Sunday, September 14, 2008
12:30 – 4:00 PM
Please join the Friends of Kevin Cahill as we host
2008 "FunRaiser in the Park"
Beautiful Hasbrouck Park Overlooking the Majestic Hudson River
2008 "FunRaiser in the Park"
Beautiful Hasbrouck Park Overlooking the Majestic Hudson River
$15 -- SAME PRICE AS 1985 !!
As always KIDS ARE FREE !
As always KIDS ARE FREE !
For info contact
RSVP Maryalice Cahill, 845-338-9252
Rumor has it Kevin has a HUGE number of reservations for this picnic. This is going to be the most fun event of the season as usual.
Someday he'll be our County Executive?
This may be the last time I will vote for any returning incumbent. Its time they do what we want, no, what we demand. Fix the school tax problem, start working for the people who sent them there and not the Party big wigs. Every elected politican from the state level to federal has lost touch with their people. If this was the private sector they would be SHOWN THE DOOR IN A HEART BEAT. The Congress has a aprovale rating of less than 17%, and the NYS Goverment is rated as the most dissfunctional in all of the USA, and they think that they shoud be returned to office? We need term limits NOW.
We have term limits...it's called election day.
Wow, what a turnout. Did anyone tell Robin yet? At least 250, for a picnic? Nice job by Kevin's supporters and family.
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