After reading the article in the Freeman on Jim Sottile's first 8 months back in office it is very clear this guy needs to hire a press secretary. I go back to what Alderman Hoffay said last week about good accomplishments being swallowed up by these ridiculous controversies. Mayor Sottile seems to have a new issue every week that he has to deal with, most times they are non issues that turn into a huge story for the simple fact that Hiz Honor can not effectively deal with the press.
There is nothing wrong with that, Sottile is a good mayor but someone that is very emotional and does what he feels is right, no mater what the political backlash. It's respectable and honorable...he just needs to get a professional to express his ideas to the press.
Which one is Sponge Bob the blue shirt??
Blaber, I'm watching your poll that just went up.
10 to 10 already. Looks a little fishy to me.
There are new polls up at http://www.spreadingourwings.blogspot.com
These ones concern everything from City of Kingston Safety Issues, to the "Common Fire" proposal, to folks perspectives on some prominent politicians, to questions about ants, Gorsline, tax exemption and more...
N.S. / Phoenix
I cannot believe that Len Bernardo is outpolling Mike Hein by two to one. It looks like a republican sweep in November for republicans in Ulster county.
If Sottile was a good mayor the blunders he continues to make would have stopped along time ago.
Regarding the raises at the DA's office - you have no idea!! You have no idea how hard the assistants work and how stressful the job is. How much do you think it is worth to prosecute those who rape and sexually abuse children. How much do you think someone who has to try and interview a three year old regarding sexual abuse should get paid. It's nice that you have opinions - but when you sit at home and write these things it is really annoying to the people who have an actual clue!! URGENT is getting plenty of money to do the job they need to do. Whatever you may think, don't begrudge these assistants well-deserved raises!
I am all for the raises, pay them as much as you can and than some. If I was on that legislature, my votes would always be in favor of properly funding the DA's office and giving them every resource possible.
I wrote a post in May that advocated the legislature to give DA Carnright the money he requested.
Here it is: http://blabernews.blogspot.com/2008/05/give-carnright-money.html
What I didn't agree with was using the operation Impact money for staff raises. Especially when Carnright currently has a request in the legislature asking for money for that specific purpose.
In my humble opinion, the Impact money should be used for prevention programs and updating that office to the 21st century.
Why don't you use the money to disclose the Jail report you helped bury from the Public?
"What I didn't agree with was using the operation Impact money for staff raises. Especially when Carnright currently has a request in the legislature asking for money for that specific purpose."
I understand what you are saying, however - as the URGENT team makes more and more arrests - who do you think prosecutes those cases? Possibly, grand jury through trial? Why shouldn't the assistants benefit from some of that money. And, in the midst of budgetary woes and a "hiring freeze", the probability of the legislature granting this request is slim to none.
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