The Bernardo campaign is in deep trouble according to initial financial reports that we are learning about today. Bernardo has according to his wife about 69,000 in contributions for this filing period which includes a $57,520 loan to the campaign. Bernado's wife says the campaign has spent about 12k already.
Let me get this straight, the Bernardo campaign has raised and spent 12 thousand dollars and are completely broke, so they had to loan their campaign 57 thousand dollars.
By comparison, Mike Hein has raised over 80k and has about 206 people that have contributed to his campaign.
Hein might as well start measuring the carpeting and picking out what color drapes he would like in his new office. The race is over, Mike will continue to gain support, continue to raise money and his opponent has not even come out of the gate yet.
It's not about the money, it's about taking this race seriously and people investing in your campaign and taking you seriously. The people of Ulster County need leadership not someone that by July has not got their act together.
You're just jealous
BLABER - So what? Bernardo put some money into his campaign? That means Bernardo is not being bought by special interests, like Indians. Auerbach and Bernardo have been raising money for about the same length of time. Auerbach raised $14,000, Bernardo raised $12,000. Hein has been raising money since 2007. You are far from being fair and balanced. I don't know why I'm wasting my time typing this. You won't post it anyway.
How much did Hillary loan herself?
It only means he is funding his own campaign. If he has the money, why not spend it?
It's interesting how when Jon Corzine financed his own campaigns for Senator and then Governor of New Jersey, you didn't hear Liberals saying that he was doing so because he couldn't raise money.
Len Bernardo has thus far been financing his own campaign and using his time more productively (meeting people, communicating his qualifications and positions and so forth). So what?
Once again, Mr. Blaber, you are giving significance to factors which have absolutely nothing to do with success. it is obvious that you are doing so in order to camouflage your refusal (as well as that of Hein supporters in general) to address the issues of Mr. Hein's deficit when it comes to qualifications relative to Mr. Bernardo and Mr. Hein's connection to the political Establishment (I believe you called it the "good ole boy network").
In fact, seeing the special interest money flowing into Mr. Hein's war chest only underscores his closeness to the Establishment.
I don't think that anyone who has $58,000 on hand is "struggling". Bernardo has more cash on hand than Hein.
I guess the recession has hit the roller skating business hard.
P. Allen Smith
Where do I start?
912: the comptroller race and the exec race are two separate races and a completely different situation. Yes, Bernardo and Elliott have been in the race about the same amount of time but unlike Bernardo, Auerbach had a convention challenge. So he focused his time for the first several weeks with going to committees and beating his opponent. Fund raising was not a top issue at that point. Bernardo, like Hein had no challenge, and could have immediately focused his efforts on the general.
And, did you really use the term Indian? Really?
955: Hill loaned her campaign a lot of money and it was a definite sign of weakness. You are making my point.
Mr. Beke, Hein is a successful businessman and is not your typical politician. He entered the public sector and has completed more reform in 2 years than the last 25 combined. Wise up, sir.
1209: 58,000 cash on hand would be impressive if Bernardo had not loaned himself 57,000 of it. The campaign is broke.
Mr. Blaber, what reforms? Where are they? If they are so significant, why isn't the Hein campaign shouting them from the rooftops for all to hear?
You say that Mr. Hein is successful businessman. That may well be. However, success is relative. Can Mr. Hein's success compare with founding and running a multi-million dollar company and creating literally hundreds of jobs on his own? Of course not.
Once again, your statement is a smokescreen to try to obscure the fact that, when placed side by side with Mr. Bernardo's, Mr. Hein's record pales to the point of transparency.
Moreover, you continue to consider Mr. Bernardo's self-financing of his campaign a sign of trouble when wealthy Liberal politicians have done the same thing all over the country. Self-financing does two things. First, it frees the candidate to campaign rather than solicit donations. Second, it is a sign that the candidate is willing to put his money where his mouth is.
In most elections, the only ones who have anything to lose are the voters. Mr. Bernardo has almost $60 thousand of his own money at stake in this race.
What has Mr. Hein put up to show that he is sharing our risk with us?
Finally, with regard to "wising up," Ghandi once said, "It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom." Not too shabby, as advice goes.
Hey Blabebr, stop talking about the 'money' if you say that it's not about it. Hein is beholdened to those who contributed. And yes, that included INDIANS.
Blaber, sometimes this blog reveals how much you don't know about politics.
The only deficit here is the one that some people have in supporting the immoral and unethical republican platform. A candidate with such poor judgment is not a viable candidate for public office.
Well 3:25 must be that wacko that does the WKNY radio show with Bischoff. Only he would make such a classless and ignorant remark about Republicans in general.
This only makes sense.
Bernardo is not a Republican so no Republican $$ will come his way. All the IDNY party ever does is take money, it NEVER gives anything but a line.
Quigley is the new Republican bankroll so it is no surprise he is self funding his race.
No news or surprises here. It does show the weakness in the Republican party though. They are all but washed up.
Hey Blaber, what happened to the poll about the Independence line and Kevin Cahill? What were the results?
I pulled the poll because I am under the assumption Cahill is going to respect the decision the state committee made. So it's a moot point.
I bet Lenny risked being late with his filing to post an equal amount to Mike. I bet it took a lot of tips from the snack bar to come up with $57k.
Here's sound business logic: Open a skating rink in rural Ulster County. Most of those around are either cows or convicts. There is no major shopping and industry pulled out years ago.
It would be interesting to see the financial on the skating rink.
Remember, there are TWO reasons people/businesses donate. One, is out of support. Two, is in response to the 'other' guy. Much of Hein's contributors MAY be fearful of Bernardo's stance on hiring private 'consultants', especially those with political connections.
Hey! Mat is in the executive in charge of the snack bar, not Len. I thought we cleared that up already. Don't you people remember anything?
I'm still pissed at you over last year's election but I thank you for posting the facts for once. You should take pride that you are the only blog telling the truth on the exec race. The rest are full of lies and distortion. Don't let this go to your head.
yea how many phone calls where called in to fund Heins campaign ? he also had about a 2 year head start on getting to know the people. Len can spend as much of his own money as he wants....
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