Hillary Clinton gave a great and moving speech tonight in Denver that was electrifying and moving. It exceeded expectations even for staunch Hillary supporters. The message was simple this is bigger than me (Hillary) and there is nothing more important than electing Barack Obama the next President.
Talks of unity was very well received. There is one person that can have the same effect locally amongst Ulster Dems as Hillary had on a national level tonight. He knows who he is and we're counting on him.
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Tonight....Bill Clinton will sing and play the saxophone. His musical selection? "It's my party and I will cry if I want to."
His legacy is right now.
Obama is now behind McCain in the polls. That VP pick got him a negative bounce. I don't think there's any doubt now that Obama's been McCain's best campaigner. We can unite 'til hell freezes over (Liberty University), but this race is lost. All McSame needs to do is coast in on not being Obama.
No matter what Hillary says, her and Bill will not be in any way shape or form a strong advocate for Obama's campaign. They will do what they did for Kerry, a couple of photo ops to fake their support.... Wait for Obama to lose and run Hillary again in 4 years. What you watched last night was a show pure and simple. It does not take a political genius to figure this out.
Hardly......one speech does not unity make.
Now taking donations: Clinton/Warner 2012
This time we'll beat McCain!
She and Bill can form as strong an advocacy as they like but it won't help Obama. Get used to waiting, four more years until a turnaround in policy direction. Better a Republican athiest than a Democratic thumper.
None of this wasted time ironing out the damage that the Clinton's did during the primary would have been necessary if they had stook to the issues. They spent time instead praising McCain and putting down Obama. The chickens have come home to roost.
With all that said Obama will be our next president.
Clintons did damage? No delusional thinking there. Remember how Obama got nominated by a Republican when he loses to McCain. Hillary would have won by a landslide. The damage done in this election clearly came from the Obama campaign. He's going to have to win this to escape becoming the scapegoat for years to come. With every misplaced swipe at the Clintons, his chances get slimmer. Obama has no worse enemies than his own venomous supporters. 84% of Democrats are behind the Clintons. That number goes up every day while Obama slides to defeat. History is repeating itself.
Bob Barr is looking better and better.
Cal the Conservative
Why the Hillary delegates folded, is beyond me. No backbone to stand up to the DNC. I got to hand it to Arizona delegates. They voted the way their voters wanted them to, told the DNC to take a hike, and gave the majority of their delegates to Clinton.
This strong arming should anger you Jeremy.
Obama 48% McCain 42%
Keep on coasting John.
Rasmussen today-47/47. Don't let an anomaly from Gallup fool you. Unless McSame picks some right-wing fundy to out do Obama's stated contempt of our secular founding fathers and the basis of our freedoms as Americans, Obama is doomed to fall victim to his own short-sighted alienation of many who now can't endorse him. He's surely lost sight of his constitutional law teachings that propelled him to viability. Too many of those cheap votes gained by his pandering will go home to the Republican party by November.
Rasmussen Poll
Obama 49% McCain 45%
One can have faith and still be true to the doctrine of separation of church and state. Athiests need not worry, their rights are protected.
No athiest can endorse Obama. He's sold out to the right-wing. McCain on the other hand has stated publicly that atheists are good moral Americans. Obama attacks, McCain courts. Obama doesn't want to win. His numbers will fall flat pretty quickly. McCain just picked a woman for running mate. Obama stupidly did not.
The continuation of Bush's faith based initiative is not staying true to the separation of church and state. Obama has failed a key test of the progressive movement. He's cut off his nose to spite his face.
Larry Flynt just said that he has some real hot S&M photos of the GOP Veep which he will expose Sara Palin for the whore that she is during the Naz.I mean GOP convention next week.
You ma'am are no Hillary Clinton.
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