Above is a recent poll done by Quinnipiac on Governor Paterson's approval rating. It is absolutely through the roof.
Quinnipiac pollster Mickey Carroll chalks up Paterson's high approval rating to his tough talk about the budget, which has irked some of his Democratic colleagues and labor friends.
Sympathy for the blind or something. This guy sucks.
John Faso
Spitzer had a high approval rating once. These polls are a waste of time. Once Paterson's cuts are known and the unions get upset, the numbers will come down.
Governor Paterson has the respect from both sides of the aisle. Let's hope that Andrew Couomo doesn't even think about forcing a primary against him.
In case you hadn't noticed, Jeremy, Paterson has NOT continued Spitzer's 'Progressive' agenda. He has actually pushed for fiscal responsibility, even if that means cutting some social programs.
I'm surprised you are so behind him. He is the furthest thing from Eliot Spitzer a democrat can get. For example, you were all for licenses for illegal aliens. Paterson is not.
There are notes up regarding last nights' U.C. legislative meeting
(open to public comments) [on a proposed smoking ban on all Ulster
County property] over at http://www.spreadingourwings.blogspot.com
As well as a video on the Legislature's "Ulster Tomorrow" session, which took place after I left, over on Clark Richter's blog (this can be accessed via a link on my blog).
There are also some new polls up (Yep, I do like polls, even if the
write-up is difficult...) on the spreadingingourwings blog...
Thank you,
N.S. / Phoenix
This guy is all talk. He is a good ole' boy with his buds in the assembly and senate. You will not see anything more than maybe a couple of high profile cuts to make him look good. However, if he tries to cut anything that puts his buddies off (eg, pork barrel, or cuts that would make a assemblyman look bad in his district) they will cry and he will drop it. He has proven it already. Every politician in any level of office has spent the last year (at least) preaching change, but doing little more than a couple of things to put them in the paper.
Demcrats and Republicans, both have the same goal, justify why their job is needed, and why their party should be in charge.
He's talking about reducing government spending!
Let's see - Middletown Mayor will propose hiring freeze(Aug 7 - Times Herald Record page 3); IBM announces pay cut (Aug 7, p.33 Times Herald Record); Verizon increases payments for health insurance coverage and requires all workers who retire after 1/1/09to pay for their own health care(Aug 7, 2008)
and Ulster County, City of Kingston and Kingston School District gives raises and add positions
Ulster Tomorrow is Ulster yesterday!
What his polls plummet. He just vetoes a piece of legislation supported by a large majority of NYrs. And it wouldn't have costed a cent.
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