I went to public hearing on the ethics law and it will be voted on next week..details to follow than. I would be irresponsible if I did not mention how great Legislator Rich Parete was tonight. The guy takes no nonsense and is just a great legislator. Add him to the list of Patriots for the week.
What kind of ethics are being voted on. I missed this.
We see Zimet there holding court.
Why doesn't she resign? At least NP is represented by a good human, Hector Rodriguez.
Impeach Zimet!!!!!
Yeah Rich! Ferret out the Good Old Boys!
Are you kidding?
All 5 speakers in favor of this law, were from Saugerties. They all want Parete out. They have all been very vocal in their opposition to Parete.
when the sane members of the majority voted to table this, one of them (Ralph something) stormed out of the room as he shouted, and I will quote as best I can,
"Assholes, You -unintelligible- fucking kangaroo-unintelligible-"
It was an embarrassing display of politics from this group of miscreants.
a good human, Hector?
Surely you jest.
Was he even at this meeting?
Rich may not always be right, but he sure is on this one!
Absolutely not.
Let me be blunt. Parete are against labor andare in politics to feather their own nest.
11:05, I believe it was "assholes, you corrupt fucking kangaroo court."
JB, Rich was out of line last night. There is a certain level of professionalism that should be maintained, even when the public does not do the same.
I think Rich was very professional.
JB, you might be the only one. Yelling, muttering, throwing insults, and trying to walk out of the meeting doesn't constitute professionalism to most of us.
I think Rich is great but he's got to learn to keep it under control sometimes. Nothing productive will come from those kinds of outbursts.
Whoever said that should be banned from the Legislature, for life.
When will local politics stop being about personalities and start being about issues and ideologies?
Is the passage of an Ethics Law aimed at the person who holds both BOE commissioner & Chair of a major political party? Yes. But that is the point.
No one should be holding party office and department head status, whether their name is Parete or Savago or Zimet. It gives the appearance of impropriety. Period. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
It may very well be that the Ethics Law is an end run at removing the Chair of the Democratic Party. That does not make it wrong, it just makes it a clever strategy, one that would be used by that Chair and his clan if the shoe were on the other foot.
When will it be the right time to pass such a law? When those who would violate it are finished doing so? What will you have to say if the Chair decides not to seek the BOE - or vice versa? Will the law miraculously become a good one then?
Ethics are, after all, the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation.
The same rules for everyone. N'est pas?
It is now obvious that the Town of Saugerties Democrats have an agenda. They want control of the County Committee. They are far out crazy Liberals, Progressive is to good a word for these whackoo's. They are going to destroy the Democratic Party. There will be an all out attempt by many Dem's and Republicans to get rid of Bishoff. He has always been a destructive force to the Legislature and the party. Can't wait until 2009 election.
Ralph Childers is a loud mouthed arrogant bully. He, Bischoff, Lanny Walters and the rest of the crew from Saugerties will be shown to be the power hungry people that they are. The ethics law was nothing more than a vehicle to remove Parete. They could never beat him with votes so they will try this unethical, immoral move.
If Saugerties has an agenda.... it seems that Woodstock, Marbletown, New Paltz and Rosendale have similar agendas....
No "ethics law" designed to affect a single person can be good for the whole county. The BOE Commissioner is a political position and rightfully so. You want a politically biased person representing your party. Wearing both hats, Party Chair & BOE Commissioner increases the size of the pool for those willing to become a party chair...that's a good thing. We do not want to limit party chairs to retiree's or to the wealthy. The law is vengefull and should not be passed.
Saugerties is like no other committee. There are fringe members in most committees, but Saugerties is run by the fringe people, most others are not. They are surely not your average Ulster County Democrat. They are the most narrow minded group of Democrats ever assembled. Talk to them, you will see.
There are definitely people like them in those other committees, but they do not run those committees.
- "...'ethics law' designed to affect a single person..."
has anyone here even READ the proposed law? it is a comprehensive reform bill addressing a multitude of issues, with one tiny section that would keep parete...and others...from holding too much power. the attempt to pigeon hole the bill as affecting only one person is disingenuous at best.
Yes, 4:08
You can add Gardiner, Hardenburgh,Denning Marlborough, Shandaken and Lloyd to your list.
Apologies if you were left off the list, you can still sign on to supporting good government and the removal of entrenched powerbrokers.
It's funny all these supporters can not add their name. You can keep Kingston's name off of it. We don't believe in using your elected positions to go after your political enemies...you know we actually have ethics...we don't just hide behind them.
This is being buried like the Jail report.
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