Mike Hein needs you to think long and hard about the following questions:
Are you Willing to Say "Good-Bye to the Good Ole Boys" and their
Outrageous Tax Increases Once and for All?
Are You Willing to Do What it Takes to Make Sure that Progressive
and Fiscally Responsible Democratic Values Prevail in November?
Do You Believe that the Future of Ulster County (our future) Can't
be Left to Chance?
If You're Willing to Put Your Actions Where Your Values Are, this is what we
need you to do NOW:
Elections are expensive and we need 5,000 Democrats (1 out of 7
registered Democrats in Ulster County) to
Contribute $20. (1/25th of the price of one cup of coffee, per
day) to Elect Mike Hein as our first County Executive.
Your $20. contribution will ensure that Mike his able to get his
positive message out to tens of thousands of voters . . .
and it will allow him to focus on those voters - and the issues
that matter to all of us.
We need you to make a difference and Contribute Your $20. Right Now
We Can Do This..
Are You With Us?
Gratefully yours,
Vic Work
Hein always has that breast cancer awareness pin on in every picture I see. I admire that a lot.
Hein is one of the good guys. I really can't see why he'd want to become a politician, given that most of them are scumbags. I hope, after he wins, that he doesn't change.
Fern Root
Vic Work describes Mike Hein as "progressive and fiscally responsible." There can be no question Hein is experienced and qualified for the job. That's why I am supporting him.
But why did Susan Zimet, Mike Berardi and Kevin Cahill try to derail the Hein campaign?
"Say goodbye to the good ole boys?"
I find it curious that Mike Hein would try to paint himself as being independent of the "good ole boys," when he got his job as Administrator through his relationship with the very Establishment from which he is trying to distance himself. If one were cynical, it might seem as if Len Bernardo's true lack of Establichment ties is worrying Mr. Hein.
Mr. Hein has many hurdles to overcome in convincing the people of this County that he is the right man for the job.
He talks about our taxes while having proposed tax increases every year since becoming Administrator.
He has yet to demonstrate that he has the experience to be County Executive. No, Government experience doesn't count. It just shows that he has seen how to do things wrong. It is nothing but years and years with the "good ole boys."
On the other hand, Len Bernardo has the business and financial background to make sure that we get the best bang for our buck. He has made it clear that he not only intends to stop the tax increases but will find ways to cut the Budget in real numbers and cut our taxes as a result.
Mr. Bernardo has managed hundreds of employees, dealt with contract issues, negotiated with suppliers, partners, customers and labor. He knows exactly how to squeeze the most out of every single penny. His background in business is EXACTLY what Ulster County needs.
Most importantly, he has never been with the "good ole boys."
That's a good photo. Fiscal responsibility is a progressive value these days. The "conservatives" left it behind a few decades ago. It's time to leave them behind with their phony "family values" that lead to widespread misery and despair. Just look at the bang up job these socially misguided and fiscally corrupt corporate puppets have done to our economy. I guess that's why a Quigley would be looking for a safe gig in civil service. We don't need that kind of "fuzzy math" here in our county.
Kevin Cahill never tried to derail anything, Berardi and Zimet had the right to run they both are supporting Hein now.
To Imre, you haven't got a clue as to what has been accomplised over the last three yrs with a new Democrtic Majority, and the appointment of Mike Hein as County Administrator. Its clear you don't attend session or read the papers.
Instead of trying to tear Mike Hein down, try telling us what will your guy do for taxpayers in UC. This is not the time for on the job training.
I noticed on one of the other blogs, I think it was UlsterPolitics, many were bragging about Bernardo asking John McCain a question "How do we lower taxes for smaller communites like ours"? Can you imaging asking a Republican Presidential Candidate who admits he knows little about economics such a question. It shows Bernardo's inexperience about county financial matters. What a joke. This guy is a disaster waiting to happen.
Did anyone look at Hein's financial disclosure? Notice how he has a great deal of support from the business community. That should tell you something. This guy is going to be a great exec.
Beke is a loser that is a wannabe lawyer and hosts a far right talk show on kny
Look Ulster Politics and little Dick have nothing better to do than write stories about you. As well as attack Mike Hein. Do they not have a life?
Remember J, they are jealous that you are supporting the winning candidate for executive.As well as the fact that your blog sets the tone for what is to be discussed in uc poltics.
Hein is going to win this year and they will be left in the cold. I'm confident when the dust settles we will have a united party that is unstoppable. I'm even willing to support your boy Sennett.
- A former Blaber Enemy
Bernardo can't even file his financial disclosure on time and he wants to run the county?
Hein for Executive, Sottile gets appointment to Exec's office, Noble becomes Mayor, Reynolds to Alderman at large - and Jeremy is our 7th Ward Alderman.
2:09 PM: While that plan sounds good to me...it's a little reaching no? We need Mayor Sottile to stay in the city of Kingston anyway. He's doing a great job!
Jeremy..If you choose not to post comments that don't support your choice of candidates, why do you allow obscene remarks to appear?--see 7:55pm.
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