Walter Maxwell changed up the morning the Monday morning schedule this past week replacing Mike Sweeney, Glen Noonan and Rich Parete with Dr. Hanovice and County Legislator Gary Bischoff.
One, I respect Mr. Maxwell's decision but I disagree with it. I am happy that Gary Bischoff is on KCR, he's a good guy and offers a lot to the program and I think he will be a great asset. Gary is a friend and I enjoy the program that he and Art Richter do on WKNY.
I do have a small issue with the placement that Gary was given, taking off Mike Sweeney, Glenn Noonan, and Rich Parete. Mike Sweeney is a great guy and while I disagree with him on almost everything, he is someone that has invited my on his show several times and I always felt that was the premier show. Mike also has volunteered for many years and I respect that.
Being on the program and being able to hear Glenn Noonan and Rich Parete talk about County issues from both sides was beneficial and a public service. It was also humorous to watch Mike Sweeney try to referee the two.
Again, Maxwell is the boss and I respect his decision. I understand that Rich Parete is going to be filling in from time to time on other shows and maybe will even fill in on Monday's from time to time, and that's great. The same courtesy should be given to Mr. Sweeney and my good friend, the distinguished Minority Leader of the County Legislature, Glenn Noonan.
Glenn, I hope you appreciate the wording of that last sentence ...it was painful to write :)
ON A SIDE NOTE : Jonathan Sennett, will be taking over for Gary Bischoff on KNY. You can hear Radio Free Kingston every Sunday morning at 12:30pm. Congrats, Jon!
As a Charitable Organization the Board of KCR should make decisions. I hope that the grant(our tax dollars returned to us) received via Kevin Cahill didn't buy off this fine stations objectivity.
Nobody listens to the WKNY program. As for Monday on WGHQ, good move, Walter. Noonan and Parete were bad and Sweeney was full of himself.
There you go Jeremy time for a poll. Biscoff, Hanovice, or Noonan, Sweeney,Parete put it out there. I also thought Maxwell was a Rep so why all the Dems and no Rep could it be the almighty $$$$$$$$$$
CRAP !!!!
Just more of the one-sided monologue from the stupid left-wing in this county.
Maxwell should sell the station to someone with a clue what WE want to hear !!
jerks,, the whole lot of U.C. Media,,,
9:38 AM I would to do that poll but if I take down the current one, I will not be able to live down the attacks.
No, it's not the Cahill grant. Say what you want about him, he would never do that. Try Kingston hospital, there is something there.
You may think everybody listens to these radio shows, but in the big scheme of things, not too many do. In the mornings, people are driving to work or eating breakfast or taking showers. They aren't sitting through more than about 15 minutes of local radio, if they're even listening at all. So many radio and TV stations to choose from. I-Pods. Computers. I bet you no more than a few hundred, maybe a thousand people are listening at any one time. That's a drop in the bucket in this county. You may think these radio shows are a big deal, but they have almost zero impact. They're mainly good for politicians to spout off and this Lima woman to call in about nonsense.
The only thing that matters less than local radio is public access TV. Even fewer people watch that than listen to the morning programs.
To 7:57am-many of us enjoy kcr,i don,t agree with alot of their political issues but you always get both sides.it's also the best source for what's happening,the freeman has gone down hill and no kpa
4:26. It's the best source for what's happening? Last time I listened, the news guy used the Freeman's stories and the hosts talked about stories that were in the Freeman. I'm sure those people who listen to it enjoy KCR. It's just that there aren't many people who listen.
kcr may get use some of the content from the freeman but like the kingston times they expand on issues the freeman won't,and alot of people do listen
Not to pump up Blaber's head but KCR also gets a lot of news from this blog. How many times have they mentioned Blaber's blog and quoted it for information. The Freeman is a rag and dying fast.
KCR's news seems to come from numerous sources, including their guests, and they have scooped the Freeman on more than one occasion.
And Blaber is right, Walter Maxwell created and manages
KCR, and is free to make any programming changes he pleases.
Nobody is saying you have to
like it.
where is kpa? some good our $5K did. we should have just put it on red.
If it is Kingston Hospital shame on them. They got all that money for the merger and need to promote it. noonan was right we don't really care we are sick need a hospital so what. Cahill I don't think had anything to do but should step in. Equal time for both sides is fair Cahill spouts that. Give Noonan the chance to pull an Imus at least then you can justify it. NOW YOU ARE WRONG. someone was paid off and it looks like the left paid. I hope Walter reads this because its all down hill from here enjoy retirement
Doesn't John Clark get paid?
If people only knew - that's why the UC Jail report was sealed - Good Ol Boys.
Gary Biscov is setting himself up for a job in the Executive's office - he's heading a committee which recommended a bloated staff and salaries - maybe him and Donaldson and how many other legislator's will be grabbing more of the taxpayer's money??????
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