Congratulations to Mr. Bradley on his new position. Not to rehash old wounds, but one can't help but point out that Vince Bradley, who will be making more money than the Ulster DA, could have taken this position after bowing out gracefully from the D.A.'s race last year. Everyone would have been happy and we would have a Democratic District Attorney right now.
One person this appointment spells trouble for is incumbent D.A. Holly Carnirght, I would be willing to bet that the attorney general's office would not hire Bradley as their regional director if they thought he would be leaving in two years to run for public office. Carnright who won as a result of a spoiler campaign, will have his work cut out for him in a one on one match up in 2011.
OH PUHLEEZE !!!! Mr Carnright is doing & will continue to do a GREAT job as our District Attorney!
By the next election, county chair, Jon Sennett will cross-endorse him because everyone will agree he is unbeatable !!!
Appointments are not the same as being duly elected. I'd rather he took this job prior to screwing up our election. At least he got bailed out with an appointment. He sure wasn't getting another shot at getting elected. As a citizen activist engaged in turning in consumer frauds and white collar scams, he'll be working for me. He better not sweep them under the rug. Let's hope he brings a clean conscience to his new position.
I would say that Holley himself wrote the comment written at 10:53 but we all know he does not know how to use a computer.
Bradley's claim to fame in 10 years in the Manhattan's DA's office is prosecuting a Senator on a misdemeanor charge. Yawn.
I have to wonder if there were not many more eminently qualified people to run the AG's office in Poughkeepsie.
Bradley had never run an office and staff in Poughkeepsie should have been given a shot.
Only time will tell....
Bradley has more years as a prosecutor than Cuomo himself.
Yeah and I'm sure he feels Cuomo should step aside for him. Too bad having a father that's the Gov is a little higher than a state judge.
In all reality Bradley does not have the qualifications for the job that he was given. Comparing him to Cuomo is laughable, it's not Cuomo's 2 1/2 years at Morgantaue's that made him the best choice for AG, it is the fact that as HUD Secretary he supervised a staff of more than 300 lawyers.
That is what the job of the attorney general is, overseeing the office, they have 62 prosecutors they do not need a 63rd.
Didn't his father get censured for unprofessional actions and behavior on the bench?
Why do many in Ulster County continue to elevate this family as if they are legal royalty?
Carnright would have won easily over Sennett in a one-on-one election and may well have no oppositionnext election.
516 what are you on something? No way that Carnirght would have beat Sennett or Bradley in a one on one race.
I voted for Bradley because I thought there should have been a primary but one good radio spot that Sennett had was the line: "Where is the money, that's what we'd like to know" a reference to the Ulster Jail situation. It than talked about how elected office is privilege extended by you the people. After the way Carnright has handled the jail fiasco among other things, he has abused that privilege. I would support Sennett or Micky Mouse over Carnwrong next time around.
We can analyze the last election with "what-ifs" until the cows come home. There are a great many variables which would have come into play. If Bradley dropped out, for whom would his supporters have voted? Would some of them have stayed at home? The same questions can be asked about Sennett. Should there have been a primary? Would Carnright have received more votes if he had been on the Conservative line?
There is just no way to know who would have won.
Democrats have made hay of the fact that they have more registered voters than any other party in Ulster County. The truth is, however, roughly one-third of all registered voters are not enrolled in any party. What that means is that each and every election is wide open. No one has a majority so everyone has to work to win, some harder than others. No party or candidate has a guaranteed win in any given election. Both major parties have a decent chance of fielding winning candidates.
All that is to the benefit of the electorate.
As to the next election for DA, do not underestimate the fact that Holley will be running as an incumbent. He is doing a solid job and he has been handed some strong, high profile cases (such as the Joey Martin murder case) which will bring him good publicity.
No one running against him will be going into the race with a built-in advantage, not Sennett, not Schreibman, not Bradley and not some unforeseen candidate.
The race will be run on qualifications, experience and whether or not the people trust the candidate. It will almost certainly not be won by way of party loyalty among the voting public. If that is what any candidate is counting on, you can count on that candidate losing, regardless of which party or parties back his candidacy.
A simple congratulations would have been nice.Sennett supporters don't get it, they can't win an election without those Bradley supporters on board. They would lose whatever perceived power (joke) they think they have if Bradley supporters came on board to support Sennett. No they will keep up this endless nonsense, bashing Bradley and all who supported him and still do. Congratulations Vince and good luck.
Idiot !! I am 10:53am ,,,, & I am NOT Holley !!!!
But i am intelligent & up on all the players & issues & know from whence i speak,,,, unlike many of the other posters here,,,
Holley is computer literate & can defend himself, but i am sure he would never read this immature & biased blog,, kinda like the Daily Freeman,,, Trash.
8:30: If a race will be won on qualifications, experience and whether or not the people trust the candidate, then the DA position is not the only county elected position up for grabs. Many still say a much higher-qualified, credible and experienced candidate remains out there for Sheriff.
Congratulations for what? That taxoayers are short changed again over political paybacks.
You are correct. Bradley blocked a Democrat from being elected. He obviously has the pull to get himself a lucrative position, he should have gone that route and saved both the county and the Democratic Party a lot of grief and dissention.
Sennett lost by four thousand votes with Bradley taking Dem voting blocks and throwing 200 thusand into the race. Nausbaum in a one on one battle lost to McGinty by six thousand.
Tell me again that Sennett was not robbed of the DA's race.
Bradley's support turned out to be minimal. And Imre's point that party loyalty alone will not win is correct. Quigley down under should ponder that one as his party has been flushed for engaging in anti-American policies like pre-emptive war and theocratic intrusion upon our constitution. McCain got it, but Obama sadly has not. If by the next DA's race, McCain has become president, the climate here will be drastically changed. Looney right-wing bible thumpers will no longer have a say. A Libertarian Republican will do well while a "family values" Democrat will suffer. I think your poll on this presidential race is predicting a sea change in political affiliations. Obama's reprehensible endorsement of Bush's faith based initiative makes an atheist like McCain look much better. Imre will be a Democrat. The pendulum swing will become too rapid to predict. Hopefully never to sway so far right again.
Congratulations to Vincent Bradley on his appointment with AG's office. Vincent is a brillant person and I'm sure he will excell in his new position. Good luck Vincent.
Remember Boo Radley?
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