Count'em down, 100 days left till November 4th. The final stretch of the County's most historic race has begun.
Expect to see Democrat Mike Hein and Republican Len Bernardo's campaigns go into full gear in the next month or so. Voters will be bombarded with debates, radio, print and tv ads.
Lenny should stay in the fox hole. He does not have the experience or vision to take the charter form of government to the level that is necessary.
Hein has what it takes to do the job and do it well.
It's going to get interesting. The more interesting one will be Quigley/Auerbach. The Cahill-Yess race is over. Unlike the other two GOP/Indys she's got no moolah.
Hey don't joke about that. I go there to cool off in the summer. I don't have any AC, and it's FREEZING in there during the summer. I might just take him up on that in the winter. It will save on my fuel bill.
You talk about Mr. Bernardo's having a lack of vision and experience. What experience does Mr. Hein have? His experience is limited to working in a County Government which has done nothing but increase spending, raise our taxes and provide us with substandard "services." With due respect, that is exactly the kind of "experience" we can do without.
As for vision, Mr. Hein has yet to reveal what his "vision" for Ulster County would be. On the other hand, Mr. Bernardo has laid out a clear, concise view of what our County would look like under his leadership as well as a plan for getting us there.
You may not like Mr. Bernardo's vision, but you cannot seriously compare Mr. Hein's failure to provide "vision" with what Mr. Bernardo has set forth.
Lenny should stay in the fox hole. He does not have the experience or vision to take the charter form of government to the level that is necessary.
Hein has what it takes to do the job and do it well.
It was so nice of LB to offer up Skate Time 209 as a shelter for cold residents this winter. We can call it weekend at Bernies.
It's going to get interesting. The more interesting one will be Quigley/Auerbach. The Cahill-Yess race is over. Unlike the other two GOP/Indys she's got no moolah.
Hey don't joke about that. I go there to cool off in the summer. I don't have any AC, and it's FREEZING in there during the summer. I might just take him up on that in the winter. It will save on my fuel bill.
10:39 - nice analysis. very accurate
5:13 -
You talk about Mr. Bernardo's having a lack of vision and experience. What experience does Mr. Hein have? His experience is limited to working in a County Government which has done nothing but increase spending, raise our taxes and provide us with substandard "services." With due respect, that is exactly the kind of "experience" we can do without.
As for vision, Mr. Hein has yet to reveal what his "vision" for Ulster County would be. On the other hand, Mr. Bernardo has laid out a clear, concise view of what our County would look like under his leadership as well as a plan for getting us there.
You may not like Mr. Bernardo's vision, but you cannot seriously compare Mr. Hein's failure to provide "vision" with what Mr. Bernardo has set forth.
Hey Check out a new Blog Telling the Truth about Ulster County Democrats
JB, why would you remove that post? There was nothing wrong with that. I think the analysis was spot on.
It made unfounded accusations about a specific candidate.
Unfounded accusations? That's what this blog is all about, isn't it?
534: No, I think you have me mistaken with one of the fifteen or so GOP blogs in this county that can't seem to get any traction.
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