Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum
cordially invites you to an evening in support of
Elliott Auerbach
for Ulster County Comptroller
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
5:30 pm until 7:30 pm
159 Basin Rd.
West Hurley, NY 12491
tickets @ $30
tickets @ $30
Please RSVP by August 23rd by mail to
Friends of Elliott Auerbach, PO Box 542, Ellenville, NY 12428 or by calling
(845) 532-1503 or by email to jeremyblaber@yahoo.com
We'll be there. Good food and a good candidate.
Concerned Citizen
The Reservoir Inn has the best food. Good choice for an event, Elliott!
Typical Dem establishment. It's hosted Hein and Blaber. They even have a picture of Maurice on their website.
But Republicans don't eat out, they go to Aldi and buy canned tuna. Their idea of going out is eating at the Church pancake breakfast. Boring! Dems know how to have a good time.
Dick Hertz
Hiding the double diping comment I see.
1:44 PM : It's not a Democratic establishment. One, I hosted my event there because the food is good and the owner is a good friend of mine. Any candidate not just Dems can hold an event at the Reservoir Inn. They would be smart to do so.
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