Kevin's race has been targeted by the RAC committee so it's very important that we all show our support for our great Assemblyman. Now more than ever we need to return Assemblyman Cahill to Albany.
On a side note: There was also a great fundraiser today for Elliott Auerbach at the home of Rich and Colleen Parete that was very well attended.

If only he would have been our County Executive.
lovely event.
He might be - wait until 2011.
Sold out fundraiser? How many people were there? Cahill should have run for County Exec.
Cahill won't play ball with Oliveri and Spada - so he has been shut out locally.
Cahill has never played ball with that crowd, unlike other long term elected democrats. He certainly has shown more integrity than most politicians. He should have been the exec.
Mike Hein has NEVER played ball with anyone either. Mike does what is best for Ulster County and it's taxpayers, period. He stood up to the Esopus lower watch's corrupt practices and lost the Independence endorsement becasue of it. He did not go for the Conservative endorsement becasue it jeopardized his morals. The guy is good man and will make a great executive.
Where's the Jail and Esopus reports - buried
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