John McCain picked small town Mayor and newly elected Governor Sarah Palin as his pick for VP. After attacking Obama's lack of experience for months, he picks a woman that two years ago led a town about the size of New Paltz...he might as well of picked Sue Zimet, she is probably more qualified, just ask her.
McCain's judgement really is called into question with this pick. The most important role of a Vice President is to be able to step in if something happens to the President. McCain feels that Sarah Palin, a 42 year old, former beauty queen with 0 experience in foreign affairs should be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.
Let's not forget that McCain is 72 years old, if he is elected and something was to happen to him (God forbid) do you really trust this person to be able to lead our Country?
I'm not sure that Palin will even help McCain pick up women voters. You don't get more ant-woman than radical Conservative Sarah Palin, who is a staunch opponent of supporting a woman's right to choose.
I think this pick just sealed the deal for Obama.
Once again, the democrats have miscalculated their chances, attempted to take advantage of an angry electorate, and force an otherwise unelectable candidate, one that is too far from the center, onto the people. They will have their collective heads handed to them. This is the end, not only for Obama, but Pelosi, Reid, and Dean. The entire DNC leadership will have to resign.
You, Blaber, should have stayed true to YOUR beliefs, and backed Clinton. It may not have made much of a difference in reality, but it would have spoken volumes to your readers.
Palin is the nail-in Obama's coff-in.
What are you talking about, I was with Hillary until the day she endorsed Obama. You can hit me on a lot but not my loyalty to people.
I'm not sure whether I'm relieved she's not a viable candidate or disappointed he didn't pick Ridge to get my vote. I'm certain that Bubel is a lunatic in thinking the newbie to government could ever serve as president. I guess his post is some kind of pre-emptive strike against the hilarity of her nomination.
I think it is great that Palin is being passed off as having no experience. What about Barry. She has just as much experience as him, and she is only going to VP. You dems really do have a double standard
Wow we just found the 1% of Americans that wanted a McCain/Ridge ticket. I'm sorry you are disappointed. I guess you'll just have to vote for Obama now because jumping from McCain/Ridge to Obama/Biden makes total sense.
Comparing Obama to Palin is just ludicrous. Palin is an airhead bimbo that believes the earth is flat and global warming is a myth. McCain doesn't want to serve either. The books must be so bad that nobody wants the job. These two guys are the most reluctant candidates ever.
I can not believe, after watching ubuma's " im gonna give everybody every thing speech, that ANYONE who is a thinking individual could possibly vote for him. what is wrong with you people, have you no pride?
Sorry 5:18, theocracy doesn't earn a vote by default. McCain/Ridge would have taken Pa and stomped the religious right into oblivion. Obama offers them the keys to the WH.
McCain and Ridge...HA. Why not just pick Cheney?
I can't wait till the VP Primary when you hear this Lady speak. She is going to serve up Biden's head on a platter, the way she did to the Old Guard of Alaskan Gov't. I am finally happy with something that the republicans have done, maybe I won't jump ship to the American Patriot Party just yet lol.
VP primary? Nobody actually votes for who becomes VP. I'd prefer the old way when the loser in the presidential race got to be VP.
I can't wait for Biden to walk over to Palin's podium during their first debate, to have her sign some kind of promise.
Biden is a sledge hammer. Are you going to use a sledge hammer on a woman? Biden doesn't know how to tread lightly. You can't win.
Blaber, you might need glasses. You couldn't see the wink wink, nudge nudge from Clinton? What do you say about the PUMA folks? Have you seen texasdarlin.wordpress.com? These were TRUE Hillary fans, as I thought you were. You just do what your party says to do.
4:41, which newbie are you speaking of? I'm a confused lunatic.
6:11 "Airhead bimbo"
Bring on the sexist comments! It will be Clinton/Lazio all over again.
Dumbocrats should have picked Hillary.
It is done. Do what is best for your country. Obama will run it into the ground. Open your eyes people. His policies are based out of the communist manifesto. Read it and you will be surprised.
Blaber was for Hillary, and he did stay with her until the end. I will give him that.
I'm sorry 8:31 that you slept through the 00' and 04' elections. When your base stays home you lose! Pennsylvania means nothing if you pick a VP that makes winning Mississippi difficult.
sorry I meant first VP debate not primary....sorry long day
Was it Ronald Reagan who asked the electorate, "Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?"?
The Republicans can lie to themselves over just about anything (Evolution, global warming, equal rights) but this really takes the cake.
We do not need another Bush Administration or anything like it. The choice is simple. We can't afford another Republican president.
The most direct slogan to you middle-of-the-road, afraid-of-your-own-shadow, too-racist-to-vote-for-anyone-but-a-white-man voters:
OBAMA/BIDEN or we're fucked!
Happy Labor Day,
Jon Sennett
1:04 -Who cares about winning Mississippi? This is about pushing the most dangerous threat to our democracy out of the picture. You are very naive. Try widening your scope to principle in this game. Winning doesn't always mean capturing the WH. What good is it when you've foresaken your principles like Obama has? Principle before party and let the chips fall where they may.
Obama too far left? Very funny damage control. He's swung so far right he's making that atheist McCain look appealing. Barack Megachurch Obama has left the progressives behind.
Dont question Blabers.
But do question Biden's! It would seem that Joe has been from PA all along and not from Delaware. Make up your mind, Joe. Are you from Delaware or Pennsylvania ?
Sara is window dressing meant to slow obamas momentum. W didn't have the experience or wisdom to lead. we can't afford a newbie as vp.
To me, experience is important. Perhaps more important is critical thinking, good judgement and the ability to rely on a first rate cabinet....
If Obama followed McCains logic we would have Chelsea Clinton as secretary of state.
Sarah could easily over shadow McCains meak presentation skills. Who wears the pants...the VP or P?
Kingston libs have gotten a bit worried in the past day.
Sure Blaber is loyal, loyalty to the PARTY, and NOT to himself or any candidate. He will support whomever he is told to support. That is sheep mentality. Jeremy, this is not a personal attack. It is just as I see it. He couldv'e supported Clinton until Thursday night! It would not have affected ANYTHING or would it have proved party fractures, but as I said, it would have spoken in volumes to Blaber's integrity. One cannot buy integrity back, after it is lost. But so long as you have some, you can build on it. And integrity is the ONLY thing blog writers have!
Besides, there was still a chance until last week, for Clinton. But NYrs jumped that ship, real quick.
What if Biden takes himself off the ticket, and Hillary gets on? Will you dems call that a political ploy, which assumes that women will simply vote for Obama/Clinton because she is a woman?
Bubel: You are very wrong if you think that about me. Also, the convention was a formality, Clinton endorsed Obama and he is the candidate.
"Who cares about winning Mississippi?"
"Principles before party"
You'd make one heck of a political strategist. If you feel you are compromising YOUR principles by voting for McCain DON'T vote for him. I'm actually very pleased with John McCain right now. If he picked Ridge, McCain would have struggled across the country and for MY vote. Naive? You are naive to believe McCain could have won with a pro-choice running mate even in Pennsylvania.
She looks like Sally Field,acts like {SNL} Emily LaTella and sounds like {SNL} The Church Lady...Good luck GOP...smitty
In her first campaign trail appearance she's getting booed. I don't think her feminist tact is being received well.
So Blaber you are pro-choice?
"...he might as well of picked Sue Zimet, she is probably more qualified, just ask her."
Do you trust Obama to run the country. He is a junior senator. He started running for president day 1 of his senate term.
Then why did the Saddleback forum give McCain such a boost? Because he was acting and speaking like a Conservative. I guess you call them "nuts?" You want to believe that the country wants watered down Republicans be my guest. You want to believe the country is on your side be my guest.
However, call me anti-American? Why? Because I don't want to treat religion like its a plague? Why? Because I don't want to accept a country that allows partial-birth abortion?
Sir by even thinking to call me that you are not worth my time. As much as I think some people and bloggers are deranged because of their views and I may even poke fun at them they are PATRIOTS and 100% AMERICAN. I criticize Blaber constantly but he is only doing what he thinks is right and by NO MEANS anti-American.
And I hate to tell you...When the candidates are right, Conservatives come out and win...1980, 1984, 1994, 2000, 2002, and 2004. This conversation is over.
Good point Jon Now put it like this are the people of Ulster County better off today than 3 years ago?
The imposition of theologically based legislation upon a secular democracy can only be viewed as an offensive act against its very core. In this country, which we loosely call America, it is considered anti-American. We just rid the product of Republican foreign policy from Afghanistan by overthrowing the Taliban. Why in the world would we permit it to infest our homeland?
Mariner's double filet mignon while being an arterial hazard is well worth the risk!
"with 0 experience in foreign affairs"
Thats funny she directly negotiates with both the Russian and Canadian governments over sea and transportation issues.
What has Obama done, he went to Europe.
He even went to Iraq once..... Oh that is right so did she.
Obama has 3 years in the senate, but you can take out the last year and a half of not voting or working and his time in office matches hers.
She has fought speical interests including big oil...and he takes money from them. Hint: No matter what the democrats say, look at donations from the oil companies they are equal to both parties for a reason. The democrats just don't admit it. Just like not admiting that the UC democrats unaimously voted for Bovis in the Jail project.
If I am not mistaken, Palin has been Governor almost as long as Obama has been a US Senator.
I stayed quiet for a couple of days just to see what the reaction of Liberals would be. It was exactly as I imagined.
Liberals are circling the wagons, trying to make Sarah out to be a terrible choice. Of course, if this were true, they would not be nearly as angry or vocal in their criticisms of her. In point of fact, those who truly understand the way politics work in this country - Liberal or Conservative - realize that McCain could not possibly have chosen a better running mate.
That realization has created enthusiasm among Conservatives and borderline panic among Liberals.
By the way, Liberals should have the brains to stop talking about the size of the town of which Sarah was Mayor. Obama has already ticked off small town America with his classless and tactless "bitter" and "gun clinging" remarks in Pennsylvania during the primary season. Just keep on talking as if small towns are less important than big cities and watch how quickly the residents of those towns flock to McCain-Palin.
The fact is, Sara Palin is the Governor of the largest state in the union territorially. Alaska not only has one of the larget budgets in the country (thanks to oil taxes), but its territorial waters abut those of the Russian Federation, making Alaska the only state to border two foreign nations!
She has run her own businesses, is an avid hunter, and a "hockey mom" to five kids, including one with Down's Syndrome.
In terms of experience, she not only has five years more public service experience than Obama, but is the only one of the four Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates with ANY executive experience. She is also the only one of them who has spent zero time within the Beltway. Sarah Palin is the only one of the four who can legitimately claim to be an outsider in Washington (sorry, Barry - you're an insider.)
Even if Obama's claims about experience were true (they aren't and he is as full of horse puckey on this as on everything else), you cannot compare a Presidential and a Vice-Presidential candidate. When you become President, you start out in the Big Chair from Day One. Historically, very few VPs have ever become President, even temporarily.
On the other hand, I would be willing to wager that, if elected in November as VP, Sarah Palin will become the first female President in either 2012 or 2016. Look out, Hillary. A failed NY Senator is no match for a charismatic VP.
Barack "No Bounce" Obama is in serious trouble in 2008.
Blaber, you jumped off the Clinton train i May, maybe April. Of course I expect you to back Obama after the campaign. I would ask for nothing less.
I see you change yoe thread to one of the many pre approved democratic talking points.
Sarah Palin is a brilliant choice for VP. The Primary reason is that she understands the correct mission for America.
Super Strong Armed Forces
Strong family values
Pro-Life values
Drill for oil in Alaska for energy independence.
Whether the VP candidate is black or white, male or female matters little if their goals for
America are all wrong.
Sorry you got this one wrong Blaber
Sennett is a Parete traitor. All the guy cares about is himself. Julian worked for him last year and he stabs him in the back for a washed up guy on his way out.
938: You people are so nasty and bitter that it would be funny if it was not so pathetic.
For one, Julian did shit for Jon last year, he announced his candidacy, raised no money, was a third place convention loser, dropped out without endorsing anyone and disappeared.
All Julian did was get in the fucking way. You want the truth, it is his fault that Jon is not the DA. The guy had NO business running and just picked away at Sennett's convention support...allowing Bradley to win the first round.
Secondly, Jon does not "just care about himself", as matter of fact Jon usually puts himself last. The guy goes to almost every event, helps candidates, uses his office for phone banking (while JuLIEn, uses his for Sennett bashing)and would help anybody.
All you fair weather supporters make me sick. Your support was not about Jon Sennett, it's about your hatred for John Parete, which existed way before Sennett came along.
So, you losers can keep plotting and making deals with the likes of Zimet and co. but do not question Sennett's integrity. I think one must have integrity in order to question someone else's.
Furthermore, did Sennett endorse any candidate? I believe that he is staying out of it. He is just a committeeman, there is no need for him to get involved. I'm sure that he will not vote for JuLIEn but that is true of anyone with half a brain. Let's be honest, JuLIEn could not carry Parete's jock-strap. At least Parete is a leader that has a proven track record.
BTW- Is it true that JuLIEn named his kid Hudson? Isn't that the name of the Sennett's dog. Can JuLIEn ever do anything before Sennett..can he ever do anything on his own..why does he always have to do everything Jon does? I think JuLIEn may have a man crush on the guy.
As a 59-year-old mother of 3 and grandmother of 2, I find it very upsetting and irresponsible that a mother with a 5-month-old child with Down syndrome thinks its a good idea to run for vice-president.
Yeah I know 12:33 because a woman couldn't possibly handle such a daunting task! Maybe her husband could maybe stay home and help take care of the child while his little lady helps McCain lead the free world. Nah......
12:33 -
What makes you think that running for and being Vice-President is any more challenging than being the Chief Executive of the largest state in the Union?
If Al Gore can do the job, isn't it obvious that it is not all that difficult, in either terms of intelligence or effort?
Palin's 17 year old unwed daughter is 5 months pregnant. This is not relevant except for the fact that it shows McCain's lack of vetting. They had to shake up things and throw a hail Mary pass so they quickly chose Palin who McCain hardlly knows. I think they just got intercepted!
No, it's not relevant. At all. Not to mention the fact that her daughter intends to get married in the near future. I don't like people throwing someones family in the mix for political gain.
With that being said isn't it ironic that the capitol of Palin's home state is Juno? And, yes, I know that is not how it's spelled.
Please, Palin's forceful advocacy of abstinence and her consequent example of its failure are very relevant. Further her dishonesty in hiding her daughter's "condition" by lying to her school about her absense coupled with her lying about trying to get an ex-brother-in-law fired is just too much to discreetly sweep under the rug. This woman is toast and must drop out. What she did to her own daughter is her fault. Marriage at gunpoint is in no way a happy marriage. This behavior is despicable and it's a disgusting example for our youth.
Interesting. First, wheres the proof that she is lying about the brother inlaw I haven't seen anything but accusations. Second, if a local cop tasered their own kid and threatened to kill his father in-law would you not expect their boss to call for his firing, and if not would you not claim that the political figure was illegally protecting their family.
I wonder
The morally corrupt Palins have just given every teenage girl a short-cut to adulthood by having illegitimate kids. 7:54- I guess you're ok with that. The sleaze is under investigation and sworn testimony is on record against her. Your bizarre analogy about some unrelated local cop is some fantasy of yours or do you have a news source to tie this in with Palin's state trooper brother-in-law? 87% of Alaskans think she's lying and she had to hire a defense attorney to defend herself. Doesn't sound too likely that she'll get off. Every reporter in the country is onto her now and the fantasies of loser supporters just aren't making the news cycle.
You liberals, by your own ideology, are NOT alowed to make judgements on this out of wedlock pregnancy. How dare you. If this were Chelsea, and we were making snide comments about her PRIVATE PERSONAL CHOICES, you'd be all up in arms.
The Palin Family 'crisis' will actually bring this family closer to regular American families than Obama or Biden talking about their 'dinner table' chat. Teenage pregnancy is something that MILLIONS of families have dealt with or are dealing with. This is a CONNECTION which cannot be bought.
Go ahead, keep attacking this family. I can only hope NBC and MSNBC attacks the Palin family. You will see NY go red this November.
- "If this were Chelsea, and we were making snide comments about her PRIVATE PERSONAL CHOICES, you'd be all up in arms."
Nice to see that joe bubble has finally seen the light and now supports a woman's right to choose...
Everyone has a right to choose. But just as my rights end, where your face begins, a woman's rights ends when in infringes upon the rights of another.
Apparently, more ever increasingly, the rights to choose have been limited to 'pre-agreed' upon rights, such as smoking. Just like the 1st and a half amendment, freedom of agree speech.
Only one in twenty five McCain supporters approve of Palin. 6% more likely to vote for, 31% less. A sure loser. Luntz and Rasmussen.
According to Rasmussen
-69% of GOP voters believe the choice of Sarah Palin was a good one.
-When all voters are included 52%-36% Favorable/Unfavorable opinion of Sarah Palin
-43% of Americans would like to meet Barack Obama and 30% would like to meet Sarah Palin. That's pretty close considering Obama is the messiah.
This is from today.
And that's exactly why Obama has an average of 7.6 points in five polls out today. The gop voters are such a small percentage of those who would support McCain they're nearly irrelevant. Shoring up that base only serves to decrease McCain's support. Rally the gop and everybody else just votes against them instead. It's just a bad brand. Novak had it pegged, the social conservatives are dead in the water.
She has more experience than OBAMA!
Palin's speech was a home-run.
Buh Bye Barack
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