The Freeman has a good editorial endorsing an idea proposed by Mayor Jim Sottile to end the City's stint work policy. The policy allows employees to leave right after the days work tasks are completed. Employees are paid for an eight-hour day, but are said to typically work between four and six hours without a lunch break.
Read the------>> Editorial Here
Maybe the Post Office should only deliver mail 5 days a week.
Let me guess, you support the Mayors plan?
Maybe the Mayor should solicit input and plan before he signs contracts.
There's no beneifit to eliminating stint work. It's a dirty nasty job, and the sooner you can get it done, and go home to a hot shower, the better.
Maybe the mayor should eliminate city hall "summer hours". Those "summer hours" were put into place years ago when city hall wasn't air conditioned. The summer hours are no longer needed.
The freeman is right on account it must be negotiated out of the contract. see you in 2011
Why doesn't the Mayor and all who support his plan do a days work on the stint trucks. Then they will have a better understanding of what these men and women go through.
Lets get something straight about "Summer Hours". It was not negotiated because of no air conditioning in city hall, does anyone really believe that it is cooler between 9am and 4pm, than it is 8:30 and 4:30, it was negotiated because the city at that time could not afford to give the employees a raise. If you do the math you will find out that it amounts to about 2 weeks pay.
If the sanitation employees walk carefully and do not run, take breaks, personal and restroom, lunches, take personal calls, do not jump on and off moving trucks, do not carry over weight cans single-handily instead of with two employees, walk and place each and every can back individually - the overtime required will reduce other services.
Think about it!
The DPW harassment managers who stepped down to Civil Service positions will now forever be wrapped in taxpayer paid cocoons. As managers they could be fired - not now - nice deal Mayor and DPW Board made.
This will boost the harassment damages.
May be if the people that work in city hall would take there breaks when there surpose to instead of smoking 50 times a day some real work would get done. Try to count how many times the ladies in city hall that work for the DPW go out to have a smoke break. Smoke breaks, lunch breaks, bathroom talk breaks, gossip breaks, and lets not forget the 15 min break that there aloud by law. Wow lots of breaks. Lets not forget car wash break. Yea good job at city hall.
Bill Berardi hit the nail on the head,the Mayor and the bosses at DPW know this thats why (when they had the chance to remove it) they didnot.It is clear that they're just trying to make the union officials look bad, but the Mayor is'nt smart enough to realize he is the one that looks bad.He put it in writing a.k.a. (a contract).
Nice day(rain) to Pick up trash today - huh?
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