John Parete told the Freeman this afternoon that he will not seek reelection for Board of Elections post. This is a disappointment but not a surprise, why does John want the aggravation? I knew this was coming and was waiting for John Parete to make the announcement.
First and foremost, I thank John Parete for his service to this county as our elections commissioner by any standard, he has done a great and honorable job and I look forward to him continuing to serve as our Chairman. It will take huge shoes to fill Parete's position. Despite what people think this is not some political patronage job, it's tough work. John Parete works 12 hour days in that office, it's no joke. You need someone in that office like Parete, that knows what they are doing and someone that is able to challenge the opposition and protect their candidates.
UPDATED: Today Peter Loughran dropped his bid for the BOE and endorsed Kathy Mihm.
Kathy Mihm---- In my humble opinion, if Kathy tosses her hat in it's over, others need not apply. Kathy certainly would be the favorite and would have the inside track for the job.
Peter Loughran--- Dropped out endorsed Kathy Mihm
Both Stuart and Kathy have the credentials for the job, the others don't. We would do well with either one as Commissioner. All things being equal, I think Stuart will bring the toughness to the job, necessary when dealing with Tom Turco.
What about Vic Work?
4:34 must be Stuart. Anyone who thinks Kathleen Carey Mihm isn't tough is sadly mistaken.
By the way, what "credentials" are you talking about? All of them have the desire, experience, and have paid their dues...perhaps Nick the least of all of them, but still qualified nonetheless. Fact is, MANY more people are qualified for this job than those indicated.
Kathy Mihm, hands down. Next question.
What ever happened to paying dues and learning the ropes? Harry Castiglione and John Parete were 40-50 year Democrats when they got that job, not 40-50 month Democrats. Both served the Democrats in many ways over the course of many years before they were even considered.
Kathy Mihm has established a very good working relationship with the entire county as Deputy Commissioner. I think the others should withdraw their names and let's move on. This race is over.
Stuart has bailed out and taken a leave of absense at the most crucial of times for the BOE. He should never be considered for the position. Where is his loyalty to learning the job? No one deserves a job they are on leave from, he should be there learning the new machines and how to work a major election. When the going gets tough, Stuart takes a vacation. Stuart should withdraw, he doesn't deserve spit!
Kathy Mihm is the right person at the right time for this position. No one can deny this. She was not in a position to run for the position when Harry left but now that John P. is not going to seek the seat it should be a no brainer to elect Kathy Mihm to the seat. Stuart Frazer looked out for himself. He left the BOE in a bad situation when he walked of the job because of disagreements with Tom T. That says it all, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen, he walked out and didn't care at all about what happened in this years most important race for County Executive and Comtroller. No need for further discussion. He has a bad temper and left Democrats all over this county in a bad situation.
4:34 Stuart has no toughness that is why he is not working at this moment. He is a whiner just like his buddy Julian, they deserve each other. He needs to be a LOYAL Dem for another 45 years before he should be considered for any jobs. He showed his true colors and lack of LOYALTY by bailing at an important time. Kathy all the way! There is no contest here.
How loyal was John Parete to Stuart Fraser? We need to hear the full story behind Fraser taking a leave.
Vic Work cannot take the position because of Mary's (Mary Work)being a Judge. It could put here in a bad spot. Not worth the try.
How loyal was John to Stuart, PLEASE, give it a break, Stuart is a big baby who was going to leave that job for the last 2 years now. He is just a troublemaker and he proved himself to be the big problem with the Marbletown election. He was "advising" and giving information to the Schreibmans. The deal with Julian and Stuart is a Chairmanship for Julian and a BOE Commish job for Stuart. What a deal, too bad neither one is fit for the job.
There is no need for any of us to fight or be nasty. Both Kathy and Stuart are hard working Democrats and good people.
Well said Jeremy. We would do well with either Stuart or Kathy as Commissioner of the Board of Elections.
JB, why did you screen me on this? I wasn't critical of anyone except 8:38.
Who does Hoffay support?
Lets keep John. No one in ulster county can fill his shoes. Some one talk him in to staying. You can not replace experience and knowledge with a fly by night. It takes years of getting to know people and understanding there needs.
8:38, paying dues and learning the ropes?! jeez, This is why I could never be a Democrat.
I don't want a Commissioner who is someone who paid his or her dues. I want a Commissioner who is able to get the job done and has the experience needed to do it well. Kissing up to the party isn't a qualification.
Ideally, the BOE would be made up of multiple part-time commissioners, representing not only the Dems and Repubs but also one of the "minor" parties and NOP voters. Everyone is too consumed with their own interests to even consider this option, so I think choosing a qualified individual is the next best thing, whether they've been in the party for 40 years or 40 minutes.
Right on Brittany.
Brittany, the most qualified candidate is Kathy Mihm. She served 20 years as Deputy and if you had been involved a few years ago instead of just recently because of your Union job you would know that. Its amazing, no one ever seen you or heard about you being involved in any thing or anyway serving your community. Now you seem to think your an expert on just about any subject. Quite frankly I find you very boring with your childlike responses.
Philip, if you'll reread my comment, you'll notice I was in no way critical of Kathy. In fact, I think she's an outstanding choice. I was critical of 8:38.
I have lived in and been active in Ulster County since 2000. No, I'm not a lifelong resident, but if you haven't noticed then you simply haven't been looking. And, I don't have a "Union job." Please, try to get your facts (and grammar) straight before commenting. It makes you look foolish.
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