Elliott Auerbach, the Democratic and Working Families candidate for County Comptroller has launched his campaign website. Make sure to visit often for constant updates throughout the campaign.
WWW.AUERBACHFORCOMPTROLLER.COM You can also access the website anytime by clicking the Auerbach for Comptroller button on the side of the blog.
Wow, a lot of people seem to have a lot to say about Elliott's great new website - NOT!
It was posted July 31. Today is August 3, and there is only one comment that had to be removed!
In all sincerity. I am a HUGE Jim Quigley fan, but in giving credit where credit is due to Elliott
1) it's a simple, yet aesthetically pleasing website
2) Quigley doesn't even have a website
3) Elliott and his wife are really nice people.
Can't we all just be nice here and give credit where credit is due.
Recognizing the good on the other side, doesn't mean that we are going to vote for them, it just means that we are civil....
It's so disappointing to see Jeremy be so nasty to Jim Quigley. The two of you live in the same part of town for Gods sake. BE NICE JEREMY! Jim Quigley could be very helpful to you if you would just be nice to him.
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