Bill O'Reilly has a regular feature on his show called pinheads and patriots, on the show Bill features people that are helping America, patriots and people that are hurting America Pinheads.
Here at Blaber News, we will be doing a weekly spin off of that segment. I will feature people that are helping Ulster County become a better place, Patriots as well as people that are hurting Ulster County, Pinheads.
I also will take your suggestions for both categories. If you have a nomination please e-mail me the suggestion with a pithy description of why this person should be nominated to : blabernews@gmail.com All submissions will remain anonymous but please do not be truculent when writing to us.
Diane Reeder of the Queen's Galley, a local soup kitchen, attended a recent heating summit in Ulster county and expressed concerns that she is having with the increase of volume she is seeing in her organization. "We are seeing an increase of working families coming in and if we can't afford the heating bill we may have to close." Mrs. Reeder's soup kitchen serves over 7000 people each month and provides quality education on nutrition to people in need. Her service to this community is priceless and for that she is a Patriot.
On the Pinhead front Len Bernardo, the GOP candidate for County Exec, attended the same heating summit and suggested that one thing that could happen to address the concerns of a potential heating crisis is to open up his business Skate Time 209 as a "place for people to get warm." Mr. Bernardo fails to realize that the problem is not getting people warm but finding a way of preventing them from being in that situation in the first place. More importantly, Bernardo's comments prove his arrogance and shows his complete lack of understanding of how to lead Ulster County. Mr. Bernardo is indeed a Pinhead.
Please replace the disturbing picture of O'Rielly - I'm trying to digest my breakfast.
If Mike Hein suggested it, he would be a hero. Len Bernardo knows Kingston. There is not much the residents of Ulster County can do when heating prices are rising across the nation. Mr. Bernardo graciously offered his facility to help warm people that need it, and you blast him.
Mr. Blaber, once again you mischaracterize what someone has said. The essence of Mr. Bernardo's remark was one of leadership, of working to get the private sector involved in solving a community-wide problem.
Of course, Liberals who worship at the altar of Big Government gasp in shock at the idea of the private sector voluntarily helping solve a problem. They much prefer to tax businesses to death as a way of destroying job creation and thereby creating a social need so vast that only Government can address it.
It is a proveable fact, however, that Government is, by nature, an incompetent organism. The proof is in the pudding. You name a Government program and chances are better than even that it has been screwed up royally.
Mr. Bernardo is simply saying that getting businesspeople involved is a very effective tool. After all, these are people who have proven that their ability to solve problems is far, far greater than Government's so-called "talents" in this arena.
The fact that Mr. Hein's supporters ridicule the idea rather than recognize its merits just goes to prove that they fail to understand the underlying problem and are blind to the solutions. One might hope that Mr. Hein is more astute in this regard. He has, however, yet to demonstrate it to the voters.
Wait a minute, You give the patriot award to someone who helps and offers help to people in trouble. AND you give the pinhead award to someone who helps and is offering help to people in trouble. Weird.... Is that fair and ballanced, or partisan?
It is a big place and it is warm in there in the winter, what's the problem. I know for a fact that Skate Time 209 is a designated Red Cross Shelter in a case of an emergency.
Bernardo was practicing product placement. Plain and simple.He is after all, the smartest business man in the world right?
Hein had the right business and public service people there. The Oil companies, Central Hudson, Family of Woodstock, The United Way, Red Cross, The Brudherhof to mention a few.
By the way the tone was that of prevention, not exclusively reaction.
Bernardo was out classed on this one, take it like a man!
Mr. Bubel:
You are comparing apples and oranges.
BTW- Always fair and always balanced.
Blaber, your graphics are awful.
Could you please learn photoshop or illustrator so that you could at least have put Bernardo's head in the picture for your O'Reilly/pinhead of the week picture.
Clark Richter kicks your butt in this area. You art work is awful. You had to steal your Blaber News logo from UlsterPolitics
Get some skills if you want to be a full service blogmaster.
cc: Clark Richters & Ulster Politics
What can I say, I have no clue how to do photo shop. I would love to be able to do it. Someday, we'll get it down.
If anyone would like to photoshop the picture and send it to me..I will publish it with a photo credit.
The only way, Jeremy, you will prove you are "fair and ballanced" would to run an article, critical of something Hein, Sennett, or Sottile has done. You can't say they are as pure as the Virgin Mary. Even an article blasting the DPW on recent events, would show you are interested in news, over politics. Where is the article about Gorsline.
There is an article about Gorsline that I think is pretty fair and balanced right below this post.
As for Sottile, we have similar beliefs so I tend to agree with him on things, has nothing to do with partisanship..but I have been critical of him in the past on this blog.
Same, with Hein, I think my coverage of the Exec race has been fair.
As for Sennett, he is not running for anything, and we don't really disagree on much. I also would not feel comfortable writing anything critical of him. So I guess you got me there.
So SkateTime is turning into a homeless shelter/soup kitchen? I guess business ain't too good these days.
What is Mr. Bernardo's educational background? What college or business school did he attend?
Name one post that you have done that is critical of Hein
How can you say he is comparing apples to oranges? Besides that one is running for an elected position and the other is not. So lets say that they both were running then i guess you would be comparing apples to apples. I guess its wrong to help people around here. Thats just fucked up!
When were you ever critical of Sottile? That's a joke.
Mr. Bernardo attended the school of "I just sold my company for Millions of dollars and retired in Ulster County"
What do you do for a living?
To the person who left a comment about graphic arts. I mistakenly deleted your message.
Yes, I realize that graphic arts is important and could enhance the blog and I am in the process of learning how to do it.
12:56 -
Once again Liberals have succeeded in proving just how classy they are. It takes a great deal of intelligence and panache to make fun of one's name instead of addressing the substantial issues.
In this case, the substantial issue is that Mr. Hein does not have the commensurate experience to claim that he is the better suited candidate to run Ulster County. If I am wrong, it shouldn't take much to prove it. I and others on these blogs have been asking supporters of Mr. Hein to prove that his experience is greater or better than Mr. Bernardo's for weeks.
There has not been a single response which has done so. Yes, people keep writing and saying he is more qualified and then they fail to tell us just how that is true.
The challenge is on the table. Let's see some action other than insults. Childishness does nothing to bolster Mr. Hein's case.
8:45 Is it true that Len did not complete college?
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