Here at Blaber News, we will be doing a weekly spin off of that segment every Wednesday. I will feature people that are helping Ulster County become a better place, Patriots as well as people that are hurting Ulster County, Pinheads.
I also will take your suggestions for both categories. If you have a nomination please e-mail me the suggestion with a pithy description of why this person should be nominated to : blabernews@gmail.com All submissions will remain anonymous but please do not be a misanthrope when writing to us.
Mike Hein, Elliott Auerbach and Len Bernardo all spent hours downtown on Sunday at the Hooley on the Hudson meeting with voters and talking with them about the very important races that are coming up in just two short months. It's very important and refreashing that a candidate make himself open and accesable to the public and help them make an informed decision this November. For doing this Elliott Auerbach, Mike Hein and Len Bernardo are all patriots.
On the Pinhead front, Sue Zimet is at it again, this time trying to petition the state to pass a law that would close bars early in the Village of New Paltz. This is all about an effort for Zimet's need to be in the spotlight. Zimet's claim that this will stop drinking and driving is a farce, if anything it will just increase underage house parties and increase the amount of DWI's, as people get in their car and head to the next town where the bars are still open. New Paltz establishments have gotten along fine without Zimet's help for many years. Sue Zimet's actions certianly make her a Pinhead.
Quigley was there for hours too. Be fair, Jeremy.
Just becasue Squigley was down there does not mean he was campaigning or introducing himself to voters. He sat in a lawn chair and napped. There is a difference.
its good to know about it? where did you get that information?
Wow Jeremy, agreements all the way around from me. Zimmet has completely lost it with this desire to close the bars down at 2. Next thing you know, she may be calling for a dry town. LOL
You will appreciate why I had to change my O'Reilly graphic...go to the archives and look at it...
Mr. Blaber -
I am stunned and amazed. Not only did you include Len Bernardo on your list of Patriots, but you named a prominent Democrat as a Pinhead. Rich Cahill does have a point, however. Fairness would seem to dictate that Jim Quigley be listed, as well.
I do wonder, by the way, why you feel the need to imitate Bill O'Reilly rather than coming up with your own appellation for your "awards" feature. Surely someone as creative as you could name this segment something original rather than taking the easy way out by using someone else's title.
I am impressed Jeremy. For once I agree with your pinheads.
Zimet is a prominent Democrat in her own mind and nowhere else.
BULLETIN: Most Democrats do not like Susan Zimet. If they did, her campaign for Executive would have lasted longer than the 6 hours it did.
I remember, your old picture had Biden on the Pinhead screen, didn't it. Oops! LOL You got to tell me, did you originally put your older pic up, before realizing this freudian slip?
No, I didn't. Luckily,I noticed it as soon as I went to copy and paste the intro... that I put up in the beginning.
I'm with you on the Pinhead this week. Watch for my editorial in next week's NP Times on Susan's bizzare petition drive for early bar closure.
11:27, kind of like what Auerbach did at the Labor Days of Caring in Ellenville?
He participated. My God, talk about not letting something go. I would hate to cross your path. BTW- I may not have meant much to you but I'm sure to the person on that ladder was very appreciative to Elliott Auerbach.
Jeremy you need to get that you-tube of Noonan and Murphy.
really now? blaber mr quigley wasnt there? but thats odd because if i do not recall i saw you chit chtting with him telling him to drop out of the race. thats mature of you. before you go posting things. make sure there accurate. and to answer everyones questions mr quigley was introducing himslef and talking with many people. he did particiapte rather well if i dont say so myself
In fairness to Sue Zimet, she wears less make up than O'Rielly.
I am not one for name calling, so I cannot agree with your characterization of New Paltz's distinguished legislator. However, I am opposed to this attempt to suppress business in New Paltz.
It is true that drunk & disorderly late night revelers cause problems in our little Village. I have several friends who live and have businesses in the Village who can't stand the shenanigans. I don't think this is the solution.
There are several problems with this campaign:
First, closing the bars early will only mean a mass and unruly exodus into the streets, likely to continue in overcrowded houses nearby.It is easier to regulate underaged drinking in a public house than a private one.
Second, with the surrounding environs keeping their bars open later than 2am, that just means more DWI.
Third, businesses like P & Gs give back an enormous amount of support, financial and otherwise, to the community. If we stifle their ability to earn, what will that do to their contribution level? Who's going to feel the sting on that one?
Fourth, I think it showed a certain lack of respect to community and business leaders like Mike Beck, the owner of P & Gs to unveil this without first raising the issue with the Tavern Owner's Assoc.
Let's open this up to debate - without all the childish name calling - and see where it goes. Why do we need to tell the bar owners when to be open for business?
Nobody asked me to sign anything, but you can put me down as a "NO" vote.
Jon Sennett
Again, there is a difference between sitting in a lawn chair and actively working and campaigning like AAuerbach was.
3:41 -- no one was on the ladder. Which is exactly the same person who is appreciative. :)
Clarify that is Peggy Noonan not Glenn. I was wondering what I did now
Murhpy who?
10:03 what did you see??????
he was not sitting in a lawn chair.
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