What a great county dinner and a great time to be a Democrat in Ulster County! Over 275 party faithful attended the annual Democratic dinner Saturday night with guest speaker NYS Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, who is doing is doing a heck of a job as our Attorney General.
All our candidates did well, Mike Hein and Elliott Auerbach both got standing ovations, we have a talented ticket that is going to transform county government. At the end of the night John Parete came up to me and said, Jeremy we're going to win, and there is no doubt in my mind that he is right. From Obama, Hinchey Cahill, Hein and Auerbach, under the leadership of John Parete, we are going to win and win big!
Lovely evening, but I could've done with less speeches if you know what I mean. ;)
C'mon Britt, even you have to admit the Auerbach speech rocked the house!
He should come to Kingston and investigate the build-up time scandle at DPW. Al Teasel says he's fine with what is going on in DPW. Could it be because his son was just hired by Gorsline, he comes in late and sleeps in the truck and nothing is said. Good ol boys club at work.
Elliott Auerbach's speech was the highlight of the event. Ok, the AG was pretty good too! Elliott has shown us all why he is uniquely qualified for the job of Comptroller. Now it is our turn to spread the word and make sure we have a HEIN/AUERBACH win this November!
JB do you agree with Al Teetsel about Gorsline's build up time. Why is Teetsel's son given a job just before he defends Gorsline in the press.
He didn't even see any paperwork on what he did for the $14000.00.
I have to admit that? Why, is there a gun to my head? :)
Brittany with the Paris Hilton pose.
Teetsel's kid has a job with DPW now? You must be kidding me. The integrity factor for Teetsel just went down in my book.
Shame on Al!
Speaking of integrity factor...what's this I hear that Brittany is backing Sarah Palin?
What's the logic?
6:13, Sarah's cute, but not my type (at least not as far as politics go). I'm probably voting for Cynthia McKinney. And that's only because JB isn't old enough. ;)
Does Teetsel also back Gorsline on his 35 Pesh violations, no traing for his department, stock piling chemicals, sexual harassment scandle.
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