Our Assemblyman is having a fundraiser and I hope everyone will come out and show their support for him. There is no one that fights for us in Albany like Kevin. He is a true leader someone that has brought important issues to the forefront like property tax reform, ethics, and dealing with the energy crisis.
We are extremly lucky to have a friend in Albany that truly cares about the issues facing NYS, specifically the issues in the 101st assembly district. There is no elected official that I have more respect for than Kevin Cahill. Someone that is only a phone call away if you need him, someone that is responsive to his constituants and more importantly a public servant that we can count on and trust.
Please join me in sending Kevin Cahill back to Albany this year!
WHERE: ByWater Bistro 419 Main St. Rosendale
WHEN: Sunday, August 24th from 11am-1pm
Breakfast Buffet and Cash Bar
Donations Greatly Appreciated
Please RSVP to Debbie 845-264-3972 by 8/20
I'll be there. Kevin got robbed of the Independence line by Bonacic's henchmen. He is going to need the Dems to come out strong. I don't always agree with Jeremy, but he is right on this one.
Kevin has been there for Kingston and Ulster County Democrats for a long time. He has established himself as one of the top members of the Assembly. We have to make sure we do not lose that influence in Albany.
As for Bonacic, his days are numbered. Once the Democrats take over that house, the pot of never ending grants and member items will dry up but fast.
JB, no set price?
Fair and balanced?
Your blog is about as fair an balanced as the network from who you stole the slogan.
Fox New shills for the Republicans, you shill for the Democrats.
It's OK to have a pro-Democratic blog, Mr. Blaber. Just don't try to pretend that you're being objective!
I don't think there is one.
This is great for Kevin lets hope our Tax Reform folks can work on him to get Silver go and do anything.
Personally, even without a suggested donation, I will donate $50. I want Kevin to win. He was screwed over big time by the Independence party and without that line, he needs help.
Cahill robbed by Blaber of comments not posted.
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