There was at least one thing about Barack and his family that every American could relate to tonight. The opposition can label them elitists but they are just regular everyday hard working Americans . After tonight, I do not know how anyone can not vote for Barack Obama. Barring any unforeseen event taking place, nothing will stop Obama from being our next President.
I can vaguely recall the sense of choke in you throat pride I felt in 1960 as a 16yr old kid when the Dems nominated Kennedy.
Thought I would never recapture that from a convention as an adult but it happened again this week. Renews your faith in our country's basic goodness. Thanks for the coverage...smitty
That's a beautiful picture. What a great first family! I really hope that we as a party can be fully supportive of finding a new direction for the country. Even the thought of a McCain presidency gives me the heebie jeebies.
McCain 2009!!!
I realize that you don't have republican coverage on your blog. But McCain's VP choice just guaranteed him the election. Hopefully he won't be around long and she will take over quickly.
So much for Biden being the attack dog. How do you attack a woman who has fought corruption, has a child in the army and a child with down syndrome, and more importantly has not been sucking off of the gov'ts tit for years and years.
As for Obama and Biden's performances, I am tired of a bunch of rich people telling me that they understand how hard my life is. They are full of it. Bush's tax cuts saved me over $4000 in taxes a year and I am lower middle class. So lets repeal them in our hope of change, good one Obama.
McCain has my vote!
No, obama 2009.
It is done. McCain will get the presidency now. Obama is losing traction big time.
12:33-Palin turns me off on McCain. He was getting my interest by not appeasing the lunatic fringe like Obama was. I can't support the shredding of the constitution. Unlike Palin and Obama, McCain was earning high points for sanity. Who'd have thought a reversal of fortunes could happen so quickly? Hopefully it'll reverse back again by Nov. or I'll have to vote for a third party.
I believe as a party we need to stand strong with this family. He will bring back to us family vaules, morles, and truth. What a beautiful picture for us, a mother and father standing with there children. I know now we are heading in the right direction. This is what dreams are, seeing this family. We have hope with them. This is truely american
McCain is using palin to make himself look good.
John McCain's speech was one for the ages. There is no way your boy Obama can win now. You might as well get on the Hillary '12 bandwagon right now.
McCain-Palin '08!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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