support becasue of Mr. Kitchen's attitude at the GOP caucus toward Mr. Woerner and others. It was unprofessional. A public servant should maintain a high degree of professionalism at all times.
I said Mr. Thomas has been active in the town and it's activities for 30 years...not necessarily town politics, there is a difference.
Jeremy you are such the flip flopper now you don't support Kitchen just a few months ago you were supporting Ryan and when he disagreed with the mayor you decided to stand behind Shirley Whitlock so did Kitchen say something bad about your super hero Sottile remember if they do not agree 100% with Sottile then they are not good Democrats from your mouth to gods ears. I think there is going to be a lot of bad Democrats this year come voting time where Sottile is concerned Jeremy.
Jeremy writes, "A public servant should maintain a high degree of professionalism at all times." This is the reason why he withdrew his support for Eric Kitchen.
WHAT ABOUT SOTTILE? His behavior has been repeatedly unprofessional. There was Mariner's, him screaming at employees, calling people names, getting drunk in public, etc.
How can withdraw support for Kitchen for unprofessionalism and yet still support Sottile?
Talk about hypocrisy.
Dear Jeremy, If you are going to run a blog and make statements then you owe it to your readers to explain your flip flops on endorsements.. eg: Kitchen especially when specifically asked by your readers. We are all interested. A ststement like "Blaber withdraws support for Eric Kitchen" smacks of your being another Nick puppet and being a good little boy and doing what youwere told. Is there another explanation? or maybe Andy told you to do it? So what's up???
Jeremy Blaber said...
I said Mr. Thomas has been active in the town and it's activities for 30 years...not necessarily town politics, there is a difference.
10:57 PM
OK then give us at least 2 examples. Or even 1 example of what you mean!
Stick to Kingston. You don't know Ulster if you think Charlie Thomas has done anything but live in the house his father left him which just happens to be in Ulster.
He has done NOTHING in Ulster, EVER!
Jeremy Blaber said...
I withdrew my support becasue of Mr. Kitchen's attitude at the GOP caucus toward Mr. Woerner and others. It was unprofessional. A public servant should maintain a high degree of professionalism at all times.
Like something simple as returning phone calls? Or maybe storming out after the votes were announced? Loading up the caucus with vendors and his puppets from Chambers? Something like that?
Mr. Kitchen's sin in Jeremy's book is that he supported Don Wise for the Republican nomination. Being at the caucus, the only thing I observed was Partisan Politics at its best. There was no unprofessional or unethical behavior (and that includes Republicans supporting Nick - they are entitled to there opinion - and those Republicans who objected to their support of Nick.)
JB, we can FINALLY agree on something. That's worrisome. :-)
Sottile is my superhero
Jeremy, you still haven't answered me. How can you reject Mr. Kitchen for unprofessionalism and yet still support Sottile???
I got 99 problems and matt ryan aint one
To the other JB, there is nothing wrong with agreeing with one another every once in awhile as long as we don't make it habit!
I hope your health is improving.
from Jeremy....
I withdrew my support becasue of Mr. Kitchen's attitude at the GOP caucus toward Mr. Woerner and others. It was unprofessional. A public servant should maintain a high degree of professionalism at all times.
Mr. Woerner should not have even approached the Republican Town Committee for an endorsement at that time.
...and as others have put it...stay in Kingston. You don't know the Town's barely know Kingston's.
Examples?? Do you have any?
Jeremy, you STILL haven't answered me. How can you reject Mr. Kitchen for unprofessionalism and yet still support Sottile???
Just like Nickie, he only answers the calls he wants to.....
Deputy Supervisor Charles Thomas is dumb as a FOX, dumb as a ROCK was Deputy Supervisor Barbara Wise! Cost the Town Of Ulster how much$$$$$$$$$$$, (ASK HER).
Jeremy didn,t Sottile endorse Pataki for govener four years ago? was't he a republican?
You still support the Kitchen, Blaber...It's where you spend all of your time!
Clint Brown's "Other" Love Child.
What does Barabra Wise have to do with Charlie Thomas? she does not figure in his race. He is unqualified, boorish, and would be an embarrassment to the town if elected.
Thomas and Woerner have REALLY screwed it up for ALL Ulster County Dems with the Independent Party. Werner and his party will NEVER endorse another dem for a long time to come because of the frivilous legal challanges the Woerner and Thomas have filed. They are wasting alot of peoples time and money including the courts. And it is ALL for their personal gain never thinking about the long term repercussions. Woerner just lost his challange yesterday and came out looking foolish. Thomas's suit is even more rediculous challanging the independent petitions on the committee to fill vacancies.
Yes the mayor did endorse Pataki for govenor so why is he giving ryan such a hard time hypocrite.
to 10:56- "A public servant should maintain a high degree of professionalism at all times" Sottile at Mariner's!
to 12:20- how sad!
to 10:26- He endorsed Patacki because he thought he could get something. Same reason he endorsed Spitzer and then waited around for the rewards to come pouring in. Sottile waited with his hand out until it was clear that he was getting NOTHING.
Charlie Thomas is still a fool and he will not win! He is pushing Bradley like crazy. If he is pushing Bradley, I am against him.
To the last poster - your reasons for not voting for Charlie Thomas (because he's supporting Bradley) are the same reasons why many people aren't voting for Sottile. If Sottile was smart, he'd back the Democratic endorsee for DA. This is the second time he's supported a non-Democrat. Charlie Thomas is an idiot and sleazy - Ulster would be in awful shape if he won.
I'm voting for Sennett, Gilpatric, and Sottile. All three are the most quilified for the positions that they're running for, respectively.
Dear Jeremy, You should be embarressed by this web page and blog. This is nothing more than a popularity contest with you and the candidates that you support. You and your friends have nothing of substance to say about anyone and use this a place to express your opinion about people you do not like. Seriously you should all be ashamed of yourselves and if you really care about politics and want to express your voice post your name. Good luck.
Dear Diane, You should be embarrassed about your poor spelling and punctuation. If I were you, I wouldn't put my name to anything. Posting anonymously isn't an indicator of one's lack of concern about politics. What's wrong with a blog that is opinion-based? If you want substance, go to Stay away from Fox News and the Freeman.
I can't wait 'til this image is off of my computer screen. This man is repulsive and I hope the voters have enough sense to turn him away. He is rude, obnoxious and plain old stupid.
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